HSPT Verbal Skills Practice Test 2024: 60 Questions Answers

Last Updated on June 26, 2024

HSPT Verbal Skills Practice Test 60 Questions Answers with Explanation. You can try the HSPT (High School Placement Test) Verbal Skills Practice Test for free, with review questions and answers. In addition, you can download a printable PDF for better HSPT test prep.

Verbal Analogies (10 questions) test your ability to see relationships between words and concepts. You’ll be given a sentence containing two related words, followed by a third word and four choices. Of the four choices, you will be asked to choose the word that best completes the second set so that the second set expresses the same relationship as the first.

Synonyms (15 questions): These questions test your word knowledge. You’ll be given a word and asked to pick, from four choices, the word that most nearly means the same as the given word.

Logic (10 questions): These questions test your ability to reason and think logically. You’ll be asked whether, based on two statements, a third statement is true, false, or uncertain.

Verbal Classification (16 questions): Test your word knowledge and verbal reasoning ability. You’ll be given four words and asked to pick the one that does not belong with the others.

Antonyms (9 questions): Like the synonym questions, these questions test your word knowledge. Only this time, you will be asked to pick, from four choices, the word that most nearly means the opposite of the given word.

HSPT Verbal Skills Practice Test 60 Questions Answers

Q1. Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  • (A) chimpanzee
  • (B) gorilla
  • (C) snake
  • (D) ape

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Answer: (C)
Explanation: Chimpanzee, gorilla, and ape are all primates, whereas snake is a reptile.

Q2. Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  • (A) sincere
  • (B) honest
  • (C) genuine
  • (D) deceitful

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Answer: (D)
Explanation: Sincere, honest, and genuine all describe truthful characteristics, while deceitful means dishonest.

Q3. Randy is taller than Wendell. Luis is taller than Randy. Wendell is taller than Luis. If the first two statements are true, the third is

  • (A) true
  • (B) false
  • (C) uncertain
  • (D) repetitive

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Answer: (B)
Explanation: The third statement contradicts the first two statements.

Q4. Saturate most nearly means

  • (A) deprive
  • (B) construe
  • (C) soak
  • (D) verify

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Answer: (C)
Explanation: Saturate means to soak thoroughly.

Q5. A cheerful person is

  • (A) industrious
  • (B) ebullient
  • (C) tired
  • (D) shy

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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Ebullient means cheerful and full of energy.

Q6. Cup is to coffee as bowl is to

  • (A) dish
  • (B) soup
  • (C) spoon
  • (D) food

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Answer: (B)
Explanation: A cup holds coffee just as a bowl holds soup.

Q7. Marathon is to race as hibernation is to

  • (A) winter
  • (B) bear
  • (C) nap
  • (D) sleep

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Answer: (D)
Explanation: Marathon is a type of race, and hibernation is a type of sleep.

Q8. Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  • (A) hammer
  • (B) screwdriver
  • (C) saw
  • (D) pencil

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Answer: (D)
Explanation: Hammer, screwdriver, and saw are tools, while pencil is not.

Q9. Punctual means the opposite of

  • (A) random
  • (B) smooth
  • (C) intermittent
  • (D) tardy

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Answer: (D)
Explanation: Punctual means on time, and tardy means late.

Q10. Communication is to telephone as transportation is to

  • (A) aviation
  • (B) travel
  • (C) information
  • (D) bus

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Answer: (D)
Explanation: Telephone is a means of communication, and bus is a means of transportation.

Q11. Tactful is to diplomatic as bashful is to

  • (A) timid
  • (B) confident
  • (C) uncomfortable
  • (D) bold

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Answer: (A)
Explanation: Tactful and diplomatic are synonyms, as are bashful and timid.

Q12. Impassive most nearly means

  • (A) active
  • (B) apathetic
  • (C) blatant
  • (D) abundant

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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Impassive means showing no emotion, similar to apathetic.

