Florida EOC Civics Practice Test 2024 [UPDATED]

Last Updated on May 23, 2024

Florida EOC Civics Practice Test 2024 [UPDATED]: You can also download End-of-Course (EOC) Civics review questions and answers in printable PDF. In addition, we have five quizzes, each consisting of 40 MCQs, which you can practice for free.

Florida EOC Civics Practice Test with our comprehensive guide. Explore test format, content, tips for preparation, and resources. Boost your score and deepen your understanding of U.S. government and citizenship.”

Florida EOC Civics Practice Test 2024

The End-of-Course (EOC) Civics Practice Test is a milestone in the academic journey of every middle school student in the state of Florida. It’s a standardized exam that assesses their understanding of civics education before they transition to high school.

EOC Civics Practice Test 2024

Florida EOC Civics Practice Test 

Florida EOC Civics Practice Test 
Total Items: 48
Time Limit: 60 minutes
Score: You can find your test score as a percentage at the end of the test!

1 / 48

The Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution, primarily functions to:

2 / 48

Which of the following is a power that the U.S. Constitution grants to Congress?

3 / 48

Which official is the top law enforcement official at the county level of government?

4 / 48

Use the quotation to answer the question.

“The way to have good and safe government is not to trust it all to one,
but to divide it among the many, distributing to everyone exactly the
functions in which he is competent.”
—Thomas Jefferson, letter to Joseph C. Cabell, 1816

How does this quote support the idea of different obligations for state and local governments?

5 / 48

Like the U.S. Constitution, the Florida Constitution establishes which of the following?

6 / 48

Why do some states prefer the Missouri Plan for choosing judges?

7 / 48

Of the following, what may happen following a guilty verdict in a criminal case?

8 / 48

Use the diagram to answer the question.

The diagram above summarizes part of the process of how a bill becomes a federal law. Which sentence fills in the second box correctly?

9 / 48

What term refers to redrawing congressional district boundaries to favor a particular political party

10 / 48

Use the quotation to answer the question.

“Why don’t they pass a constitutional amendment prohibiting anybody
from learning anything? If it works as well as prohibition did, in five years
Americans would be the smartest race of people on Earth.”
—Will Rogers, “How to Spend It,” Tulsa Daily World, January 4, 1925

To what was Will Rogers referring?

11 / 48

Who is considered the "Father of the Constitution" for his pivotal role in drafting and promoting the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights?

12 / 48

Which body has the power to impeach a U.S. President?

13 / 48

Selling lottery tickets is a common way of raising money for education. If a majority of Floridians
decided they wanted to end the lottery, to which division of the government would they complain?

14 / 48

What is one way in which the U.S. and Florida constitutions differ?

15 / 48

Use the quotation to answer the question.

“There are two things you don’t want to see being made—sausage and

This quotation has been attributed to Otto von Bismarck, Germany’s chancellor from 1871 to 1890.
When people quote this line, what do you think they are saying?

16 / 48

What are the three main levels of federal courts?

17 / 48

What is an ordinance?

18 / 48

Which of the following may happen after the Supreme Court declares a law unconstitutional?

19 / 48

Use the diagram to answer the question

This diagram shows two methods for proposing an amendment to the U.S. Constitution. What method correctly fills in the top box?

20 / 48

Of the following, what is one thing that both the federal government and state governments are allowed by law to do?

21 / 48

What is the Bill of Rights?

22 / 48

How many voting members are there in the House of Representatives?

23 / 48

Use the quotation to answer the question.

“Gathered here tonight are some of Florida’s most dedicated public
servants. All of you rank among the best and brightest minds our state
has to offer.
On behalf of tens of thousands of Florida employers: Thank you for
taking swift action to help our economy on this opening day of the 2010
Legislative Session. . . . I look forward to signing this important legislation
as soon as it comes to my desk.”
—Charlie Crist, former Florida governor, March, 2010

This quotation is most likely from which of the following sources?

24 / 48

What is one way that the amendments to the Florida Constitution are different from those for the U.S. Constitution?

25 / 48

Use the chart to answer the question.

How would appeals from the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims reach the Supreme Court?

26 / 48

Which of the following statements is true regarding the law-making process at the local level?

27 / 48

Why does the executive branch include many independent agencies and regulatory commissions?

28 / 48

What does it mean to ratify an amendment to the Constitution?

29 / 48

What is the term for powers shared by both state and federal governments?

30 / 48

Consider this situation: A U.S. senator has been in office for more than 40 years, having been re-elected many times. He begins to make policy decisions that favor special interest groups over the interests of his constituents. Of the following, which is most likely to be a topic of discussion among his constituents?

31 / 48

Which of the following is an exclusive power of the U.S. Senate?

32 / 48

What was the purpose of the "checks and balances" system incorporated into the U.S. Constitution?

33 / 48

Which branch of the U.S. government is primarily responsible for foreign policy?

34 / 48

The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was significant for what reason?

