HESI A2 Vocabulary Practice Test 2023 with Grammar [PDF]

HESI A2 Vocabulary Practice Test 2023 with Grammar [PDF]. Download the free printable question-answer quiz for preparing HESI Admission Assessment Exam 2022. HESI A2 a2 vocab practice test online,

Vocabulary and General Knowledge: Contains vocabulary terms that are commonly used in both general English-speaking settings and in health care fields. Recommended time: 50 minutes.

HESI A2 Vocabulary and Grammar Practice Test

Test Name HESI A2 Test Prep
Subject Vocabulary and Grammar Practice Test
Question Type Multiple Choice
Test Type Sample Practice Test
Total Passage and No. of Question Basic
Passing Score 70% or higher
Printable PDF Available
See also HESI A2 Reading Comprehension Practice Test [SET – 1]

HESI A2 Vocabulary Practice Test 2022

Q1. Select the correct definition of the underlined word.

The symmetrical nature of the artwork allowed it to be viewed from many angles.

🔘 A. Measured from the center
🔘 B. Colorful
🔘 C. Equal on all sides
🔘 D. Whimsical
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Answer: C.

Q2. Select the word or phrase that will make the sentence grammatically correct.

Within the __________ of the hospital, great emphasis is placed on calmness.

🔘 A. cafeteria
🔘 B. milieu
🔘 C. metabolism
🔘 D. component
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Answer: B.

Q3. Select the correct definition of the underlined word.

The verbal instructions given by the instructor allowed the student to create an outstanding project.

🔘 A. Written
🔘 B. Detailed
🔘 C. Oral
🔘 D. Permissive
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Answer: C.

Q4. What is the best description for the term quotient?

🔘 A. The minimum number of members needed to be present for a vote to be valid
🔘 B. The protocol used when a sterile field must be maintained
🔘 C. A math term naming the answer in a division question
🔘 D. The preferred inoculation site for a newborn infant
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Answer: C.

Q5. What is the best description for the word laceration?

🔘 A. The means by which nursing mothers produce milk for their babies
🔘 B. A deep, ragged tear
🔘 C. A medical term used to describe the removal of the tear ducts
🔘 D. An intolerance of dairy products
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Answer: B.

Q6. Which statement uses a euphemism?

🔘 A. The fireman bravely entered the burning building.
🔘 B. The nurse told the family, “I’m sorry, your father has passed away.”
🔘 C. The orderly was laughing about the patient’s vomiting episode.
🔘 D. Her husband was overjoyed when she told him she was pregnant.
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Answer: B.

Q7. What is another word for skull?

🔘 A. Spine
🔘 B. Ability
🔘 C. Cranium
🔘 D. Zygote
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Answer: C.

Q8. Select the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence.

In medicine, the desired outcome is recovery.

🔘 A. expected
🔘 B. analyzed
🔘 C. wished for
🔘 D. diagnosed
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Answer: C.

Q9. Select the word or phrase that will make the sentence grammatically correct.

The nurse has a __________ to the Journal of Nursing Education.

🔘 A. subscription
🔘 B. prescription
🔘 C. recipe
🔘 D. receipt
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Answer: A.

Q10. Select the word or phrase that will make the sentence grammatically correct.

The food bank referred many __________ patients to the free clinic.

🔘 A. indignant
🔘 B. wealthy
🔘 C. indigent
🔘 D. healthy
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Answer: C.

Q11. What is the best description for the term t riag e?

🔘 A. The stand with three legs used to support an IV pump
🔘 B. The order in which patients are to be treated
🔘 C. The physician’s prescription for a drug to be taken three times a day
🔘 D. The shift for nursing duty beginning at 3 pm and ending at 11 pm
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Answer: B.

Q12. Select the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence.

His skin was unevenly pigmented by the disease.

🔘 A. Scarred
🔘 B. Spotted
🔘 C. Broken
🔘 D. Colored
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Answer: D.

