NYC Sanitation Exam Practice Test 2024 (UPDATED)

Last Updated on June 19, 2024

NYC Sanitation Exam Practice Test 2024 (UPDATED) Prepare for the New York City Sanitation Worker Exam (Sanitation Enforcement Agent ) with our updated 2024 practice test. In addition to our free review practice test, you can download a printable PDF of the Sanitation Worker Exam questions and answers.

Use these resources to enhance your NYC Sanitation test prep, ensuring you are well-prepared to succeed. Our practice test and downloadable PDF provide comprehensive coverage to help you achieve a high score.

Sanitation Workers, under direct supervision, perform work and prepare and operate various types of equipment involved in street cleaning, waste collection, recycling collection, snow removal, encumbrance removal, and waste disposal; and, when assigned, perform enforcement duties. Sanitation Enforcement Agents may be required to work rotating tours or shifts, including nights, Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and overtime, depending upon the needs of the service. The work week is 40 hours.

Sanitation Enforcement Agents, under supervision, are responsible for enforcing specific laws, rules, and regulations of the New York City Health and Administrative Codes, New York State Public Health Law (Canine Waste), New York State Vehicle and Traffic Laws, and New York City Traffic Regulations and for preparing and issuing summonses for certain violations thereof.

NYC Sanitation Practice Test 2024

The NYC Sanitation Exam Practice Test consists of 70 multiple-choice questions on understanding written language, communicating information, using judgment to recognize a problem, following rules, using spatial reasoning, and adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing numbers.


NYC Sanitation Enforcement Agent Exam Practice Test #1

NYC Sanitation Enforcement Agent Exam
Practice Test #1
Total Items : 30
Free Test NO Registration is Required

1 / 31

Answer questions 6 to 8 solely on the basis of the map on the facing page. The arrows indicate traffic flow;one arrow indicates a one- way street going in the direction of the arrow; two arrows represent a two-way street. You are not allowed to go the wrong way on a one-way street.

7. Sanitation Workers Martini and Schmid are southbound on Canyon Drive and have just crossed Edward Street. They receive a call that a city collection truck has broken down, leaving one pick-up to be made near a bus stop located at Livingston Avenue and Bortz Road. They are asked to make the unscheduled pick-up. What is the quickest route for Sanitation Workers Martini and Schmid to take to the bus stop?

2 / 31

Answer questions 6 to 8 solely on the basis of the map on the facing page. The arrows indicate traffic flow;one arrow indicates a one- way street going in the direction of the arrow; two arrows represent a two-way street. You are not allowed to go the wrong way on a one-way street.

6. Sanitation Workers Kazinski and Benning are completing a routine pick-up at the Livingston Avenue Mall at the southeast corner of the building. Dispatch notifies them of a special pick-up at a residence located at the northwest corner of Canyon Drive and Linda Lane. What is the quickest route for Kazinski and Benning to take to the residence?

3 / 31

5. You are collecting trash in a residential neighborhood and drop a bag on the sidewalk. The bag splits, and four items fall out: a plastic coat hanger, a razor blade, a closed pocket knife, and a soldering iron. Which item is the most dangerous one for you to handle?

4 / 31

Answer questions 3 and 4 on the basis of the following information.

The city has distributed standardized recycling containers to all
households, with directions that read: We would prefer that you use
this new container as your primary recycling container. Additional
recycling containers may be purchased from the city

4. According to the directions, which of the following is true about the new containers?

5 / 31

Answer questions 3 and 4 on the basis of the following information.

The city has distributed standardized recycling containers to all
households, with directions that read: We would prefer that you use
this new container as your primary recycling container. Additional
recycling containers may be purchased from the city

3. According to the directions, each household

6 / 31

2. Jean is standing at the intersection of the two lines shown above. If she travels north for two blocks, then west for three blocks, then south for four blocks, and then east for five blocks, in which quadrant will she end up?

7 / 31

1. In the street scene shown above, which would be the best place for the driver to position the collection truck so that workers can load all three piles of garbage without moving the truck or touching any of the cars?

8 / 31

Answer questions 6 to 8 solely on the basis of the map on the facing page. The arrows indicate traffic flow;one arrow indicates a one- way street going in the direction of the arrow; two arrows represent a two-way street. You are not allowed to go the wrong way on a one-way street.

8. Sanitation Shift Supervisor Richfield is driving west on Bortz Road. She makes a right onto James Avenue, then a left onto Linda Lane, then a right onto Livingston Avenue, and then a right onto Barcelona Boulevard. What direction is she facing?

9 / 31

9. While driving your street sweeper down a street scheduled for cleaning one afternoon, you find a blue sedan parked in the path of the sweeper. A man is sitting behind the wheel of the car reading a book. What should you do?

10 / 31

10. You are driving a collection truck northbound on a residential street. A school bus on the south side of the street is letting children off and has on its flashing red lights. What should you do?

11 / 31

Answer questions 11 and 12 on the basis of the following table.