Q13. A vast prairie is

  • (A) empty
  • (B) immense
  • (C) steady
  • (D) slight

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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Vast means immense or very large.

Q14. During the past year, Zoe read more books than Jenna. Jenna read fewer books than Heather. Heather read more books than Zoe. If the first two statements are true, the third is

  • (A) true
  • (B) false
  • (C) uncertain
  • (D) repetitive

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Answer: (B)
Explanation: The third statement contradicts the first two statements.

Q15. Scarcely is to mostly as quietly is to

  • (A) secretly
  • (B) rudely
  • (C) loudly
  • (D) silently

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Answer: (C)
Explanation: Scarcely is the opposite of mostly, and quietly is the opposite of loudly.

Q16. Grant means the opposite of

  • (A) deny
  • (B) consume
  • (C) allocate
  • (D) provoke

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Answer: (A)
Explanation: Grant means to give or allow, and deny means to refuse.

Q17. Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  • (A) radio
  • (B) magazine
  • (C) newspaper
  • (D) book

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Answer: (A)
Explanation: Radio is a medium of audio communication, while magazine, newspaper, and book are written media.

Q18. Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  • (A) milk
  • (B) water
  • (C) juice
  • (D) cereal

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Answer: (D)
Explanation: Milk, water, and juice are liquids, while cereal is a solid food.

Q19. All the houses on Reynolds Road have roofs made of shingles. No shingles are purple. None of the houses on Reynolds Road have purple roofs. If the first two statements are true, the third is

  • (A) true
  • (B) false
  • (C) uncertain
  • (D) repetitive

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Answer: (A)
Explanation: If no shingles are purple and all roofs are made of shingles, then no roofs are purple.

Q20. Baker is to bread as congressman is to

  • (A) senator
  • (B) law
  • (C) state
  • (D) politician

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Answer: (B)
Explanation: A baker makes bread, and a congressman makes laws.

Q21. Timid most nearly means

  • (A) frightened
  • (B) angry
  • (C) apologetic
  • (D) hungry

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Answer: (A)
Explanation: Timid means showing a lack of courage, similar to being frightened.

Q22. Replica most nearly means

  • (A) snakelike
  • (B) lackluster
  • (C) metamorphosis
  • (D) duplicate

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Answer: (D)
Explanation: Replica means an exact copy or duplicate.

Q23. Middletown is north of Centerville. Centerville is east of Penfield. Penfield is northwest of Middletown. If the first two statements are true, the third is

  • (A) true
  • (B) false
  • (C) uncertain
  • (D) repetitive

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Answer: (B)
Explanation: If Middletown is north of Centerville and Centerville is east of Penfield, Penfield cannot be northwest of Middletown.

Q24. Battery X lasts longer than Battery Y. Battery Y doesn’t last as long as Battery Z. Battery Z lasts longer than Battery X. If the first two statements are true, the third is

  • (A) true
  • (B) false
  • (C) uncertain
  • (D) repetitive

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Answer: (B)
Explanation: If Battery X lasts longer than Battery Y and Battery Z, Battery Z cannot last longer than Battery X.

Q25. Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  • (A) unimportant
  • (B) trivial
  • (C) insignificant
  • (D) familiar

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Answer: (D)
Explanation: Unimportant, trivial, and insignificant all mean not important, while familiar does not.

Q26. Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  • (A) book
  • (B) index
  • (C) glossary
  • (D) chapter

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Answer: (A)
Explanation: Index, glossary, and chapter are parts of a book, whereas book is a whole.

Q27. Amateur means the opposite of

  • (A) reality
  • (B) professional
  • (C) corrupt
  • (D) precise

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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Amateur means a person who engages in a pursuit as a pastime rather than a profession, opposite of professional.

Q28. Liberate means the opposite of

  • (A) conserve
  • (B) restrain
  • (C) attack
  • (D) ruin

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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Liberate means to set free, opposite of restrain.

