NYC Sanitation Enforcement Agent Exam Practice Test

Last Updated on June 19, 2024

NYC Sanitation Enforcement Agent Exam Practice Test 50 Questions Answers. Are you preparing for the NYC Sanitation Enforcement Agent Exam? Get ahead with our comprehensive NYC Sanitation Enforcement Agent Exam Practice Test, featuring 50 meticulously crafted questions and answers to mirror the exam format.

Our practice test covers all the key topics, ensuring you are well-prepared to ace your exam and secure your position as a Sanitation Enforcement Agent in New York City.

NYC Sanitation Enforcement Agent Exam Practice Test

Realistic Exam Questions: Our practice test includes 50 questions that closely simulate the actual NYC Sanitation Enforcement Agent Exam. Each question is designed to test your knowledge and understanding of the exam topics.

Test Name  Sanitation Enforcement Agent Exam Prep
Total Questions 50
Question Type Multiple Choice
Test Type Sample Practice Test
Minimum Passing Score 70%
Applicable for Any Sanitation Worker Exams in the USA
Duration N/A
Printable PDF Yet to come!

NYC Sanitation Enforcement Agent Exam

NYC Sanitation Enforcement Agent Exam
Practice Test #1
Total Items: 50
Free Test NO Registration is Required

1 / 50

Answer questions 1 to 3 based on the following information.

Beginning next month, the Sanitation Department will institute a
program intended to remove the graffiti from sanitation trucks. Any
truck that finishes its assigned route before the end of the workers'
shift will return to the sanitation lot, where supervisors will provide
materials for workers to use in cleaning the trucks. Because the
length of time it takes to complete different routes varies, trucks
will no longer be assigned to a specific route but will be rotated
among the routes. Therefore, workers should no longer leave
personal items in the trucks, as they will not necessarily be using
the same truck each day as they did in the past.

1. According to the passage, the removal of graffiti from sanitation trucks will be done by

2 / 50

Answer questions 1 to 3 based on the following information.

Beginning next month, the Sanitation Department will institute a
program intended to remove the graffiti from sanitation trucks. Any
truck that finishes its assigned route before the end of the workers'
shift will return to the sanitation lot, where supervisors will provide
materials for workers to use in cleaning the trucks. Because the
length of time it takes to complete different routes varies, trucks
will no longer be assigned to a specific route but will be rotated
among the routes. Therefore, workers should no longer leave
personal items in the trucks, as they will not necessarily be using
the same truck each day as they did in the past.

2. According to the passage, which of the following is true of sanitation routes?

3 / 50

Answer questions 1 to 3 based on the following information.

Beginning next month, the Sanitation Department will institute a
program intended to remove the graffiti from sanitation trucks. Any
truck that finishes its assigned route before the end of the workers'
shift will return to the sanitation lot, where supervisors will provide
materials for workers to use in cleaning the trucks. Because the
length of time it takes to complete different routes varies, trucks
will no longer be assigned to a specific route but will be rotated
among the routes. Therefore, workers should no longer leave
personal items in the trucks, as they will not necessarily be using
the same truck each day as they did in the past.

3. According to the passage, prior to instituting the graffiti clean-up program, sanitation workers

4 / 50

4. As you are driving your collection truck, you notice that the gas pedal is sticking. You shift the truck into neutral and then work the pedal back and forth to see if you can fix the problem. The pedal is still sticking but not as much as before. What should you do?

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5. You wake up one morning with what feels like stomach flu. It is almost time to go to work. What should you do?

6 / 50

6. While Sanitation Workers Halliday and Schmidt are making a pickup in front of the apartment building at 8870 Paris Road, Schmidt is cut on the hand by a large piece of broken glass. The glass had been carelessly placed in an unmarked plastic garbage bag. Because the cut requires stitches, Halliday drives Schmidt to City Hospital's emergency room two blocks away. While Schmidt receives medical care, Halliday phones his supervisor. Which of the following reports should Halliday give to describe the situation most clearly and accurately?

7 / 50

Answer questions 7 and 8 based on the following information

7. According to the graph, what was the number of tons of garbage collected per shift per truck in 1990?

8 / 50

Answer questions 7 and 8 based on the following information

8. According to the graph, which period of time showed the smallest increase in tons per truck per shift collected?

9 / 50

9. If it takes four sanitation workers 1 hour and 45 minutes to perform a particular job, how long would it take one sanitation worker to perform the same task alone?

