EOC Biology Practice Test #4

Last Updated on May 23, 2024

EOC Biology Practice Test #4: The test provides challenging questions that require students to apply their knowledge and critical thinking skills to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate complex biological concepts and processes.

Students will encounter a variety of question types, such as single-selection, multiple-selection, and analysis of data and diagrams, to help them become more comfortable with different test-taking situations.

To simulate the actual testing environment, EOC Biology Practice Test #4 is designed to be completed within a specific time frame i.e. 1 hour. This encourages students to develop effective time management strategies and build confidence in their test-taking abilities.

EOC Biology Practice Test #4

Practice Test #4

EOC Biology Practice Test #4

EOC Biology Practice Test #4
Total Items: 40
Time Limit: 60 minutes
Score: You can find your test score as a percentage at the end of the test!

Carbon Dioxide is important in our atmosphere because it is required for photosynthesis and traps some heat, keeping the Earth warm. However, human produced carbon dioxide is a problem because it

An unknown plant species has stomata, xylem, and phloem. It reproduces sexually and has male pollen cones and female seed cones. Which of the following is the most logical conclusion about the classification of this plant?

Which of the following correctly compares two of the divisions of the plant kingdom?

Which of the following best describes a characteristic that distinguishes Fungi from other kingdoms?

In which of the following ways are the fungus-­‐like protists similar to the heterotrophic protists?

What similarities are there between the ways Archaea and Bacteria react to difficult environmental conditions?

Which of the following provides the best argument for separating Archaea and Bacteria into their own domains instead of leaving them together in the single kingdom, Monera?

In which of the domains would it be easiest to determine the phylogenetic relationships among organisms?

Due to human encroachment, the range of the Florida panther has been reduced to a very small area in South Florida. Predict the long-­‐term effect of this isolation on the conditions required for natural selection.

Suppose a family of black wolves migrates across a land bridge to a region supporting a large population of gray wolves. A few generations later, the population consists entirely of wolves with black and gray markings. Which of the following best describes the mechanism that caused this change in the population of the wolves in the region?

Water frogs that live on Greek islands in the Mediterranean were separated from mainland water frogs when salt-­‐water levels rose to form the islands, allowing differences in the isolated populations to develop. Suppose one large group of frogs on the mainland uses a low-­‐pitched call to attract mates while otherwise identical frogs on a nearby island use a high-­‐pitched call. A boat carries a few high-­‐pitched frogs in its cargo to the mainland. Which of the following answer choices best predicts the outcome of this event?

A group of well-­‐separated islands in the Pacific Ocean has a population of hibiscus plants that produce either orange or white flowers. On one of the islands, most of the hibiscus plants were killed a few years ago by a volcanic lava flow. Why is there a greater percentage of orange hibiscus plants on this island than on the other islands?

The following table compares a human protein with the protein of other organisms. Each numbered column is a different amino acid position in the protein. If an organism's amino acid is the same as the human molecule, then a dash (-­‐) is shown. Otherwise, an abbreviation for the organism's amino acid at that location is given. Based on the information in the table, what conclusion can be made about the relationship of humans to the other organisms?

Note: <<< Indicates a sequence of amino acids preceding the sequence shown here.

Paleontologists have compared modern human skeletons to fossils of hominids from two to five million years ago, before the appearance of modern humans. They found certain features, like the shape of their hips and the way the spine supported the body, was similar to the modern human skeletal structure. Which of the following best describes why the discoveries of the hominid fossils are important for understanding modern human evolution?

Based on the illustration above, what do the similarities between human and chimpanzee hands and feet suggest about the two different organisms?

How is the scientific theory of evolution supported by the comparison of the skulls and skeletons of modern humans and extinct hominids?

The activities that take place to meet human needs can often be harmful to ecosystems. By developing sustainable practices, however, we can help protect our environment. Which of the following changes would be most helpful in reaching sustainability? A. Building more water treatment facilities

The choices that humans make every day affect the environment. Sometimes, our lifestyles can harm the environment rather than protect it. Which of the following would be most helpful in protecting the environment and achieving sustainability?

Many times people visit the doctor requesting antibiotics to treat colds and viral infections. How is the doctor justified in offering the patient treatment options that do not include antibiotics for these cases?

Which of the following explains why people need to get a flu shot each year?

Which of the following would be the best way to detect whether someone was infected with a virus, like HIV?

Which of the following correctly explains how crossing over benefits organisms that reproduce sexually?

Normally, the temperature inside the scrotum is slightly lower than normal body temperature. What do you predict would happen if the temperature inside the scrotum were a few degrees higher than normal body temperature instead?

Which of the following correctly compares the functions of the vas deferens and the fallopian tubes?

Which event happens earliest during pregnancy?

A doctor examines a patient who has high blood pressure and atherosclerosis in the coronary artery. What medical condition connected to blood flow is most likely to affect this patient in the future?

Illnesses can often lead to fever and dehydration. How might these symptoms affect a person’s cardiovascular system?

Which of the brain regions marked on the diagram below is the frontal lobe?

Which of the following best describes the characteristics that differentiate animals from the organisms of other kingdoms?

The structure of the leaf best supports the process of

Terrestrial plants have a waxy covering produced by the dermal tissues called the cuticle. If this waxy covering was overproduced so that the stomata became clogged, what would happen to the plant?

If a plant's leaves developed so that its vascular tissue only contained xylem, how would this affect the rest of the plant's physiological processes?

Two different populations of birds live in the same area and eat the same types of food. Which most likely describes the relationship between these two populations of birds?

What is the function of autotrophs in the carbon cycle?

Before mitosis begins, which happens before the nucleus starts dividing?

During strenuous exercise, body temperature increases. The body responds to the increase in temperature by sweating, which helps to reduce the body temperature. Which is demonstrated in this situation?

What process best explains how a nerve cell and a muscle cell can both develop from the same fertilized egg?

What will most likely be the result if all of the mitochondria are removed from a plant cell?

Which deals with the transmission of inherited traits from one generation to another?

A bird-watcher records the movement of migrating birds. In which part of the scientific process is the bird-watcher participating?

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