FCLE Landmark Decisions Practice Test 2024

Last Updated on June 18, 2024

FCLE Landmark Decisions Practice Test 2024 30 MCQs Question Answers with Explanation. This free test will help your Florida Civic Literacy Exam (FCLE) better. You can download this practice test in PDF format by pressing Ctrl+P, then download it in PDF.

FCLE Landmark Decisions Practice Test

Q1. Which document is considered the oldest written national constitution still in effect?

  • (A) Magna Carta
  • (B) English Bill of Rights
  • (C) U.S. Constitution
  • (D) Articles of Confederation
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Answer: (C)
Explanation: The U.S. Constitution is considered the oldest written national constitution still in effect.

Q2. Which Supreme Court case established the principle of judicial review?

  • (A) McCulloch v. Maryland
  • (B) Gibbons v. Ogden
  • (C) Marbury v. Madison
  • (D) Dred Scott v. Sandford
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Answer: (C)
Explanation: Marbury v. Madison (1803) established the principle of judicial review, allowing the Supreme Court to determine the constitutionality of laws.

Q3. The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 were enacted primarily to:

  • (A) Support the French Revolution
  • (B) Strengthen the U.S. military
  • (C) Suppress dissent and criticism of the federal government
  • (D) Establish a national bank
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Answer: (C)
Explanation: The Alien and Sedition Acts were aimed at suppressing dissent and criticism of the federal government during a time of potential conflict with France.

Q4. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 was significant because it:

  • (A) Established the first national bank
  • (B) Outlawed slavery in the Northwest Territory
  • (C) Declared war on Britain
  • (D) Established the Electoral College
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 prohibited slavery in the Northwest Territory and set a precedent for the creation of future states.

Q5. Which Supreme Court case ruled that “separate but equal” facilities were constitutional?

  • (A) Brown v. Board of Education
  • (B) Plessy v. Ferguson
  • (C) Dred Scott v. Sandford
  • (D) Roe v. Wade
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) ruled that “separate but equal” facilities were constitutional, which justified segregation until it was overturned by Brown v. Board of Education in 1954.

Q6. Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution abolished slavery?

  • (A) 13th Amendment
  • (B) 14th Amendment
  • (C) 15th Amendment
  • (D) 19th Amendment
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Answer: (A)
Explanation: The 13th Amendment, ratified in 1865, abolished slavery in the United States.

Q7. Which legislation reflects federal efforts to regulate transportation?

  • (A) Interstate Commerce Act
  • (B) Sherman Anti-Trust Act
  • (C) Bland-Allison Act
  • (D) Pendleton Act
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Answer: (A)
Explanation: The Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 was designed to regulate the railroad industry and its monopolistic practices.

Q8. The U.S. Supreme Court enabled which government practices to continue in its ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson?

  • (A) Prohibiting monopoly formation
  • (B) Segregating public facilities
  • (C) Establishing immigration quotas
  • (D) Regulating financial markets
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation under the doctrine of “separate but equal.”</su_spoiler]

Q9. Which Supreme Court case established the principle of “one person, one vote”?

  • (A) Brown v. Board of Education
  • (B) Gideon v. Wainwright
  • (C) Miranda v. Arizona
  • (D) Reynolds v. Sims
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Answer: (D)
Explanation: Reynolds v. Sims (1964) established the principle of "one person, one vote," ensuring equal representation in legislative districts.

Q10. What was the significance of the Emancipation Proclamation?

  • (A) It declared the end of the Civil War
  • (B) It freed slaves in the Confederate states
  • (C) It granted women the right to vote
  • (D) It established the national bank
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: The Emancipation Proclamation, issued by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863, freed slaves in the Confederate states as a war measure.</su_spoiler]

Q11. Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution granted women the right to vote?

  • (A) 15th Amendment
  • (B) 19th Amendment
  • (C) 24th Amendment
  • (D) 26th Amendment
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: The 19th Amendment, ratified in 1920, granted women the right to vote in the United States.

Q12. The War Powers Resolution of 1973 was enacted to:

  • (A) Give the President unlimited war powers
  • (B) Limit the President's power to send troops into combat without Congressional approval
  • (C) Allow the President to declare war
  • (D) Provide funding for the military
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: The War Powers Resolution of 1973 was enacted to limit the President’s power to send troops into combat without Congressional approval.