10 / 50

10. If the average person throws away 3.5 pounds of trash every day, how much trash would the average person throw away in one week?

11 / 50

Answer questions 11 to 13 based on the following information.

Next week the city will begin testing automated garbage collection
trucks on a few routes. These trucks require only a driver, as the
hydraulic arm lifts the garbage containers and empties them into
the truck. Supervisors have been trained in operating the automated
trucks and, for the next six months, one supervisor and two
sanitation workers will ride in the trucks, so that the supervisors
can train the workers. No worker may operate these trucks without
three shifts of training. Sanitation workers will be assigned to the
trucks on a rotating basis.

11. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the automated trucks?

12 / 50

Answer questions 11 to 13 based on the following information.

Next week the city will begin testing automated garbage collection
trucks on a few routes. These trucks require only a driver, as the
hydraulic arm lifts the garbage containers and empties them into
the truck. Supervisors have been trained in operating the automated
trucks and, for the next six months, one supervisor and two
sanitation workers will ride in the trucks, so that the supervisors
can train the workers. No worker may operate these trucks without
three shifts of training. Sanitation workers will be assigned to the
trucks on a rotating basis.

12. According to the passage, automated garbage collection trucks

13 / 50

Answer questions 11 to 13 based on the following information.

Next week the city will begin testing automated garbage collection
trucks on a few routes. These trucks require only a driver, as the
hydraulic arm lifts the garbage containers and empties them into
the truck. Supervisors have been trained in operating the automated
trucks and, for the next six months, one supervisor and two
sanitation workers will ride in the trucks, so that the supervisors
can train the workers. No worker may operate these trucks without
three shifts of training. Sanitation workers will be assigned to the
trucks on a rotating basis.

13. During the next six months, all sanitation workers can expect to

14 / 50

Answer questions 14 to 16 based on the information in the following procedure.

Sanitation Department policy states that sanitation workers who
witness an emergency situation are required to call for assistance.
Workers are not expected to put themselves in danger but are
expected to act responsibly in such a situation

14. One icy afternoon while Sanitation Worker Lightsey is spreading salt on a busy street, a speeding vehicle slides into the intersection and crashes into a school bus. The damage seems minor. The school bus driver gets out and starts yelling at the person who was driving the car. What should Lightsey do?

15 / 50

Answer questions 14 to 16 based on the information in the following procedure.

Sanitation Department policy states that sanitation workers who
witness an emergency situation are required to call for assistance.
Workers are not expected to put themselves in danger but are
expected to act responsibly in such a situation

15. Sanitation Worker Upton is collecting garbage at an apartment building when, from above, there comes a scream and a crashing noise. A second story balcony has given way on the building and a woman who had been standing on it has fallen. Upton tries to call on the truck radio for help but the radio won't transmit. What should Upton do?

16 / 50

Answer questions 14 to 16 based on the information in the following procedure.

Sanitation Department policy states that sanitation workers who
witness an emergency situation are required to call for assistance.
Workers are not expected to put themselves in danger but are
expected to act responsibly in such a situation

16. One winter afternoon in below-freezing weather, Sanitation Worker Jessup is emptying a wire basket at a busy downtown intersection. A nearby fire hydrant bursts suddenly, and water starts pouring out onto the street. What should Jessup do?

17 / 50

Answer questions 17 to 19 solely on the basis of the map

The arrows indicate traffic flow; one arrow indicates a one-
way street going in the direction of the arrow; two arrows represent
a two-way street. You are not allowed to go the wrong way on a
one-way street.

17. Sanitation Workers Moynahan and Chance have just finished lunch at Al's Cafe, which faces Jones Road. Their next garbage pick-up is at the Cleveland Avenue entrance to the Armbray Towers. What is their most direct legal route to the Armbray Towers?

18 / 50

Answer questions 17 to 19 solely on the basis of the map

The arrows indicate traffic flow; one arrow indicates a one-
way street going in the direction of the arrow; two arrows represent
a two-way street. You are not allowed to go the wrong way on a
one-way street.

18. Sanitation Workers Moy and Packer are northbound on Lincoln Street and have just crossed Alpen Street. They are headed to their first pick-up on Adams Avenue at Pine Avenue. What is their most direct legal route?

19 / 50

Answer questions 17 to 19 solely on the basis of the map

The arrows indicate traffic flow; one arrow indicates a one-
way street going in the direction of the arrow; two arrows represent
a two-way street. You are not allowed to go the wrong way on a
one-way street.

