APHG Unit 3 Practice Test (Free MCQ and FRQ)

Last Updated on June 30, 2024

APHG Unit 3: Cultural Patterns and Processes Practice Test (Free MCQ and FRQ) Questions and Answers. Are you preparing for AP Human Geography Unit 3: Cultural Patterns and Processes? We’ve got you covered with a comprehensive practice test featuring free multiple-choice questions (MCQ) and free-response questions (FRQ) answers.

Our APHG Unit 3 practice test is designed to help you master the essential concepts of cultural patterns, diffusion, and the impact of culture on landscapes. Enhance your understanding and boost your confidence with our detailed questions and answers, tailored to meet your study needs. Start practicing now to excel in your AP Human Geography exam!

APHG Unit 3 Practice Test – MCQ


APHG Unit 3: Cultural Patterns and Processes Practice Test

Advanced Placement Human Geography (APHG)
Unit 3: Cultural Patterns and Processes
Total Items: 20
Free Test No Registration is Required

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Which is the most characteristic statement of a folk culture?

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A group of people, all of the same ethnicity, live in the same area of a city near a nuclear waste facility. This is an example of a(n)

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In the 1990s, the United States

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An ethnicity is defined as

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In ____________ religions, community, common history, and social relations are inextricably intertwined with spiritual beliefs.

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____________ is an excellent example of a nonevangelical, universalizing religion.

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The hearth and spiritual center of Islam is at

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The world’s most widespread religion is

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Local Native American and African religions that teach a belief in a natural world full of spiritual beings and supernatural powers are often referred to as

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All evangelical religions are also

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Literacy rates vary by

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A simple trade language is called a

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Acculturation is a common cause of

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People in London, Melbourne, Vancouver, and Mumbai all speak

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The most widespread language family on Earth is the

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Wooden shoes characteristic of the Dutch culture are an example of a(n)

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The cultural hearth of Christianity is in

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Cultural traditions, such as Christmas, are ____________ since they borrow from the past and are continually reinvented in the present.

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Throughout history, numerous colonial powers have argued that certain types of people, living in certain areas of the world, are less able to govern themselves because of the qualities they have developed due to their interactions with natural factors, such as climate. This is an example of

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Cultural geography is the study of

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APHG Unit 3 Practice Test – FRQ

1. Cultural Patterns and Processes

(A) Discuss how language, religion, and ethnicity shape cultural landscapes. Include examples to illustrate your points.


Language: Language influences place names, signage, and regional communication. For example, in Quebec, Canada, French is the official language, and this is reflected in street names, public signs, and cultural institutions, shaping the province’s cultural landscape.

Religion impacts architecture, land use, and cultural practices. For instance, in the Middle East, mosques with minarets and the call to prayer are prominent cultural landscape features. Hindu temples and rituals along the Ganges River significantly influence the cultural environment in India.

Ethnicity: Ethnic groups contribute to the diversity of cultural landscapes through distinct housing styles, businesses, and cultural festivals. In the United States, areas like Chinatown in San Francisco showcase Chinese architecture, restaurants, and shops, creating a unique ethnic cultural landscape.

(B) Explain the concept of cultural diffusion and provide an example of how it has shaped a particular region or society.


Cultural Diffusion: Cultural diffusion is the spread of cultural traits, ideas, or products from one culture to another. This process can occur through various forms, such as relocation diffusion, expansion diffusion, contagious diffusion, and hierarchical diffusion.

Example: Cultural diffusion is the spread of Buddhism from its heart in India to other parts of Asia. As Buddhist missionaries traveled and established monasteries, Buddhism spread to regions such as China, Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia. This diffusion influenced local cultures, developing unique Buddhist practices and constructing significant cultural landmarks like the Borobudur temple in Indonesia and the Great Buddha of Kamakura in Japan.

2. Cultural Diffusion and Globalization

(A) Define the concept of globalization and explain how it has influenced cultural interactions and the spread of cultural traits.


Globalization: Globalization is the increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of the world’s economies, cultures, and populations, driven by international trade, investment, and information technology. It facilitates the exchange of ideas, goods, services, and cultural practices across borders.

Influence on Cultural Interactions: Globalization has led to greater cultural exchange and interaction, allowing for the spread of cultural traits such as language, food, fashion, and technology. For example, the global popularity of fast-food chains like McDonald’s and Starbucks reflects the diffusion of Western food culture. Similarly, the worldwide use of the English language in business and technology demonstrates cultural globalization.

(B) Discuss both positive and negative impacts of cultural globalization, using specific examples.


Positive Impacts:

  1. Cultural Exchange: Globalization promotes cultural exchange and understanding, as seen in international festivals and cultural events celebrating diversity.
  2. Economic Opportunities: Access to global markets has provided economic opportunities for many countries. For example, the rise of Bollywood has popularized Indian cinema globally, boosting India’s film industry.
  3. Innovation and Knowledge Sharing: The global spread of technology and information facilitates innovation and knowledge sharing, enhancing education and healthcare systems worldwide.

Negative Impacts:

  1. Cultural Homogenization: Globalization can lead to the homogenization of cultures, where dominant global cultures overshadow local traditions and practices. For instance, the spread of Western fashion and media can diminish traditional clothing and entertainment forms in other cultures.
  2. Loss of Cultural Identity: As global brands and cultural practices become prevalent, some communities may experience a loss of cultural identity and heritage. The decline of indigenous languages is an example of this negative impact.
  3. Economic Disparities: While globalization creates economic opportunities, it can also exacerbate economic disparities between developed and developing countries, leading to unequal benefits and exploitation.

By understanding these concepts and examples, students can gain a deeper insight into the complex processes and patterns that shape cultural landscapes and interactions in the modern world.

See also: