MBLEx Anatomy and Physiology Practice Test 2024

Last Updated on June 20, 2024

MBLEx Anatomy and Physiology Practice Test 2024 (Massage Therapy Exam Test Preparation) like ABMP, NCBTMB, AMTA Massage & Bodywork Licensing Examination (MBLEx).  Topics covered System structure and system function.  Our MBLEx Anatomy and Physiology practice test is free and consists of 30 multiple-choice questions and answers with explanations in a quiz form.

 Note: The Actual full-length MBLEx Exam Anatomy and Physiology section consists of 11% questions with the following topics. 
  • A. System structure (Circulation, Digestive, Endocrine, Integumentary, Lymphatic, Muscular, Nervous, Reproduction,  respiratory, Skeletal, Special Senses, Urinary,
  • B. System function (Circulation, Digestive, Endocrine, Integumentary, Lymphatic, Muscular, Nervous, Reproduction, Respiratory, Skeletal, Special Senses, Urinary,
  • C. Tissue injury and repair, D. Concepts of energetic anatomy)

MBLEx Anatomy and Physiology Practice Test 2024

The following question answers are just a sample test and not an actual test question. MBLEx Anatomy and Physiology Practice Test are designed to test your knowledge and learn something new with the help of this quiz. You can check your score and correct answers at the end of the quiz.

Test Name Massage & Bodywork Licensing Examination (MBLEx)
Administrated by Federation Of State Massage Therapy Boards (FSMTB)
Purpose Massage Therapy License Exam Prep
Practice Test Type Anatomy and Physiology Sample Test 1
Total Question 30
Type of Question Multiple-Choice (Quiz)
Explanation Availability Yes
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 System Structure 

Q1. Which of the following is the primary function of the cardiovascular system?

  • (A) Filtering blood
  • (B) Producing hormones
  • (C) Transporting nutrients and oxygen
  • (D) Breaking down food
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Answer: (C) Transporting nutrients and oxygen

Explanation: The cardiovascular system, comprising the heart and blood vessels, is responsible for transporting oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and cellular waste products throughout the body.

Q2. Which organ is primarily responsible for nutrient absorption in the digestive system?

  • (A) Stomach
  • (B) Small intestine
  • (C) Large intestine
  • (D) Esophagus
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Answer: (B) Small intestine

Explanation: The small intestine is the main site for nutrient absorption in the digestive system, where most digestion and absorption of food occurs.

Q3. The endocrine system primarily uses which of the following to regulate body functions?

  • (A) Electrical impulses
  • (B) Hormones
  • (C) Blood cells
  • (D) Digestive enzymes
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Answer: (B) Hormones

Explanation: The endocrine system consists of glands that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream to regulate various bodily functions.

Q4. Which layer of the skin contains the hair follicles and sweat glands?

  • (A) Epidermis
  • (B) Dermis
  • (C) Hypodermis
  • (D) Stratum corneum
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Answer: (B) Dermis

Explanation: The dermis is the middle layer of the skin, containing hair follicles, sweat glands, and connective tissue.

Q5. What is the main function of the lymphatic system?

  • (A) Transporting oxygen
  • (B) Producing hormones
  • (C) Removing waste and toxins
  • (D) Breaking down food
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Answer: (C) Removing waste and toxins

Explanation: The lymphatic system helps maintain fluid balance, removes waste and toxins, and plays a crucial role in the immune response.

Q6. Which of the following bones is part of the axial skeleton?

  • (A) Femur
  • (B) Humerus
  • (C) Rib
  • (D) Pelvis
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Answer: (C) Rib

Explanation: The axial skeleton includes the bones of the skull, vertebral column, and rib cage, providing support and protection for the body’s vital organs.

Q7. The nervous system is divided into which two major parts?

  • (A) Brain and spinal cord
  • (B) Peripheral and central
  • (C) Sensory and motor
  • (D) Autonomic and somatic
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Answer: (B) Peripheral and central

Explanation: The nervous system is divided into the central nervous system (CNS), consisting of the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS), which includes all other neural elements.

Q8. Which structure in the female reproductive system is responsible for producing eggs?

  • (A) Uterus
  • (B) Fallopian tube
  • (C) Ovary
  • (D) Vagina
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Answer: (C) Ovary

Explanation: The ovaries are the female gonads that produce eggs (ova) and secrete hormones like estrogen and progesterone.

Q9. The primary muscle involved in the process of breathing is the:

  • (A) Intercostal muscle
  • (B) Diaphragm
  • (C) Pectoralis major
  • (D) Trapezius
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Answer: (B) Diaphragm

Explanation: The diaphragm is a dome-shaped muscle that plays a crucial role in breathing by contracting and relaxing to allow air into the lungs.

Q10. Which part of the eye is responsible for detecting light and converting it into neural signals?

  • (A) Cornea
  • (B) Retina
  • (C) Lens
  • (D) Iris
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Answer: (B) Retina

Explanation: The retina is the light-sensitive layer at the back of the eye that converts light into electrical signals sent to the brain.

Q11. What is the primary function of the kidneys in the urinary system?

  • (A) Storing urine
  • (B) Filtering blood to produce urine
  • (C) Regulating blood pressure
  • (D) Secreting hormones
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Answer: (B) Filtering blood to produce urine

Explanation: The kidneys filter blood to remove waste products and excess substances, producing urine as a result.

 System Function 

Q12. Which of the following components of blood carries oxygen to the body's tissues?

  • (A) White blood cells
  • (B) Platelets
  • (C) Plasma
  • (D) Red blood cells
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Answer: (D) Red blood cells

Explanation: Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, which binds to oxygen and transports it from the lungs to the tissues.