19. Sanitation Worker Tonka is southbound on Kennedy Boulevard. He makes a right turn onto Glade Road, then a left onto Taft Road, then a right onto Pine Avenue and another right onto Cleveland Avenue, and then a right onto Wilshire Avenue. Which direction is he facing?

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20. Figure #1 above shows the initial position of a piston that is connected to a crankshaft by a tie rod. Figure #2 shows the relative positions after the crankshaft is rotated 90 degrees (one quarter of a revolution) in the direction shown. Figure #3 shows the relative positions after another 90 degrees of rotation. In Figure #4, what will be the position of the tie rod attachment to the crankshaft after yet another 90 degree rotation?

21 / 50

Answer question 21 by choosing the word or phrase that means the same or nearly the same as the underlined word.

21. According to the new directive, Every city employee will be held personally accountable for his or her conduct on the job.

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22. A friend of yours sees you plowing snow along a main artery and waves you over to talk. You can tell that she is settling in for a long conversation, and you have already taken your morning break. What should you do?

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23. It is noon, and snow mixed with sleet is falling heavily. You have been called in to operate a salt spreader, but when you start to check out your vehicle you notice that the hazard lights are not working. What should you do?

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24. Very early Monday morning, as Sanitation Worker Chang is driving on Roberts Road between Sheridan and Partridge Streets, he notices thick gray smoke coming from the front window of an insurance office that is located in the middle of the block. He parks the truck, runs up to the coffee shop two doors from the insurance office, and calls 911. Which of the following statements would most accurately describe the situation to the 911 operator?

25 / 50

25. Junk cars are one of the most common complaints made by city residents to the Public Works Department. Sanitation Worker Martone notices the same car three weeks in a row in front of the building at 278 Glendale Avenue. He notes that it is an older model Chevrolet, very rusted and with one tire missing. The license number is RTH-450. Which of the following reports should Martone give to describe the situation most clearly and accurately?

26 / 50

Answer questions 26 and 27 based on the following information.

All collisions involving Sanitation Department vehicles on
Sanitation Department property must be reported immediately to
supervisory staff. Sanitation workers are expected to call for
medical attention first if the situation calls for it before asking for a

26. Sanitation Worker Gonzales has checked out a collection truck and is backing the vehicle out of a parking slot without assistance. He backs into Sanitation Worker Erickson's salt spreader, crumpling the passenger side of that vehicle. What should Gonzales do now?

27 / 50

Answer questions 26 and 27 based on the following information.

All collisions involving Sanitation Department vehicles on
Sanitation Department property must be reported immediately to
supervisory staff. Sanitation workers are expected to call for
medical attention first if the situation calls for it before asking for a

27. Sanitation Worker Kare is looking down at her paperwork while driving at an ice and snow dump site. She runs into the back of another Sanitation Department vehicle and breaks her nose against the steering wheel. The other driver is not hurt. What should she do?

28 / 50

Answer question 28 using the following calendar.

28. The City picks up recyclable materials only every other week. Using the calendar above, if a household has its recyclable items picked up on Wednesday, June 8, when can they expect the next pick up of recyclable items?

29 / 50

Answer question 29 by choosing the word or phrase that means the same or nearly the same as the underlined word

29. Customer complaints must be handled in a diplomatic manner.

30 / 50

30. A five-year-old child walks up to you one afternoon as you are picking up trash on a residential street. He is crying and tells you that he is lost. What should you do?

31 / 50

31. At the curb in front of an apartment building you see a sack of garbage, a torn bean bag chair, a plastic pickle barrel, and a wooden box. Which of these items will be easiest to roll to your truck?

32 / 50

32. The rain from last night has frozen, and you are operating a salt spreader. You see a sign just before you get to a bridge. The sign reads Bridge Freezes Before Roadway. What should you do?

33 / 50

33. The city collects bulky waste items on an appointment-only basis. Bulky waste is any item that will not fit in a 35-gallon can or bag. The charge for a pickup of bulky waste is $10.00 for the first item and $5.00 for each additional item. A householder stops Sanitation Worker Johnston to ask him why he did not pick up the old TV set that is sitting next to her garbage can. Which of the following statements best explains the city's bulky waste policy?

34 / 50

34. Sanitation Worker Banks is collecting garbage at 635 Dennison Road when he sees a late model red Camaro sideswipe a white Taurus that is parked across the street. When the driver of the Camaro does not stop, Banks tries to get the license number. He is able to read only the first two letters, which are WR. The resident at 635 Dennison also witnesses the accident and phones the police. Which of the following statements would Banks make to describe the incident most clearly and accurately when the police arrive?