35 / 48

The principle of "popular sovereignty" is best exemplified by which process in the U.S. government?

36 / 48

Which of the following is an example of an enumerated power of the United States Congress?

37 / 48

The Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution primarily serves what function?

38 / 48

The system of "judicial review" within the United States allows for which of the following?

39 / 48

What best describes the concept of federalism in the U.S. Constitution?

40 / 48

The phrase “checks and balances” in the context of the U.S. Constitution refers to what?

41 / 48

Which of the following would be considered a civil liberty?

42 / 48

Consider this situation: A mayor is elected by a city’s voters. He appoints people who contributed heavily to his campaign to various positions within city government. The city council objects but can not fire these officials. Which form of city government is described?

43 / 48

Use the quotation to answer the question.

“Every person may speak, write and publish sentiments on all subjects
but shall be responsible for the abuse of that right. No law shall be
passed to restrain or abridge the liberty of speech or of the press.”
—Florida Constitution, Article I, Section 4

What document does this passage resemble?

44 / 48

What official is in charge of a state’s legal business?

45 / 48

If a state’s citizens start a petition drive to remove the governor from office, what process are the citizens pursuing?

46 / 48

Use the table to answer the question.

This table shows the length of time between congressional approval and actual ratification of the five most recent amendments to the U.S. Constitution. What conclusion can be drawn from this table?

47 / 48

Which of the following is true of the constitutional amendment process?

48 / 48

The table below describes some of the powers described in the U.S. Constitution.

Which phrase completes the table?

Your score is

The test measures knowledge in various areas, including, but not limited to, the U.S. Constitution, the three branches of government, citizenship, and citizens’ rights and responsibilities. To fully grasp the extent of this test, let’s delve into its format, content, and best practices for preparation.

Format and Content of the Test

The Florida EOC Civics Test consists of 55 to 60 multiple-choice questions. The questions are distributed across four reporting categories: Origins and Purposes of Law and Government, Roles, Rights, and Responsibilities of Citizens, Organization and Function of Government, and Government Policies and Political Processes.

  1. Origins and Purposes of Law and Government (15-18 questions): This section assesses students’ understanding of the philosophical foundations of the U.S. government, the creation of the Constitution, and the significance of historical documents such as the Declaration of Independence.
  2. Roles, Rights, and Responsibilities of Citizens (13-15 questions): Here, students’ comprehension of civil rights, duties, and the democratic principles that guide societal participation is evaluated. Also, students are tested on their understanding of the Bill of Rights and landmark Supreme Court decisions.
  3. Organization and Function of Government (15-18 questions): This category measures students’ knowledge of the three branches of government (executive, legislative, judicial) and the checks and balances between them. It also encompasses the roles of local and state governments.
  4. Government Policies and Political Processes (10-12 questions): This section covers the knowledge about public policy processes, interactions between government branches, the electoral process, and the roles of political parties and interest groups.
Test Name Florida EOC Civics Assessment
Administrated by Florida Department of Education (FDOE)
Test Mode computer-based assessment
Item Types multiple-choice (MC) format
Total Items 48
Time Limit 160 Minutes
Language English
Domain Structure and Function of Government, Foundations of the Political System, Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens, Integrated Civics

EOC Assessment test items

All Civics EOC Assessment test items are in multiple-choice (MC) format. The general specifications on pages 3 through 6 cover the following criteria for the Civics EOC Assessment:

• Use of Graphics
• Item Style and Format
• Scope of Test Items
• Guidelines for Item Writers

Passing Score

Florida Civics End-of-Course (EOC) assessment utilizes an achievement-level system rather than a traditional passing score. This system includes five different achievement levels:

  • Level 1 is the lowest, and Level 5 is the highest.
  • Level 3 is considered satisfactory and often deemed as “passing.”

However, the actual numeric score associated with these achievement levels can vary year by year.

Preparing for the Florida EOC Civics

Successful performance on the Florida EOC Civics Practice Test isn’t an overnight achievement. It requires consistent study and preparation over time. Here are some tips to streamline your preparation:

1. Understand the Test Structure: Before preparing, familiarize yourself with the test structure and guidelines. The Florida Department of Education’s website provides a test item specifications document that details the content covered and question formats.

2. Study Regularly: Regular study is more effective than cramming. Break down your study materials into manageable sections and review them consistently. Consider using a study planner to schedule your study sessions.

3. Utilize Available Resources: Many resources, including textbooks, study guides, and online resources, are available to aid your study. One notable tool is the Civics EOC Review Packet, which comprehensively reviews the course content. The Florida Virtual School also offers an interactive, online EOC Practice Test that simulates the actual test experience.

4. Practice with Past Questions: Past test questions are excellent tools for understanding the exam pattern, question format, and time management. The Florida Department of Education provides released test items valuable for practice.


Civics End-of-Course Assessment Test Item Specifications [PDF]

Civics EOC Practice
