AP Chemistry Practice Test 2024 Study Guide (UPDATED)

Last Updated on May 22, 2024

AP Chemistry Practice Test 2024 with Study Guide (UPDATED). Prepare for the College Board’s Advanced Placement® (AP®) Chemistry exam with our comprehensive 2024 practice test and study guide. Download printable question answers in PDF format to study effectively and enhance your understanding of key chemistry concepts.

Our free quiz practice test is designed to help you succeed in the AP® Chemistry exam. Use this valuable resource to review and practice, ensuring you are well-prepared to achieve a high score.

The College Board offers Advanced Placement examinations (AP exams) in the United States, which students take each May. The tests are the culmination of year-long Advanced Placement (AP) courses. AP exams (with few exceptions) have a multiple-choice section and a free-response section.

AP Chemistry Practice Test 2024

The following sample exam questions illustrate the relationship between the course framework and the AP Chemistry Exam and serve as examples of the types of questions that appear on the exam. After the sample questions, a table shows which skill, learning objective(s), and unit each question relates to. The table also provides the answers to the multiple-choice questions.

AP Chemistry Practice Test 1

AP Chemistry Exam Practice Test 2

AP Chemistry Exam Score

The AP Grades that are reported to students, high schools, colleges, and universities in July are on AP’s five-point scale:

AP Score Credit Recommendation College Grade Equivalent
5 Extremely well qualified A
4 Well qualified A−, B+, B
3 Qualified B−, C+, C
2 Possibly qualified N/A
1 No recommendation N/A

AP Chemistry Exam Content

The nine units in AP Chemistry are listed below, and their weighting is in the multiple-choice section of the AP Exam.

  • Unit 1: Atomic Structure and Properties 7–9%
  • Unit 2: Molecular and Ionic Compound Structure and Properties 7–9%
  • Unit 3: Intermolecular Forces and Properties 18–22%
  • Unit 4: Chemical Reactions 7–9%
  • Unit 5: Kinetics 7–9%
  • Unit 6: Thermodynamics 7–9%
  • Unit 7: Equilibrium 7–9%
  • Unit 8: Acids and Bases 11–15%
  • Unit 9: Applications of Thermodynamics 7–9%

The AP Chemistry Exam assesses students’ understanding of the science practices and learning objectives outlined in the course framework. It is 3 hours and 15 minutes long and includes 60 multiple-choice and 7 free-response questions. A scientific or graphing calculator is recommended for Section II of the exam, but no calculators are permitted for Section I. Students are provided with the periodic table and a formula sheet that lists specific and relevant formulas for the exam.

Exam Structure Overview

Section I: Objective Assessment

Timing: 90 minutes.

Number of Questions: 60 multiple-choice questions. Note: Use of a calculator is not allowed.

Percentage of Exam Score: 50%.

Section II: Subjective Assessment

Timing: 105 minutes.

Number of Questions: 3 long-form free-response questions and 4 short-form free-response questions. Note: Use of a calculator is allowed.

Percentage of Exam Score: 50%.

Section I: Multiple-Choice

Science Practices 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 are all assessed in the multiple-choice section with the following exam weighting (Science Practice 3 is not assessed in the multiple-choice section)

  • Practice 1: Models and Representations 8–12%
  • Practice 2: Question and Method 8–12%
  • Practice 4: Model Analysis 23–30%
  • Practice 5: Mathematical Routines 35–42%
  • Practice 6: Argumentation 8–12%

Section II: Free-Response

All six science practices are assessed in the free-response section with the following exam weighting:

  • Practice 1: Models and Representations 2–4%
  • Practice 2: Question and Method 10–16%
  • Practice 3: Representing Data and Phenomena 8–16%
  • Practice 4: Model Analysis 5–9%
  • Practice 5: Mathematical Routines 43–53%
  • Practice 6: Argumentation 15–24%

The AP Development Committee is a group of college and high school Chemistry instructors who create the AP Chemistry exam. The committee’s job is to ensure that the annual AP Chemistry exam reflects what is taught in college-level Chemistry classes at high schools. This committee writes many multiple-choice questions, which are pre-tested and evaluated for clarity, appropriateness, and range of possible answers.

The free-response essay questions that makeup Section II go through a similar process of creation, modification, pre-testing, and final refinement so that the questions cover the necessary material areas and are at an appropriate level of difficulty and clarity. The committee also makes a great effort to construct a free-response exam that will allow for clear and equitable grading by the AP readers. It is important to remember that the AP Chemistry exam undergoes a thorough evaluation after the yearly administration of the exam. This way, the College Board can use the results to make course suggestions and to plan future tests.

AP Chemistry Exam Study Guide

We know studying for your AP exams can be stressful, but Fiveable has your back! We have created a study plan to help you crush your chemistry exam.

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Previous AP Chemistry Practice Test Question

Download the Past AP Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions and Answers in printable PDF. Multiple-choice questions and Answer Key Free-Response Questions, Scoring Guidelines, and Sample Student Responses with Commentary Statistical Information about Student Performance in the respective years.

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