NCE Practice Test Chapter 3: Areas of Clinical Focus

Last Updated on May 23, 2024

NCE Practice Test Chapter 3: Areas of Clinical Focus. The National Counselor Exam (NCE) Chapter 3 – Areas of Clinical Focus Practice Test is an insightful resource designed to help aspiring counselors prepare for an important section of the NCE. This practice test comprises 50 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) that concentrate on the various areas of clinical focus in the counseling profession, enhancing your understanding of specialized counseling approaches and interventions.

In this practice test, you can expect questions that cover topics such as:

  • Mental health counseling, including anxiety, depression, and trauma-related disorders
  • Substance abuse and addiction counseling
  • Couples and family counseling, addressing relationship issues and communication problems
  • Crisis and trauma counseling, including interventions for emergencies and disasters
  • Grief and bereavement counseling
  • Career counseling and vocational development
  • Counseling for diverse populations, such as LGBTQ+ individuals, older adults, and people with disabilities
  • Evidence-based counseling approaches and interventions specific to each clinical focus

NCE Practice Test Chapter 3:

Chapter 3 Test

NCE Practice Test - Chapter 3

National Counselor Examination (NCE) - Chapter 3 Practice test
Chapter 3 - Areas of Clinical Focus
Total Items: 50
Time Lime: N/A

1 / 50

Professional counselors must be familiar with common examples of genetic disorders. Males born with an extra X chromosome have

2 / 50

As genetic screening becomes more prominent, it is important for counselors to be knowledgeable about different classes and examples of genetic disorders. Sickle cell anemia is classified as

3 / 50

Different parts and structures within the brain are responsible for various functions. The ________ is responsible for regulating arousal and attention.

4 / 50

The brain is divided into three parts. The most primitive part of the brain is the

5 / 50

The brain usually reaches its adult weight by the time a person is

6 / 50

Nature versus nurture has been a controversial topic in developmental psychology. Today, epigenetic theorists emphasize the importance of

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Intelligence is accounted for mostly by a person’s

8 / 50

Part of biological aging, the term catabolism refers to

9 / 50

Diane is often mistaken for being 10 years younger than her actual age. She says that her youthful glow is from living a carefree life and lots of physical activity. Which of the following is NOT a true statement about biological aging?

10 / 50

Aging involves growth and change in an organism over time and is categorized as

11 / 50

Tony and Danielle recently survived a flood within their community, which destroyed their personal property— causing them to miss work as they tried to rebuild their lives. As a result, they developed substantial anxiety as their financial resources dwindled. A counselor may want to most engage in the following type of intervention to work with the couple:

12 / 50

According to the Indivisible Self wellness model, the following is NOT part of the essential self:

13 / 50

Jessica worked with survivors of a terrorist attack. Two weeks into her post-attack work, she had trouble sleeping and wondered to her friends, “What’s the point of all the work that I do? It’s not solving anything. Terrorists will keep on killing and there’s nothing I can do to stop that.” Jessica is experiencing

14 / 50

All of the following are developmental crises EXCEPT

15 / 50

Lydia was 28 years old when her daughter fell ill and died from food contaminated with E. Coli. She began attending a group for parents who are grieving a child, but she still has a difficult time coping. Lydia’s loss is a

16 / 50

Romel and Janissa announced that they planned to get divorced. Janissa spoke to her mother and said their problems had been occurring for a while, and she realized these problems were insurmountable. Today, a couple’s divorce is most commonly blamed on

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Parents who enforce a set standard of conduct and frequently use physical punishment to control their children are

18 / 50

Children of permissive parents often become all of the following EXCEPT

19 / 50

During the ________ stage of family development, it is most important for boundaries to become more flexible.

20 / 50

What percentage of first marriages end in divorce?