Jemkins 40 2
Garcia 38 1
Washington 40 0
Romanov 40 5

11. All full-time workers at the sanitation department work at least 40 regular hours every week. According to the above time sheet, which employee is NOT full-time?

12 / 31

Answer questions 11 and 12 on the basis of the following table.

Jemkins 40 2
Garcia 38 1
Washington 40 0
Romanov 40 5

12. Employees with the least seniority are required to work overtime before employees with more seniority. According to the above time sheet, which employee probably has the most seniority?

13 / 31

Answer questions 13 and 14 based on the information provided below.

Departmental policy instructs all sanitation workers to fill out a
Leave Request Form when they want to take time off. The leave
forms have to be turned in no later than 48 hours before the
worker's vacation starts and must be signed by a supervisor before
being turned in to the department office.

13. Sanitation Worker Purnelli wants Saturday off to take his son to a baseball game. He asks his supervisor on Wednesday and is told to fill out a Leave Request Form. After he fills out the form, he should

14 / 31

Answer questions 13 and 14 based on the information provided below.

Departmental policy instructs all sanitation workers to fill out a
Leave Request Form when they want to take time off. The leave
forms have to be turned in no later than 48 hours before the
worker's vacation starts and must be signed by a supervisor before
being turned in to the department office.

14. To make sure she gets days off that she wants, Sanitation Worker Chow turns in her leave form one month ahead of time. The front office returns the form to her a few days later because she forgot to have her supervisor sign the form. What should she do now?

15 / 31

15. You've just come from a meeting where employees were told to report on-the-job injuries to the supervisor as soon as they happen. As you hook up a snow plow to a truck, you cut your right thumb. The cut is fairly deep but only hurts a little. What should you do?

16 / 31

15. You've just come from a meeting where employees were told to report on-the-job injuries to the supervisor as soon as they happen. As you hook up a snow plow to a truck, you cut your right thumb. The cut is fairly deep but only hurts a little. What should you do?

17 / 31

16. A city ordinance reads "Residential garbage is defined as that produced by households in single-family dwellings or buildings with no more than two residential units." This means that

18 / 31

17. If a street sweeper travels at the speed of 15 mph for 2.5 hours, how far will it travel? (Distance = Rate × Time)

19 / 31

Answer questions 18 and 19 on the basis of the following information.

After a snow or ice fall, the city streets are treated with ordinary
rock salt. In some areas, the salt is combined with calcium chloride,
which is more effective in below-zero temperatures and better
melts ice. This combination of salt and calcium chloride is also less
damaging to foliage along the roadways.

18. In deciding whether to use ordinary rock salt or the salt and calcium chloride on a particular street, which of the following is NOT a consideration?

20 / 31

Answer questions 18 and 19 on the basis of the following information.

After a snow or ice fall, the city streets are treated with ordinary
rock salt. In some areas, the salt is combined with calcium chloride,
which is more effective in below-zero temperatures and better
melts ice. This combination of salt and calcium chloride is also less
damaging to foliage along the roadways.

19. According to the snow treatment directions, which of the following is true?

21 / 31

Answer questions 20 and 21 on the basis of the following information.

Only supervisors of the sanitation department are qualified to
handle hazardous waste. Hazardous waste is defined as any waste
designated hazardous by the United States Environmental
Protection Agency. If a sanitation worker is unclear as to whether a
particular item is hazardous, he or she should not handle the item
but instead should notify the supervisor for directions.

20. Sanitation Worker Wong comes upon a container of cleaning solvent that has been set out along with the regular garbage in front of a residence. The container does not list the contents of the cleaner. Wong should

22 / 31

Answer questions 20 and 21 on the basis of the following information.

Only supervisors of the sanitation department are qualified to
handle hazardous waste. Hazardous waste is defined as any waste
designated hazardous by the United States Environmental
Protection Agency. If a sanitation worker is unclear as to whether a
particular item is hazardous, he or she should not handle the item
but instead should notify the supervisor for directions.

21. On the basis of the passage, which of the following is the best definition of hazardous waste?

23 / 31

22. The cost of a list of supplies for a sanitation crew is as follows: $19.98, $52.20, $12.64, and $7.79. What is the total cost?

24 / 31

23. District 5 of one city's sanitation department serves about 21,500 residents. Of these, 11,350 live in single-family dwellings. About what percent of the district's residents live in single-family dwellings?

25 / 31

Answer questions 24 to 26 based on the following procedure.

Sanitation Department procedure for drivers who check out
vehicles state that all sanitation vehicles are to be inspected for
damage and to see if they operate properly before being driven on
the road. The driver of each vehicle is responsible for walking
around his or her vehicle and checking for the following situations:

  1. puddles of fluid underneath the vehicle indicating a leak
  2. burnt out tail lights, turn signals, hazard lights, or headlights
  3. damage such as dents or paint damage
  4. low tire pressure and loose lug nuts

Sanitation Worker Tsun has a meeting with his supervisor one morning which makes him a little late starting his route. He jogs to his collection truck, eager to get on the road. At this point, Tsun should

26 / 31

Answer questions 24 to 26 based on the following procedure.

