EOC US History Practice Test #4

Last Updated on May 23, 2024

EOC US History Practice Test #4 End-of-Course (EOC) assessments. The End-of-Course (EOC) US History Practice Test #4 serves as a pivotal tool for students preparing for their final assessments in US history. This test, mirroring the rigor and design of the official EOC assessment, assesses students on a broad spectrum of topics, spanning from the foundational moments of the American colonies to the complexities of modern-day events.

By engaging with this practice test, students can gain insights into their strengths and areas needing further review, while also becoming familiar with the structure and style of questions they’ll encounter on the official test. In essence, Practice Test #4 offers a comprehensive review, helping students stride confidently towards their EOC US History assessment.

EOC US History Practice Test #4

Crafted with precision, this test contains a total of 40 items and offers students a time limit of 60 minutes. Once completed, you can swiftly find your test score displayed as a percentage at the end!

EOC US History Assessments Test 4

EOC US History Practice Test #4

EOC US History Practice Test #4
End of Course EOC Assessment Test

Total Items: 40
Time Limit: 60 minutes
Score: You can find your test score as a percentage at the end of the test!
Note: The real test may consist of 50 to 65 MCQs

1 / 41

Which of the following BEST describes Abraham Lincoln’s public position on slavery by 1860?

2 / 41

The American Federation of Labor (AFL), led by Samuel Gompers, proposed that the union should negotiate for all the workers. This idea is called

3 / 41

By 1863, MOST military planners knew that the South could not continue to fight indefinitely because

4 / 41

Use the information below to answer the question that follows. Confederate victories in these battles are BEST explained by Confederate superiority in

5 / 41

The core membership of the Populist Party in the 1890s consisted of

6 / 41

On May 10, 1869, in Promontory, Utah, the East and the West became connected by the completion of

7 / 41

Which word BEST describes the agricultural system used during Reconstruction that allowed white landowners to benefit from the labor of former slaves without paying wages?

8 / 41

Read the excerpt from Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address. This selection expresses Lincoln’s hope for restoration of

9 / 41

Why was the Fourteenth Amendment NOT successfully implemented in Southern states during the Reconstruction Era?

10 / 41

The Confederate defeat at Vicksburg was important because it

11 / 41

The Supreme Court decided in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) that segregated accommodations were constitutionally allowable as long as they were equal. So the doctrine of “separate but equal” was established. Why did many people object to that ruling?

12 / 41

United States involvement in the Korean War was part of its policy of

13 / 41

Use the flow chart to answer the question.

Which of the following events should appear in the box with the question mark?

14 / 41

Which of these MOST accurately describes a result of Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” programs?

15 / 41

Why did President Kennedy approve the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba by Cuban exiles supported by the Central Intelligence Agency in 1961?

16 / 41

During the 1990s, the economies of Canada, Mexico, and the United States became more integrated when all three nations agreed to

17 / 41

The purpose of the Nuremberg war crimes trials after World War II was to

18 / 41

The development of suburban areas in the United States during the 1950s can be attributed mostly to

19 / 41

Which of the following helps to explain the reason for American expansionism in the mid-1800s and early 1900s?

20 / 41

“The growth of a large business is merely the survival of the fittest.” —John D. Rockefeller The point of view expressed in this quotation is an example of

21 / 41

President Theodore Roosevelt stated that the people deserved a “Square Deal” from their government. What did he mean by that?

22 / 41

What was the effect on the United States of the sinking of the ship Lusitania by a German submarine in 1915?

23 / 41

“Let me assert [declare] my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” —President Franklin D. Roosevelt, March 4, 1933 In his first inaugural address, President Franklin D. Roosevelt was warning the American people NOT to be discouraged by the effects of

24 / 41

By the early 1900s, U.S. government interest in developing an economic relationship with the Chinese empire was part of an overall plan to

25 / 41

Which statement is MOST true about many African Americans during World War I?

26 / 41

What was one result of the work of the Tennessee Valley Authority in the 1930s?

27 / 41

The United States entered World War I in April 1917. Less than a month later, the law below was passed by Congress. So many people were required so quickly because the United States previously had

28 / 41

In the 1920s, the Ku Klux Klan and nativist movements such as the Immigration Restriction League shared the belief that

29 / 41

Charles A. Lindbergh piloted The Spirit of St. Louis from New York to Paris in the first successful solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean. What was the greatest immediate impact of Lindbergh’s accomplishment?

30 / 41

The United States gained control of the land it needed to build the Panama Canal by

31 / 41

What was one effect of the Wagner Act (1935)?

32 / 41

Which of the following contributed MOST to the forced removal of Native Americans from the Great Plains from 1867 to 1890?

33 / 41

In the late 1800s, railroads were charging high prices to ship and store agricultural produce. When other political efforts failed to reduce freight charges, farmers began to demand that the U.S. government produce more silver money. Why did the farmers want the minting of more silver money?

34 / 41

The 26th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which lowered the voting age to 18, was largely a response to

35 / 41

In response to the launch of Sputnik by the Soviet Union, the United States

36 / 41

The Marshall Plan, developed after World War II, was aimed at

37 / 41

Which of the following leaders during the Civil Rights era beginning in 1947 is BEST known for advocating non-violent demonstrations?

38 / 41

Which of the following events is a direct cause of the involvement of the United States in the Persian Gulf War?

39 / 41

What was one major result of the “space race” that occurred during the 1950s and 1960s?

40 / 41

What action did President Dwight Eisenhower take when Governor Orval Faubus refused to allow African-American students to attend Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas?

41 / 41

All of the following are examples of nonviolent demonstration against racial segregation in the United States in the 1960s EXCEPT

Your score is

While this practice test provides a focused review, bear in mind that the real EOC US History assessment may consist of 50 to 65 multiple-choice questions. Engaging with this test is a great way to gauge your preparedness and gain familiarity with the type of questions you’ll encounter.

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