Q13. During digestion, which enzyme is responsible for breaking down proteins in the stomach?

  • (A) Amylase
  • (B) Lipase
  • (C) Pepsin
  • (D) Trypsin
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Answer: (C) Pepsin

Explanation: Pepsin is an enzyme in the stomach that breaks down proteins into smaller peptides.

Q14. The endocrine gland responsible for regulating metabolism is the:

  • (A) Pancreas
  • (B) Thyroid gland
  • (C) Adrenal gland
  • (D) Pituitary gland
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Answer: (B) Thyroid gland

Explanation: The thyroid gland produces hormones like thyroxine that regulate the body’s metabolism.

Q15. The integumentary system helps regulate body temperature through the process of:

  • (A) Digestion
  • (B) Perspiration
  • (C) Circulation
  • (D) Respiration
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Answer: (B) Perspiration

Explanation: The skin regulates body temperature by sweating, which cools the body as the sweat evaporates.

Q16. The lymphatic system includes which of the following organs that play a key role in the immune response?

  • (A) Liver
  • (B) Spleen
  • (C) Pancreas
  • (D) Kidney
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Answer: (B) Spleen

Explanation: The spleen filters blood, stores white blood cells, and helps the body fight infections.

Q17. Which muscle type is found in the walls of hollow organs like the stomach and intestines?

  • (A) Cardiac muscle
  • (B) Skeletal muscle
  • (C) Smooth muscle
  • (D) Striated muscle
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Answer: (C) Smooth muscle

Explanation: Smooth muscle is found in the walls of hollow organs and is responsible for involuntary movements like peristalsis.

Q18. The nervous system's primary function is to:

  • (A) Produce hormones
  • (B) Store nutrients
  • (C) Coordinate body activities
  • (D) Filter waste products
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Answer: (C) Coordinate body activities

Explanation: The nervous system coordinates and controls body activities by transmitting signals between different parts of the body.

Q19. Which hormone is produced by the testes and is responsible for male secondary sexual characteristics?

  • (A) Estrogen
  • (B) Progesterone
  • (C) Testosterone
  • (D) Cortisol
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Answer: (C) Testosterone

Explanation: Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics like increased muscle mass and facial hair.

Q20. The primary function of the respiratory system is to:

  • (A) Produce hormones
  • (B) Transport nutrients
  • (C) Exchange gases
  • (D) Filter waste products
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Answer: (C) Exchange gases

Explanation: The respiratory system is responsible for the exchange of gases, primarily oxygen and carbon dioxide, between the air and the blood.

Q21. Which part of the ear is responsible for converting sound waves into electrical signals?

  • (A) Cochlea
  • (B) Eardrum
  • (C) Malleus
  • (D) Incus
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Answer: (A) Cochlea

Explanation: The cochlea is a spiral-shaped organ in the inner ear that converts sound waves into electrical signals sent to the brain.

Q22. The primary function of the urinary bladder is to:

  • (A) Produce urine
  • (B) Filter blood
  • (C) Store urine
  • (D) Secrete hormones
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Answer: (C) Store urine

Explanation: The urinary bladder stores urine until it is excreted from the body.

 Tissue Injury and Repair 

Q23. What is the initial response of the body to tissue injury?

  • (A) Regeneration
  • (B) Inflammation
  • (C) Remodeling
  • (D) Scar formation
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Answer: (B) Inflammation

Explanation: Inflammation is the body’s immediate response to tissue injury, characterized by redness, heat, swelling, and pain.

Q24. Which type of cell is primarily involved in the repair of damaged tissue?

  • (A) Red blood cells
  • (B) Platelets
  • (C) Fibroblasts
  • (D) Neurons
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Answer: (C) Fibroblasts

Explanation: Fibroblasts are cells that produce collagen and other fibers, playing a key role in tissue repair and scar formation.

 Concepts of Energetic Anatomy 

Q25. In energetic anatomy, what term describes the body’s energy field?

  • (A) Aura
  • (B) Chakra
  • (C) Meridian
  • (D) Ki
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Answer: (A) Aura

Explanation: The aura is considered the body’s energy field that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body.

Q26. According to traditional Chinese medicine, how many main meridians are there in the body?

  • (A) 7
  • (B) 10
  • (C) 12
  • (D) 14
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Answer: (C) 12

Explanation: Traditional Chinese medicine identifies 12 main meridians through which qi (energy) flows in the body.

Q27. Which chakra is associated with the heart and is believed to govern love and compassion?

  • (A) Root chakra
  • (B) Sacral chakra
  • (C) Heart chakra
  • (D) Crown chakra
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Answer: (C) Heart chakra

Explanation: The heart chakra, located in the center of the chest, is associated with love, compassion, and emotional balance.

Q28. In Reiki, what is the primary purpose of channeling energy?

  • (A) To diagnose illness
  • (B) To relax muscles
  • (C) To promote healing
  • (D) To increase metabolism
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Answer: (C) To promote healing

Explanation: Reiki is a practice that involves channeling universal energy to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

Q29. What is the concept of "prana" in Ayurvedic medicine?

  • (A) Physical strength
  • (B) Life force energy
  • (C) Mental clarity
  • (D) Nutritional balance
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Answer: (B) Life force energy

Explanation: Prana is the Sanskrit term for the life force energy believed to flow through all living things in Ayurvedic medicine.

Q30. Which meridian is associated with the function of the lungs in traditional Chinese medicine?

  • (A) Kidney meridian
  • (B) Liver meridian
  • (C) Lung meridian
  • (D) Spleen meridian
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Answer: (C) Lung meridian

Explanation: The lung meridian is one of the main meridians in traditional Chinese medicine, associated with respiratory functions and the intake of qi (energy).

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