Q29. Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  • (A) noun
  • (B) preposition
  • (C) punctuation
  • (D) adverb

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Answer: (C)
Explanation: Noun, preposition, and adverb are parts of speech, while punctuation is not.

Q30. If a person is called a sage, he or she is

  • (A) wise
  • (B) obnoxious
  • (C) conceited
  • (D) heartless

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Answer: (A)
Explanation: Sage means a profoundly wise person.

Q31. Unite most nearly means

  • (A) engineer
  • (B) enhance
  • (C) sunder
  • (D) amalgamate

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Answer: (D)
Explanation: Unite means to come together, similar to amalgamate.

Q32. Play is to actor as concert is to

  • (A) symphony
  • (B) musician
  • (C) piano
  • (D) percussion

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Answer: (B)
Explanation: An actor performs in a play, and a musician performs in a concert.

Q33. All spotted Gangles have long tails. Short-haired Gangles always have short tails. Long-tailed Gangles never have short hair. If the first two statements are true, the third statement is

  • (A) true
  • (B) false
  • (C) uncertain
  • (D) repetitive

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Answer: (A)
Explanation: If all spotted Gangles have long tails and long-tailed Gangles never have short hair, the third statement is true.

Q34. Requirement means the opposite of

  • (A) plan
  • (B) consequence
  • (C) option
  • (D) accident

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Answer: (C)
Explanation: Requirement means something necessary, opposite of an option which is something that is not necessary.

Q35. Pacify means the opposite of

  • (A) complicate
  • (B) dismiss
  • (C) excite
  • (D) liberate

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Answer: (C)
Explanation: Pacify means to calm down, opposite of excite which means to stir up.

Q36. Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  • (A) cornea
  • (B) retina
  • (C) pupil
  • (D) vision

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Answer: (D)
Explanation: Cornea, retina, and pupil are parts of the eye, whereas vision is a function of the eye.

Q37. The temperature on Monday was lower than on Tuesday. The temperature on Wednesday was lower than on Tuesday. The temperature on Monday was higher than on Wednesday. If the first two statements are true, the third statement is

  • (A) true
  • (B) false
  • (C) uncertain
  • (D) repetitive

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Answer: (A)
Explanation: If Monday is lower than Tuesday and Wednesday is lower than Tuesday, then Monday being higher than Wednesday is true.

Q38. Validate most nearly means

  • (A) confirm
  • (B) retrieve
  • (C) communicate
  • (D) appoint

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Answer: (A)
Explanation: Validate means to confirm the truth or value of something.

Q39. Antagonist most nearly means

  • (A) comrade
  • (B) opponent
  • (C) master
  • (D) perfectionist

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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Antagonist means one who opposes, similar to opponent.

Q40. Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  • (A) rye
  • (B) sourdough
  • (C) pumpernickel
  • (D) loaf

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Answer: (D)
Explanation: Rye, sourdough, and pumpernickel are types of bread, whereas loaf is a form of bread.

Q41. Pride is to lion as school is to

  • (A) teacher
  • (B) student
  • (C) self-respect
  • (D) fish

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Answer: (D)
Explanation: A group of lions is called a pride, and a group of fish is called a school.

Q42. Control is to dominate as magnify is to

  • (A) enlarge
  • (B) preserve
  • (C) decrease
  • (D) divide

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Answer: (A)
Explanation: To dominate means to control, and to magnify means to enlarge.

Q43. Enumerate most nearly means

  • (A) pronounce
  • (B) count
  • (C) explain
  • (D) plead

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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Enumerate means to count or list out.

Q44. An impartial jury is

  • (A) complete
  • (B) prejudiced
  • (C) fair
  • (D) emotional

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Answer: (C)
Explanation: Impartial means fair and unbiased.

Q45. Airfare at Eastern Airlines costs less than airfare at Northern Airlines. Airfare at Western Airlines costs more than airfare at Northern Airlines. Of the three, Western Airlines costs the most. If the first two statements are true, the third is

  • (A) true
  • (B) false
  • (C) uncertain
  • (D) repetitive

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Answer: (A)
Explanation: If Western Airlines costs more than Northern Airlines, and Northern Airlines costs more than Eastern Airlines, then Western Airlines costs the most.