Sanitation Department procedure for drivers who check out
vehicles state that all sanitation vehicles are to be inspected for
damage and to see if they operate properly before being driven on
the road. The driver of each vehicle is responsible for walking
around his or her vehicle and checking for the following situations:

  1. puddles of fluid underneath the vehicle indicating a leak
  2. burnt out tail lights, turn signals, hazard lights, or headlights
  3. damage such as dents or paint damage
  4. low tire pressure and loose lug nuts

25. Sanitation Worker Rodriquez checks out one truck and performs the inspection. The truck engine won't start so he turns this truck back in for repair and checks out another truck. He should

27 / 31

Answer questions 24 to 26 based on the following procedure.

Sanitation Department procedure for drivers who check out
vehicles state that all sanitation vehicles are to be inspected for
damage and to see if they operate properly before being driven on
the road. The driver of each vehicle is responsible for walking
around his or her vehicle and checking for the following situations:

  1. puddles of fluid underneath the vehicle indicating a leak
  2. burnt out tail lights, turn signals, hazard lights, or headlights
  3. damage such as dents or paint damage
  4. low tire pressure and loose lug nuts

26. Sanitation Worker Luhan and Sanitation Worker Ratchet will be riding together today. Luhan is the driver so she checks out the vehicle. What should she do next?

28 / 31

Answer questions 27 to 29 on the basis of the following graph.

27. How many tons of garbage were deposited in the landfill in 1992?

29 / 31

Answer questions 27 to 29 on the basis of the following graph.

28. Which period had the greatest increase in garbage?

30 / 31

Answer questions 27 to 29 on the basis of the following graph.

29. If the trend indicated by the chart continues, what can the city expect about the amount of garbage deposited in the landfill in 1995?

31 / 31

30. An hour after a wind storm, Sanitation Worker Garcia is driving north on Washington Street when he comes upon a large tree limb that has fallen and is blocking his lane. About fifty yards north is the intersection of Washington and Fourth Avenue where there is a public telephone booth. Garcia carefully drives around the fallen limb and stops to phone in a report. Which of the following statements most clearly and accurately reports this situation?

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NYC Sanitation Exam 2024

The NYC Sanitation Exam is designed with multiple-choice to assess the extent to which candidates have specific abilities determined to be essential to performing the tasks of a Sanitation Enforcement Agent.

Test Name Sanitation Enforcement Agent 4089
Administer Department of Citywide Administrative Services
Current Salary $31,320 per annum
Education four-year high school diploma or its educational equivalent
Age Minimum 17 ½ years old
Language Known English
Question Type multiple-choice test
Minimum Passing Score 70%
Test Type Online Computer Terminal
Test Date Tuesday, May 28, 2024


To take the exam, you MUST:

  • Be at least 17 ½ years old

By the date of your appointment, you MUST:

  • Be at least 21 years old (required to drive interstate)
  • Have a high school diploma or GED
  • Have a valid New York State Commercial Driver’s License Class A or B with the required endorsements and restrictions
  • Pass a physical test
  • Meet medical guidelines
  • Pass a drug and alcohol screening
  • Live within the five boroughs of New York City or in Nassau or Westchester counties

NYC Sanitation Test 2024

The multiple-choice test will be given at a computer terminal. Your score on this test will determine your place on an eligible list. You must score at least 70% to pass the test. The test may include questions requiring the use of any of the following abilities:

Written Comprehension: Understanding written sentences and paragraphs.

Problem Sensitivity: being able to tell when something is wrong or is likely to go wrong. It includes being able to identify the whole problem as well as elements of the problem.

Written Expression: using English words or sentences in writing so that others will understand.

Information Ordering: following a rule or set of rules or actions in a certain order correctly. The rule or set of rules used must be given. The things or actions to be put in order include numbers, letters, words, pictures, procedures, sentences, and mathematical or logical operations.

Deductive Reasoning: applying general rules to specific problems and coming up with logical answers

Spatial Orientation: determining where you are about the location of some object or where the object is about you.

Inductive Reasoning: combining separate pieces of information or specific answers to problems to form general rules or conclusions; thinking of possible reasons for why things go together.

If you pass the multiple-choice test, you will be scheduled to take the physical test in score order as vacancies occur.

TIPS: One of the biggest mistakes people make when applying for a job is not preparing for the interview. We all seem to think we can do nothing to get ready. But a little thought and maybe even some discussion with a friend or partner can greatly prepare you for the dreaded job interview.

Always be honest in a job interview. The chances are that when you signed your job application, you permitted the Sanitation Department to verify the information you gave them. Don’t say you quit a job when you were fired or lie about the dates you worked somewhere to cover up a period of unemployment. Almost everyone has been fired at least once and has spent some time unemployed. Just tell the truth and present your situation in the best light.

The NYC Sanitation Exam varies from city to city. Most test the skills in the practice exams in this book reading, verbal expression (writing), judgment and common sense, spatial relations and map reading, and math. Some exams, however, are given in a different format, and you need to know what your exam will be like.