Q13. Which word means “the thickness of a liquid”?

🔘 A. Viscosity
🔘 B. Zygote
🔘 C. Sublingual
🔘 D. Adhesion
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Answer: A.

Q14. Select the correct definition of the underlined word.

The gaping hole in the fence was an enticing lure for the curious toddler.

🔘 A. Narrow
🔘 B. Jagged
🔘 C. Painted
🔘 D. Wide open
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Answer: D.

Q15. What is the best description for the term febrile?

🔘 A. Mental incompetence
🔘 B. Having a fever
🔘 C. Pregnant
🔘 D. Having clogged sinuses
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Answer: B.

Q16. What is the best description for the word contraction?

🔘 A. Spasm
🔘 B. Decrease
🔘 C. Treaty
🔘 D. Moderate
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Answer: A.

Q17. Select the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence.
The nurse discussed the diet plan with the patient.

🔘 A. Regime
🔘 B. Regimen
🔘 C. Supposition
🔘 D. Substitution
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Answer: B.

Q18. What is the best description for the term combination?

🔘 A. Putting two or more things together
🔘 B. The beginning of a fire
🔘 C. The reason for an action
🔘 D. The change seen when a drug is administered
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Answer: A.

Q19. Decomposition is the process of enzymes digesting food. Another name for this process is __________.

🔘 A. degeneration
🔘 B. dialysis
🔘 C. lysis
🔘 D. lymph
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Answer: C.

Q20. Select the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence.

The nurse noticed an audible gurgle when doing a physical examination on the patient.

🔘 A. Observable
🔘 B. Spasmodic
🔘 C. Ominous
🔘 D. Perceptible
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Answer: D.

Q21. Select the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence. The nurse observed that the skin around the sore was inflamed.

🔘 A. Blanched
🔘 B. Covered with a scab
🔘 C. Cool to the touch
🔘 D. Reddened
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Answer: D.

Q22. Select the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence. The nurse gave instructions to the patient on the care of his renal disease.

🔘 A. Fatal
🔘 B. Kidney
🔘 C. Heart
🔘 D.  Lung
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Answer: B.

Q23. Select the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence. Endogenous factors were responsible for his illness.

🔘 A.  Produced within the body
🔘 B. Produced outside the body
🔘 C. Polluting
🔘 D. Hemocratic
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Answer: A.

Q24. Select the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence.

The proliferation of text messaging among teens has alarmed parents.

🔘 A. Increase
🔘 B. Summarization
🔘 C. Ambiance
🔘 D. Rampant
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Answer: D.

Q25. Select the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence. It is important that the bandage remain intact.

🔘 A. Dry
🔘 B. Whole
🔘 C. Uncovered
🔘 D. Secure
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Answer: B.

Q26. Select the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence. It is not wise to skimp on personal hygiene.

🔘 A. Measures contributing to cleanliness and good health
🔘 B. Financial resources available through the employment department
🔘 C. Insurance
🔘 D. Friendliness
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Answer: A.

Q27. The patient fractured the lateral portion of the hip bone, which is known as the __________.

🔘 A. ilium
🔘 B. ileum
🔘 C. icterus
🔘 D. ileus
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Answer: A.

Q28. Select the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence. The parameters of medical ethics require the nurse to report instances of suspected child abuse.

🔘 A. Laws
🔘 B. Limits
🔘 C. Common sense
🔘 D. Structure
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Answer: B.

Q29. Select the correct order of words to fit in the sentence structure. The nursing __________ put the Band- __________ on the wound to __________ the nurse.

🔘 A. aid, aide, aide
🔘 B. aide, aid, aid
🔘 C. aid, aide, aid
🔘 D. aide, aid, aide
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Answer: B.

Q30. A person who is ravenous is __________.

🔘 A. generous
🔘 B. outspoken
🔘 C. friendly
🔘 D.hungry
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Answer: D.

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