APHG Unit 1 Practice Test (Free MCQ and FRQ)

Last Updated on June 30, 2024

APHG Unit 1 Practice Test (Free MCQ and FRQ) Questions and Answers. Are you preparing for AP Human Geography Unit 1: Thinking Geographically? We’ve got you covered with a comprehensive practice test featuring free multiple-choice questions (MCQ) and free-response questions (FRQ) answers.

Our APHG Unit 1 practice test is designed to help you master the foundational concepts of human geography, including spatial thinking, geographic data analysis, and the interpretation of maps. Enhance your understanding and boost your confidence with our detailed questions and answers, tailored to meet your study needs. Start practicing now to excel in your AP Human Geography exam!

APHG Unit 1 Practice Test – MCQ


APHG Unit 1: Thinking Geographically Practice Test

Advanced Placement Human Geography (APHG)
Unit 1: Thinking Geographically Practice Test
Total Items: 23
Free Test No Registration is Required


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Conserving resources to ensure enough for future generations is called

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Lines of longitude

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If a geographer performs a study on people’s perceptions of the Deep South using interviews as the primary data source, the geographer’s method is

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Which of the following is NOT a measure of relative distance?

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The ratio between distance on a map and distance on Earth’s surface is called the

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Which of the following is NOT a good example of a barrier to spatial diffusion?

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A thematic layer is

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Tobler’s First Law of Geography states, “Everything is related to everything else, but

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______________ argued that cultural landscapes should form the basic unit of geographic inquiry.

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Which of the following is true concerning regions?

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Map projections attempt to correct for errors in

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Which of the following is a true statement regarding time-space convergence?

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Which of the following is the oldest field of geography?

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Stores and restaurants in Oregon that find it cheaper to buy fresh vegetables grown in California than to buy those grown in Florida are taking advantage of

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A perceptual region’s boundaries are

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Rap music first appeared in New York in the 1970s. Later it spread to large cities with vibrant African American populations—such as Los Angeles, Oakland, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Detroit—without being absorbed by the smaller cities and rural areas in between. This type of spatial diffusion is called

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According to the gravity model, which two places are most likely to have a high level of interaction?

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Geographic scale refers to

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Cartography is the art and science of

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Seattle is located on Puget Sound in northwestern Washington. It has a large university, a famous downtown market, and a moist, marine climate. Seattle’s primary economic activities include ship and aircraft construction and high-technology enterprises. This information gives us a description of Seattle’s

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Even though some cities are far apart in terms of absolute distance, they are actually quite connected economically and socially. This is representative of

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Human-induced environmental change is often referred to as

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The Mercator projection preserves

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APHG Unit 1 Practice Test – FRQ

1. Geography is unique from other disciplines because it applies a spatial perspective to different phenomena and processes occurring on Earth’s surface.

(A) Define the spatial perspective. Include in your definition what it means to think geographically. Also, describe the types of data that geographers analyze.


Spatial Perspective: The spatial perspective in geography involves observing and analyzing the locations, patterns, and relationships of phenomena on Earth’s surface. It means understanding how different places and features are positioned relative to each other and how they interact. Thinking geographically entails considering the spatial distribution and arrangement of various elements, whether natural or human-made and interpreting the significance of their locations and interconnections.

Thinking Geographically: Thinking geographically means approaching problems and questions with a focus on space and place. It involves asking where things are located, why they are there, how they got there, and how they interact with other locations. Geographers use this perspective to explore population distribution, land use, environmental changes, and urban development patterns.

Types of Data Analyzed by Geographers:

  1. Quantitative Data:
    • Population Data: Census records, demographic statistics, birth and death rates.
    • Economic Data: GDP, income levels, employment statistics.
    • Environmental Data: Climate records, precipitation levels, soil types.
  2. Qualitative Data:
    • Cultural Data: Ethnographic studies, language distributions, religious practices.
    • Historical Data: Historical maps, migration patterns, settlement history.
  3. Spatial Data:
    • Maps: Topographic maps, thematic maps, political maps.
    • Remote Sensing Data: Satellite images, aerial photographs.
    • GIS Data: Geographic Information Systems data layers, spatial databases.

(B) Provide an example of a problem that can be solved only from a spatial perspective.


Example of a Spatial Problem: One problem that can be solved only from a spatial perspective is the analysis and mitigation of urban heat islands (UHIs). Urban heat islands are areas within cities that experience significantly higher temperatures than their rural surroundings due to human activities and built environments.

Spatial Analysis for Urban Heat Islands:

  1. Identifying Hotspots: Using satellite imagery and thermal mapping to identify specific locations where temperatures are highest in a city.
  2. Understanding Causes: Analyzing land use patterns to determine the causes of UHIs, such as the density of buildings, lack of green spaces, and types of materials used in construction.
  3. Proposing Solutions: Develop strategies to mitigate UHIs, such as increasing urban greenery, implementing reflective building materials, and enhancing urban planning practices to improve airflow and reduce heat accumulation.

Importance of Spatial Perspective: Addressing urban heat islands requires a spatial perspective to understand the heat distribution within the city, identify the most affected areas, and develop targeted interventions. By mapping and analyzing spatial data, geographers can provide insights that lead to more effective urban design and policies to reduce the impact of UHIs on residents’ health and well-being.

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