IAHCSMM CRCST Practice Test – Chapter 17 Monitoring and Record Keeping for Sterile Processing

Last Updated on August 5, 2024

HSPA [Formerly IAHCSMM] CRCST Practice Test – Chapter 17 Monitoring and Record Keeping for Sterile Processing: Sterilization and high-level disinfection processes are fundamental to surgical procedures. For individuals aiming to take the Certified Registered Central Service Technician (CRCST) examination,

Chapter 17 cannot be overlooked. This chapter revolves around the intricacies of sterilization monitoring, providing insights into the practices, tools, and protocols in place to ensure that medical instruments are safe for patient use.

In this blog post, we will explore Chapter 17 more fully and offer a snapshot of what to expect in the CRCST practice test.

CRCST Practice Test – Chapter 17

For those prepping for the CRCST exam, diving into practice questions tailored explicitly for Chapter 17 can be invaluable. These questions help you understand the type of content you’ll be tested on and identify areas you may need to revisit.


CRCST Practice Test - Chapter 17

CRCST Practice Test
Chapter 17

Total Items: 30
Time Limit: N/A
Sample Multiple Choice Quiz

1 / 30

Which of the following is NOT a type of personal monitoring?

2 / 30

What is the most accepted means of providing quality assurance monitoring for hydrogen peroxide sterilizers?

3 / 30

What is the minimum frequency at which biological indicators should be run in ethylene oxide sterilizers?

4 / 30

hich of the following microorganisms is used in tabletop steam sterilizer testing?

5 / 30

Which of the following is NOT a type of sterilization monitoring?

6 / 30

The most important monitoring tool for the central service department is:

7 / 30

Ethylene oxide (EO) sterilizers require a PCD in every load because:

8 / 30

Immediate use steam sterilizers (IUSSs) do not require a process challenge device (PCD) because:

9 / 30

Which of the following is TRUE about verification?

10 / 30

Which of the following is TRUE about validation?

11 / 30

Which of the following is NOT a sterilization monitoring methodo?

12 / 30

What does a Julian date represent?

13 / 30

Process challenge devices (PCDs) should be used for sterilizer efficacy monitoring:

14 / 30

Which of the following can cause a positive result on a biological indicator?

15 / 30

A control test ampule for biological indicators is designed to:

16 / 30

A negative test result on a BI after the sterilization cycle indicates:

17 / 30

What do biological indicators (BIs) primarily contain?

18 / 30

In case of a suspected malfunction of the sterilizer, what is the advised action?

19 / 30

What is the role of external chemical indicators?

20 / 30

When a new bottle of test strips is opened, what must be done?

21 / 30

What are the primary elements monitored by physical monitors during the sterilization process?

22 / 30

Which of the following is NOT a reason for a chemical indicator (CI) test failure?

23 / 30

What should be done if an internal chemical indicator (CI) suggests inadequate sterilant penetration?

24 / 30

What is the main purpose of testing high level disinfectant?

25 / 30

What should be done if a washer disinfectant does not meet the manufacturer's inspection requirements or if a test fails?

26 / 30

What is the main function of ultrasonic cleaners?

27 / 30

Why is it crucial to monitor water quality in the decontamination area?

28 / 30

Which of the following is true about CS Department records?

29 / 30

Why is documentation critical within the central service department?

30 / 30

Which of the following is NOT a required component of competency records?

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See also:

Chapter 17 of the CRCST manual emphasizes monitoring the disinfection and sterilization processes. Mistakes in these areas can lead to severe patient harm due to infections. As a technician, understanding the different methods to monitor these processes and knowing how to interpret results can significantly impact patient outcomes.

  • Physical Indicators: These monitors, including time, temperature, and pressure recorders, ensure that the sterilization parameters have been met.
  • Chemical Indicators (CI): CIs change color to indicate exposure to the sterilization process. These are placed both outside (external) and inside (internal) the sterilization packages.
  • Biological Indicators (BI): BIs are essentially live bacterial spores placed in sterilizers to verify that sterilization kills even the most resistant microorganisms.