EOC US History Assessments Practice Test #2

Last Updated on May 23, 2024

EOC US History Assessments Practice Test #2: The End-of-Course (EOC) assessments for U.S. History Practice Test is an integral educational resource designed to help students prepare for their final examination in U.S. History. This EOC practice test is typically aligned with the established curriculum standards and is administered at the completion of the course.

EOC US History Practice Tests can be a valuable tool for students who are preparing for the EOC assessment. By taking these tests, students can get a sense of the types of questions that will be asked on the EOC assessment, and they can also identify areas where they need to improve their knowledge.

There are a number of different EOC US History Practice Tests available online and in print. Some of these tests are free, while others require a fee. When choosing an EOC US History Practice Test, it is important to select one that is aligned with the state standards for US History.

EOC US History Assessments Practice Test #2

EOC US History Assessments Test 2

EOC US History Practice Test #2

EOC US History Practice Test #2
End of Course EOC Assessment Test

Total Items: 40
Time Limit: 60 minutes
Score: You can find your test score as a percentage at the end of the test!
Note: The real test may consist of 50 to 65 MCQs

1 / 40

The newspaper headline below describes a significant event in U.S. foreign affairs.

How did this event contribute to the United States’ entry into World War I?

2 / 40

The table below provides information about the African-American population in several cities after the Civil War.

Which condition in society was primarily responsible for the change in urban population?

3 / 40

The Iran-Contra Affair during the Reagan Administration involved:

4 / 40

The Cold War policy of containment was designed to:

5 / 40

The purpose of the Marshall Plan after World War II was to:

6 / 40

The "separate but equal" doctrine, which upheld racial segregation, was established by which Supreme Court case?

7 / 40

During the era of Reconstruction in the South, the Black Codes were enacted to:

8 / 40

The policy of "Manifest Destiny" is most associated with:

9 / 40

What was one significant effect of the Homestead Act of 1862?

10 / 40

What geographic feature would have prevented the early English colonizers from moving further west, to the interior of North America?

11 / 40

Which of the following would most likely have contributed to job reductions in the U.S. automotive industry?

12 / 40

Which of the following statements about the separation of powers is FALSE?

13 / 40

World War 1 saw the introduction of all of the following dangerous new weapons EXCEPT:

14 / 40

Which of the following was a RESULT of the civil rights movement?

15 / 40

Which TWO presidents are most closely associated with the Progressive Movement?

16 / 40

Which letter on the map displays the area that was divided into California and provided for popular sovereignty in the remaining territory under the Compromise of 1850?

17 / 40

Which of the following military conflicts was the occasion for the War Powers Act to be passed?

18 / 40

To address concerns that the Constitution failed to safeguard individual liberties, supporters of the Constitution promised the passage of:

19 / 40

What has happened to American oil consumption in the 20th century?

20 / 40

Between 1870 and 1910, American immigration could be described as:

21 / 40

Migration within the United States from rural areas to urban areas was MAINLY the result of which of the following?

22 / 40

Which of these colonial American documents outlines the "inalienable rights" of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"?

23 / 40

Which of the following is the best evaluation of World War II’s effects on job opportunities for women in the U.S.?

24 / 40

Which of the following foreign policy statements declared that the U.S. would not tolerate European interference in the affairs of the Americas?

25 / 40

Which American was most important in convincing France to join the American quest for independence from Britain?

26 / 40

Lewis and Clark, whom Thomas Jefferson commissioned to explore and map the Louisiana Purchase, were assisted in their expedition by which of the following Native Americans?

27 / 40

Movement of employees to the suburbs after World War II was largely a result of the popularization of:

28 / 40

Which Virginian is known as the "Father of the Constitution"?

29 / 40

Which of Wilson’s Fourteen Points, controversial in the United States, ultimately failed to pass the U.S. Senate?

30 / 40

Which Supreme Court Case established the power of the courts to declare a law unconstitutional?

31 / 40

The Supreme Court’s decision in McCulloch v. Maryland established that:

32 / 40

Which of the following events was a turning point in the Pacific theater of World War II?

33 / 40

The "Manifest Destiny" doctrine can be described as:

34 / 40

The New Deal was a series of programs and reforms introduced by which U.S. President?

35 / 40

What was the primary purpose of the Monroe Doctrine?

36 / 40

What was the main effect of the system of debt peonage that emerged in the South during the late 19th century?

37 / 40

The passage below is an excerpt from the Fourteenth Amendment: ... This amendment was proposed by Congress in response to which of the following?

38 / 40

What was the main accomplishment of the Freedmen's Bureau?

39 / 40

Which of these was a direct consequence of the Civil War?

40 / 40

The Kansas-Nebraska Act concerned which issue?

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