21 / 50

Peck’s theory of adult development is an expansion of

22 / 50

In Gould’s theory of adult development, adults must do each of the following EXCEPT

23 / 50

In Havighurst’s model of human development, many of the earlier (childhood) tasks are

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Havighurst believed that relating to one’s spouse as a person is a developmental task of

25 / 50

According to Gesell, human development is PRIMARILY due to

26 / 50

Millie takes her younger brother’s cookie and begins to eat it. When her mother explains that stealing cookies is not allowed in their house, she crushes the cookie in her brother’s hand. Her mother is exasperated but knows that Millie doesn’t understand the reason for this rule. Millie is in the ________ stage of Piaget’s theory of moral development.

27 / 50

A woman who balances her personal needs with those of others is in the ________ stage of Gilligan’s theory of moral development.

28 / 50

People who are in the conventional stage of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development may do all of the following EXCEPT follow the rules

29 / 50

Individuals who adhere to moral standards to satisfy their own personal desires are in Kohlberg’s ________ stage of moral development.

30 / 50

Frankie and Margot are in their twenties and thirties, respectively. They are probably in the ________ level of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development.

31 / 50

Claire is three years old. When her mother leaves for work in the morning, she cries so loud and for so long that her grandparents shut all the apartment windows and doors. They fear that their neighbors will suspect child abuse. When Claire’s mother returns, Claire clings to her leg as she does her house chores for the evening. Claire would be considered by Mary Ainsworth to display

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According to Maslow, before people can meet their needs for esteem, they must meet their need for

33 / 50

Desiree is an obedient daughter who wants to make sure her family approves of her choices. At school, she has always felt more comfortable following the rules than rebelling. She is in the ________ stage of Loevinger’s ego development theory.

34 / 50

Erikson would consider a normal 4-year-old child to be in the ________ stage of personality development

35 / 50

Freud believed that fixation results from

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When do babies become adept at holophrasing?

37 / 50

The appropriate use of grammar is the definition of

38 / 50

How many morphemes does the word “books” have?

39 / 50

Language rules that transcend specific languages and cultures are called

40 / 50

Noam Chomsky’s theory of language development is considered to be a(n)

41 / 50

Devin is 17-years-old and drives over the speed limit without wearing seatbelts. When his girlfriend complains, he tells her there is no way they can get hurt. “Sweetie, I’m a great driver, and I promise I’d never drive any faster than I can handle.” It’s likely that Devin

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Individuals can think logically and abstractly when they reach the

43 / 50

Animism refers to

44 / 50

Billy is an infant who is playing with his father. His father takes a ball and hides it behind his back. Billy laughs and begins to search for the ball. Billy is in the ________ stage of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development.

45 / 50

Two Indian American men referred to their neighbor as Chinese. Their neighbor became annoyed and corrected them saying, “I’m Filipino! Get it right.” The two men were surprised they were scolded. One said to the other, “Probably the Chinese and Filipinos are part of different castes. That must be why he is offended.” According to Piaget, these neighbors are involved in the process of adaptation known as

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Ethan is two years old. After watching his mother wrinkle her nose at items she disliked, he began picking up items and showing them to his grandparents. “That’s nasty!” he would inform them. Which of the following people developed social learning theory, which is based on the principle that people learn through observation, imitation, and modeling?

47 / 50

John is extremely stressed about his upcoming statistics test. His counselor suggests that he try imagining that he is at a lake fishing for the day. John does so and begins to feel better. Which of the following people developed the principle of reciprocal inhibition, which means that a person cannot engage in two mutually exclusive events simultaneously?

48 / 50

In classical conditioning, the temporal relationship between the unconditioned stimulus and the conditioned stimulus is important. The effectiveness of the conditioning depends on how and when either stimulus is presented. Which of the following is the most successful form of conditioning?

49 / 50

In classical conditioning, when people present a conditioned stimulus at the same time as the unconditioned stimulus, they are using

50 / 50

Classical conditioning is a type of stimulus-response learning theory. Recall Ivan Pavlov’s well-known studies on the salivation of dogs when presented with food powder. In his famous experiments with dogs, the conditioned stimulus was

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