Q46. Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  • (A) inch
  • (B) ounce
  • (C) centimeter
  • (D) yard

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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Inch, centimeter, and yard are units of length, whereas ounce is a unit of weight.

Q47. Imaginary means the opposite of

  • (A) sober
  • (B) ordinary
  • (C) realistic
  • (D) factual

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Answer: (C)
Explanation: Imaginary means existing only in the imagination, opposite of realistic which means based on reality.

Q48. Faltering means the opposite of

  • (A) steady
  • (B) adoring
  • (C) explanatory
  • (D) reluctant

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Answer: (A)
Explanation: Faltering means wavering or hesitant, opposite of steady which means firm and unwavering.

Q49. Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  • (A) street
  • (B) freeway
  • (C) interstate
  • (D) expressway

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Answer: (A)
Explanation: Freeway, interstate, and expressway are types of highways, whereas street is a more general term.

Q50. Bicycle is to pedal as canoe is to

  • (A) water
  • (B) kayak
  • (C) oar
  • (D) fleet

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Answer: (C)
Explanation: A bicycle is powered by a pedal, and a canoe is powered by an oar.

Q51. Humidify most nearly means

  • (A) moisten
  • (B) warm
  • (C) gather
  • (D) spray

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Answer: (A)
Explanation: Humidify means to add moisture to the air, which is closest in meaning to moisten.

Q52. Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  • (A) sunshine
  • (B) rain
  • (C) umbrella
  • (D) snow

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Answer: (C)
Explanation: Sunshine, rain, and snow are weather conditions, while an umbrella is an object used to protect against weather conditions.

Q53. Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  • (A) sleeve
  • (B) pocket
  • (C) collar
  • (D) shirt

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Answer: (D)
Explanation: Sleeve, pocket, and collar are parts of a shirt, whereas a shirt is the whole garment.

Q54. Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  • (A) dodge
  • (B) flee
  • (C) duck
  • (D) avoid

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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Dodge, duck, and avoid are ways to evade something, while flee means to run away.

Q55. Girl Scout Troop 101 sells more cookies than Troop 102. Troop 103 sells fewer cookies than Troop 102. Troop 101 sold more cookies than Troop 103. If the first two statements are true, the third statement is

  • (A) true
  • (B) false
  • (C) uncertain
  • (D) repetitive

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Answer: (A)
Explanation: If Troop 101 sells more than Troop 102, and Troop 102 sells more than Troop 103, then Troop 101 must sell more than Troop 103.

Q56. Andre jumps higher than Rodney. James jumps higher than Andre. Rodney jumps higher than James. If the first two statements are true, the third statement is

  • (A) true
  • (B) false
  • (C) uncertain
  • (D) repetitive

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Answer: (B)
Explanation: If Andre jumps higher than Rodney and James jumps higher than Andre, Rodney cannot jump higher than James.

Q57. A plausible argument is

  • (A) insufficient
  • (B) apologetic
  • (C) unusual
  • (D) believable

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Answer: (D)
Explanation: Plausible means seeming reasonable or probable, which is closest in meaning to believable.

Q58. Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  • (A) heading
  • (B) body
  • (C) closing
  • (D) letter

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Answer: (D)
Explanation: Heading, body, and closing are parts of a letter, while letter is the whole document.

Q59. Which word does NOT belong with the others?

  • (A) core
  • (B) seeds
  • (C) pulp
  • (D) slice

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Answer: (D)
Explanation: Core, seeds, and pulp are parts of a fruit, while slice is a way to cut a fruit.

Q60. Levitate means the opposite of

  • (A) plod
  • (B) undulate
  • (C) whisper
  • (D) sink

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Answer: (D)
Explanation: Levitate means to rise or float in the air, opposite of sink which means to descend or drop down.

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