Musculoskeletal System Practice Test Questions

Last Updated on March 25, 2025

Musculoskeletal System Practice Test Questions Physician Assistant Exam PANCE. This sample quiz consists of 20 multiple-choice questions on the Musculoskeletal System. The muscular system enables body movement. The skeletal system supports and protects the body while giving it shape and form.

The official questions from the Musculoskeletal System are 10%. The tests cover Disorders of the shoulder, forearm, wrist, and hand, disorders of the back and spine, hip, knee, ankle, and foot, infectious diseases, neoplastic disease, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, compartment syndrome, and rheumatologic conditions.

Musculoskeletal System Practice Test Questions


Musculoskeletal System Problems with Answers

Musculoskeletal System Problems with Answers
Physician Assistant Exam
Total Items: 25
Time Limit: NA

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1) A 19-year-old male presents to the emergency room after getting in a fight at a hockey game. He is complaining of pain in his right hand. Examination reveals tenderness over the knuckles. What is the most likely diagnosis?

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2) A 45-year-old female has wrist pain, particularly on the thumb side, and experiences difficulty opening jars. Finkelstein’s test is positive. Which condition is most likely?

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3) A 55-year-old female presents to her PCP with the complaint of joint stiffness and pain. The stiffness is worse in the morning and lasts for more than an hour after waking. She also complains of fatigue and depression that has worsened over the past six months. Examination reveals swelling, erythema, and warmth in the elbows and knees bilaterally. Laboratory examination reveals an elevated ESR and positive rheumatoid factor. What is the most likely diagnosis?

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4) A 50-year-old male presents with pain at the lateral aspect of his elbow, worsened by wrist extension against resistance. Which condition is most likely?

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5) A 25-year-old male experiences a twisting injury to his right knee while playing basketball. He felt a “pop” followed by immediate swelling and difficulty bearing weight. Examination the next day reveals a positive Lachman test. Which structure is most likely injured?

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6) A 60-year-old postmenopausal female complains of mid-back pain after minimal trauma. Imaging reveals vertebral compression fractures. Bone density testing shows markedly reduced bone mass. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

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7) A 25-year-old female was playing flag football and was tackled when her right leg was planted and flexed. She complains of swelling in the right knee and a feeling of “giving way.” Which one of the following is NOT an appropriate diagnostic tool for this patient?

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8) A 55-year-old male presents with acute onset of severe joint pain in his left great toe. The toe is red, swollen, and exquisitely tender. He reports a similar episode last year that resolved spontaneously. Which of the following is the most likely underlying pathology?

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9) A 70-year-old male presents with chronic low back pain that worsens with prolonged standing or walking and is relieved by sitting or leaning forward on a shopping cart. Neuro exam is largely normal. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

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10) Which of the following is most important in the treatment and diagnosis of most low back pain?

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11) A 14-year-old boy presents with knee pain that worsens after running. Examination reveals tenderness at the tibial tubercle, and there is a noticeable bump at this location. He denies trauma. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

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12) A 7-year-old boy has fallen from a tree and has a severe deformity of the forearm proximal to the wrist. He has fractured the radius and the ulna (Monteggia fracture), and the fracture is unstable. Which of the following is the proper treatment?

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13) Each of the following medications may be used to treat rheumatoid arthritis EXCEPT

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14) In which of the following juvenile onset disorders do patients typically display high fever and a characteristic rash?

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15) A 65-year-old female complains of progressive stiffness and pain in both hands. Morning stiffness lasts about 30 minutes, and examination reveals bony enlargements of the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints. No significant swelling of the wrists is noted. What is the most likely diagnosis?

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16) Meloxicam is commonly prescribed for treatment of which of the following disorders?

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17) A 54-year-old male with diabetes presents to his PCP for a regular physical. He complains of a “trigger finger.” After working on his car, he often has a finger that stays bent and straightens with a “pop.” Examination is essentially normal; however, he demonstrates the popping of the “trigger finger.” What is the most likely diagnosis?

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18) A 30-year-old female with a history of Crohn’s disease complains of low back pain and stiffness for the last 6 months. Pain is improved with exercise and worsens at rest. Morning stiffness lasts more than 1 hour. Sacroiliac joint tenderness is noted. Which of the following best describes her condition?

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19) A 50-year-old female presents to the emergency room after falling from her bicycle. During the crash, she put out her right hand to catch herself. Examination reveals tenderness over the base of the thumb in the “anatomical snuffbox.” What is the most likely diagnosis?

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20) Which of the following refers to osteochondrosis of the tibial tubercle?

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