35 / 50

35. A sanitation worker knows that the floor of a large storage room has a width of 40 feet and a length of 42 feet. What is the area of that floor space?

36 / 50

36. Which of the following rope lengths is longest? (1 cm = 0.39 inches)

37 / 50

37. You are driving a street sweeper and find a car illegally parked in your way. You've noticed this car illegally parked before. What should you do?

38 / 50

38. You are collecting in a commercial district. As you are lifting a sack of garbage into the truck, the sack splits open and garbage falls into the street. What should you do?

39 / 50

Answer questions 39 to 41 based on the following information.

Sanitation workers are responsible for refueling their trucks at the
end of each shift. All other routine maintenance is performed by
maintenance department personnel, who are also responsible for
maintaining service records. If a worker believes a truck is in need
of mechanical repair, she or he should fill out the pink repair
requisition form and turn it in to the shift supervisor. The worker
should also notify the shift supervisor verbally whether, in the
worker's opinion, the truck must be repaired immediately or may
be driven for the rest of the shift.

39. If a truck is due to have the oil changed, this procedure will be done by

40 / 50

Answer questions 39 to 41 based on the following information.

Sanitation workers are responsible for refueling their trucks at the
end of each shift. All other routine maintenance is performed by
maintenance department personnel, who are also responsible for
maintaining service records. If a worker believes a truck is in need
of mechanical repair, she or he should fill out the pink repair
requisition form and turn it in to the shift supervisor. The worker
should also notify the shift supervisor verbally whether, in the
worker's opinion, the truck must be repaired immediately or may
be driven for the rest of the shift.

40. The passage implies that sanitation trucks

41 / 50

Answer questions 39 to 41 based on the following information.

Sanitation workers are responsible for refueling their trucks at the
end of each shift. All other routine maintenance is performed by
maintenance department personnel, who are also responsible for
maintaining service records. If a worker believes a truck is in need
of mechanical repair, she or he should fill out the pink repair
requisition form and turn it in to the shift supervisor. The worker
should also notify the shift supervisor verbally whether, in the
worker's opinion, the truck must be repaired immediately or may
be driven for the rest of the shift.

41. Sanitation Worker Weston notices the truck that she is driving makes a grinding noise whenever it makes a left turn. Based on the passage, what is the first thing she should do?

42 / 50

42. You and your partner are collecting garbage on a city street. You realize that you will have to back the truck up about ten feet to get around a bus that has broken down, but you can't see what's behind your truck. What should you do?

43 / 50

43. If a sanitation worker weighs 168 pounds, what is the approximate weight of that worker in kilograms? (1 kilogram = about 2.2 pounds)

44 / 50

44. Last year 220 city residents were cited for violating a local ordinance against open burning. Of those residents, 60% were fined for the violation. How many residents who violated the ordinance were not fined?

45 / 50

45. The Department of Streets and Sanitation is responsible for keeping the city's streets free of ice and snow during the winter months. Among these streets are 90 miles of priority snow routes, where parking is restricted every day from 2 a.m. to 6:30 a.m. between December 1 and March 31. Which of the following statements reports this policy most clearly and accurately?

46 / 50

46. While on your route early one morning, you find a human body stuffed into a garbage container. What should you do?

47 / 50

47. Your partner shows up to work one morning intoxicated. He tells you he's been out all night drinking. He climbs behind the wheel of the garbage truck and insists on driving. What should you do?

48 / 50

48. Sanitation Worker Lindsay is on a new route. When he finishes collecting on Elm Street, he makes a right turn onto Beacon Avenue, not noticing that he is now going the wrong way on a one-way street. Before he realizes his mistake, a Toyota driven by Mary Gardner hits the front fender of Lindsay's truck. Neither driver is injured, but Mary Gardner's Toyota sustains considerable damage. Lindsay phones the police and his supervisor. Which of the following reports describes the incident most clearly and accurately?

49 / 50

49. Of the 1,125 employees in the Department of Public Works, 135 speak fluent Spanish. What percentage of the Public Works employees speaks fluent Spanish?

50 / 50

50. Workers on snow crews have to buy duty boots at the full price of $84.50, but workers who have served at least a year get a 15% discount. Workers who have served at least three years get an additional 10% off the discounted price. How much does a worker who has served at least three years have to pay for boots?

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