Q13. Which Supreme Court case ruled that the government must provide legal counsel to defendants who cannot afford it?

  • (A) Brown v. Board of Education
  • (B) Gideon v. Wainwright
  • (C) Miranda v. Arizona
  • (D) Roe v. Wade
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) ruled that the government must provide legal counsel to defendants who cannot afford it.

Q14. The 24th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution abolished:

  • (A) Slavery
  • (B) Poll taxes in federal elections
  • (C) Alcohol prohibition
  • (D) Literacy tests for voting
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: The 24th Amendment, ratified in 1964, abolished poll taxes in federal elections.

Q15. Which piece of legislation aimed to eliminate racial discrimination in voting?

  • (A) Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • (B) Voting Rights Act of 1965
  • (C) Fair Housing Act of 1968
  • (D) Americans with Disabilities Act
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: The Voting Rights Act of 1965 aimed to eliminate racial discrimination in voting, particularly in the Southern states.

Q16. Which landmark Supreme Court case ruled that segregation in public schools is unconstitutional?

  • (A) Plessy v. Ferguson
  • (B) Brown v. Board of Education
  • (C) Gideon v. Wainwright
  • (D) Roe v. Wade
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Brown v. Board of Education (1954) ruled that segregation in public schools is unconstitutional, overturning Plessy v. Ferguson.

Q17. Which legislation created the Social Security program?

  • (A) Wagner Act
  • (B) Social Security Act of 1935
  • (C) Fair Labor Standards Act
  • (D) National Industrial Recovery Act
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: The Social Security Act of 1935 created the Social Security program, providing financial assistance to the elderly and unemployed.

Q18. The Great Compromise during the Constitutional Convention resulted in:

  • (A) The establishment of a unicameral legislature
  • (B) The creation of a bicameral legislature
  • (C) The abolition of the Electoral College
  • (D) The introduction of judicial review
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: The Great Compromise resulted in the creation of a bicameral legislature, with the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Q19. The principle that all government power comes from the people is known as:

  • (A) Federalism
  • (B) Popular sovereignty
  • (C) Judicial review
  • (D) Checks and balances
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Popular sovereignty is the principle that all government power comes from the people.

Q20. Which Supreme Court case upheld the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II?

  • (A) Korematsu v. United States
  • (B) Brown v. Board of Education
  • (C) Plessy v. Ferguson
  • (D) Gideon v. Wainwright
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Answer: (A)
Explanation: Korematsu v. United States (1944) upheld the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II as a wartime necessity.

Q21. The New Deal was a series of programs and reforms initiated by which U.S. President?

  • (A) Herbert Hoover
  • (B) Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • (C) Harry S. Truman
  • (D) Dwight D. Eisenhower
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Franklin D. Roosevelt initiated the New Deal, a series of programs and reforms to address the Great Depression.

Q22. The 22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution limits the President to:

  • (A) One term
  • (B) Two terms
  • (C) Three terms
  • (D) Four terms
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: The 22nd Amendment, ratified in 1951, limits the President to two terms in office.

Q23. Which landmark Supreme Court case legalized same-sex marriage nationwide in the United States?

  • (A) Roe v. Wade
  • (B) Obergefell v. Hodges
  • (C) United States v. Windsor
  • (D) Loving v. Virginia
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) legalized same-sex marriage nationwide in the United States.

Q24. Which piece of legislation was aimed at protecting the environment and reducing pollution?

  • (A) Clean Air Act
  • (B) Voting Rights Act
  • (C) Civil Rights Act
  • (D) Social Security Act
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Answer: (A)
Explanation: The Clean Air Act, first passed in 1963 and amended in 1970 and 1990, aimed to protect the environment and reduce pollution.

Q25. The Patriot Act, passed in response to the September 11 attacks, primarily expanded the powers of:

  • (A) The Department of Education
  • (B) The Environmental Protection Agency
  • (C) Law enforcement agencies
  • (D) The Department of Transportation
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Answer: (C)
Explanation: The Patriot Act, passed in 2001, expanded the powers of law enforcement agencies to combat terrorism.

Q26. Use the passage below, from a landmark Supreme Court case opinion, to answer the question that follows.

"So if a law be in opposition to the constitution; if both the law and the constitution apply to a particular case, so that the court must either decide that case conformably to the law, disregarding the constitution; or conformably to the constitution, disregarding the law; the court must determine which of these conflicting rules governs the case."
Source: National Archives and Records Administration

Which Supreme Court case established the precedent described in the opinion?

  • (A) Bush v. Gore
  • (B) Miranda v. Arizona
  • (C) Marbury v. Madison
  • (D) Dred Scott v. Sandford
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Answer: (C)
Explanation: Marbury v. Madison (1803) established the precedent of judicial review, allowing the Supreme Court to determine the constitutionality of laws.

Q27. Which landmark legislation aimed to end racial segregation in public schools?

  • (A) Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • (B) Voting Rights Act of 1965
  • (C) Elementary and Secondary Education Act
  • (D) Brown v. Board of Education
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Answer: (D)
Explanation: Brown v. Board of Education (1954) was the landmark Supreme Court case that declared racial segregation in public schools unconstitutional.

Q28. Use the excerpt below, from the Dred Scott decision, to answer the question that follows.

"The Constitution does not consider slaves to be U.S. citizens. Rather, they are constitutionally protected property of their masters."
Source: National Archives and Records Administration

What was the impact of the Dred Scott v. Sandford decision?

  • (A) It granted citizenship to slaves.
  • (B) It ruled that slaves were property and not citizens.
  • (C) It abolished slavery in the United States.
  • (D) It allowed states to decide the legality of slavery.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: The Dred Scott v. Sandford decision ruled that slaves were property and not citizens, further entrenching the institution of slavery until it was later overturned by the 13th and 14th Amendments.

Q29. Which executive action led to the desegregation of the U.S. military?

  • (A) Emancipation Proclamation
  • (B) Executive Order 9981
  • (C) War Powers Act
  • (D) Voting Rights Act of 1965
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Executive Order 9981, issued by President Harry S. Truman in 1948, led to the desegregation of the U.S. military.

Q30. The Louisiana Purchase was significant because it:

  • (A) Declared war on France
  • (B) Established the national bank
  • (C) Doubled the size of the United States
  • (D) Abolished slavery in new territories
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Answer: (C)
Explanation: The Louisiana Purchase in 1803 doubled the size of the United States, significantly expanding its territory.

Q31. Which legislation was passed to prevent monopolistic business practices?

  • (A) Interstate Commerce Act
  • (B) Sherman Antitrust Act
  • (C) Pendleton Act
  • (D) Homestead Act
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 was passed to prevent monopolistic business practices and promote fair competition.

Q32. Which landmark case established the "separate but equal" doctrine?

  • (A) Plessy v. Ferguson
  • (B) Brown v. Board of Education
  • (C) Dred Scott v. Sandford
  • (D) Gideon v. Wainwright
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Answer: (A)
Explanation: Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) established the “separate but equal” doctrine, which justified segregation until it was overturned by Brown v. Board of Education.

Q33. The Emancipation Proclamation declared that:

  • (A) All slaves in the United States were free
  • (B) Slaves in Confederate states were free
  • (C) Slavery was abolished in all U.S. territories
  • (D) Slaves in border states were free
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: The Emancipation Proclamation, issued by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863, declared that slaves in Confederate states were free.

Q34. Use the passage below, from a landmark Supreme Court case opinion, to answer the question that follows.

"The right of an individual to 'plead the Fifth' and refuse to answer questions in order to avoid self-incrimination is a fundamental right."
Source: National Archives and Records Administration

Which Supreme Court case established the precedent described in the opinion?

  • (A) Miranda v. Arizona
  • (B) Gideon v. Wainwright
  • (C) Marbury v. Madison
  • (D) Brown v. Board of Education
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Answer: (A)
Explanation: Miranda v. Arizona (1966) established the precedent that individuals must be informed of their rights, including the right to avoid self-incrimination, when in police custody.

Q35. Which landmark case ruled that state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students were unconstitutional?

  • (A) Plessy v. Ferguson
  • (B) Brown v. Board of Education
  • (C) Marbury v. Madison
  • (D) Roe v. Wade
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Brown v. Board of Education (1954) ruled that state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students were unconstitutional, overturning the “separate but equal” doctrine.

See also:

Chapter Wise Tests

  1. Understanding the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights
  2. Founding Documents
  3. Landmark Decisions
  4. Principles of Democracy

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