APHG Unit 5 Practice Test (Free MCQ and FRQ)

Last Updated on June 30, 2024

APHG Unit 5: Agriculture and Rural Land-Use Patterns and Processes Practice Test (Free MCQ and FRQ) Questions and Answers. Are you preparing for AP Human Geography Unit 5: Agriculture and Rural Land-Use Patterns and Processes? We’ve got you covered with a comprehensive practice test featuring free multiple-choice questions (MCQ) and free-response questions (FRQ) answers.

Our APHG Unit 5 practice test is designed to help you master the essential concepts of agricultural practices, rural land use, and their impacts on the environment and society. Enhance your understanding and boost your confidence with our detailed questions and answers, tailored to meet your study needs. Start practicing now to excel in your AP Human Geography exam!

APHG Unit 5 Practice Test – MCQ


APHG Unit 5: Agriculture and Rural Land-Use Patterns and Processes MCQs

Advanced Placement Human Geography (APHG)
Unit 5: Agriculture and Rural Land-Use Patterns and Processes
Total Items: 15
Free Test No Registration is Required

1 / 15

Ranching is a good example of which type of agricultural system?

2 / 15

Which of the following was NOT a location of independent plant and animal domestication?

3 / 15

The Green Revolution greatly increased crop production in some countries

4 / 15

The Industrial Revolution transformed Western agriculture

5 / 15

Slash-and-burn agriculture is

6 / 15

The first agriculturalists were

7 / 15

Soil specialists must work to overcome the negative effects of ___________ associated with agricultural production.

8 / 15

DDT is an example of a ___________ that has had negative effects all the way through the food chain.

9 / 15

___________ is a common cause of decreasing farmland in rapidly growing urban areas.

10 / 15

In arid climates, like southern California and the Middle East, ___________ can cause the soil to become salty and infertile.

11 / 15

Agribusiness has had all of the following effects on agriculture, EXCEPT

12 / 15

The effects of biotechnology

13 / 15

___________ is (are) widespread in semiarid climates throughout the world.

14 / 15

According to von Thunen, the regional geography of agriculture is determined by

15 / 15

The modern global geography of agriculture is determined by

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APHG Unit 5 Practice Test – FRQ

Free-Response Questions

1. Agricultural Practices and Innovation

(A) Explain how agricultural practices have evolved from subsistence farming to commercial agriculture. Include examples of technological advancements that have facilitated this shift.

(B) Discuss the environmental impacts of modern agricultural practices. Provide examples of both positive and negative effects.

2. Rural Land Use and Patterns

(A) Describe the von Thünen model of agricultural land use. Explain how it applies to modern agricultural practices.

(B) Analyze the impact of government policies on rural land use in a specific country. Discuss both intended and unintended consequences.

Free-Response Answers

1. Agricultural Practices and Innovation

(A) Explain how agricultural practices have evolved from subsistence farming to commercial agriculture. Include examples of technological advancements that have facilitated this shift.


Evolution from Subsistence to Commercial Agriculture: Agricultural practices have significantly evolved from subsistence farming, where farmers grow food primarily for their own consumption, to commercial agriculture, which focuses on large-scale production for sale in markets. Several factors have driven this shift:

  1. Technological Advancements: Innovations such as the development of high-yield crop varieties, mechanization (tractors, harvesters), and the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides have dramatically increased agricultural productivity.
    • Example: The Green Revolution of the 1960s introduced high-yield varieties of wheat and rice, along with synthetic fertilizers and irrigation techniques, leading to substantial increases in crop production in countries like India and Mexico.
  2. Infrastructure Development: Improved transportation networks, including roads, railways, and shipping routes, have facilitated the movement of agricultural products from rural areas to urban markets and international destinations.
    • Example: The development of refrigerated transportation has allowed for the global distribution of perishable goods like fruits, vegetables, and dairy products.
  3. Market Access and Global Trade: The expansion of global trade networks and the establishment of agribusinesses have integrated local farmers into the global economy, encouraging the shift towards commercial agriculture.
    • Example: Countries like Brazil and Argentina have become major exporters of soybeans and beef, driven by demand from international markets such as China and the European Union.

(B) Discuss the environmental impacts of modern agricultural practices. Provide examples of both positive and negative effects.


Positive Environmental Impacts:

  1. Increased Efficiency: Modern agricultural practices have led to more efficient use of land and resources, enabling higher yields on smaller plots of land. This can reduce the need for deforestation and habitat destruction.
    • Example: Precision agriculture uses GPS and data analytics to optimize planting, watering, and fertilization, minimizing waste and environmental impact.
  2. Soil Conservation Techniques: No-till farming and crop rotation help maintain soil health and prevent erosion.
    • Example: No-till farming reduces soil disturbance, preserving soil structure and organic matter, which enhances water retention and reduces erosion.

Negative Environmental Impacts:

  1. Chemical Pollution: Extensive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides can pollute soil and water, harming ecosystems and human health.
    • Example: Runoff from agricultural fields containing nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers can cause eutrophication in water bodies, leading to algal blooms and dead zones.
  2. Loss of Biodiversity: Monoculture farming practices reduce biodiversity by focusing on a single crop, making ecosystems more vulnerable to pests and diseases.
    • Example: The widespread cultivation of genetically modified (GM) crops like Bt corn has led to concerns about the impact on non-target species and the development of resistant pests.
  3. Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Agricultural activities contribute to greenhouse gas emissions by using fossil fuels in machinery, emitting methane from livestock, and releasing carbon dioxide from soil.
    • Example: Livestock farming, particularly cattle, produces significant methane emissions, a potent greenhouse gas contributing to climate change.

2. Rural Land Use and Patterns

(A) Describe the von Thünen model of agricultural land use. Explain how it applies to modern agricultural practices.


von Thünen Model: The von Thünen model, developed by Johann Heinrich von Thünen in the early 19th century, explains the spatial organization of agriculture based on the cost of transportation and land. The model consists of concentric rings around a central market city, with different types of agriculture located in each ring according to their perishability and transportation costs.

  1. First Ring: Market gardening and dairy farming, which involve perishable products that need to be transported quickly to the market.
  2. Second Ring: Forests, providing timber and firewood, which are bulky and expensive to transport.
  3. Third Ring: Field crops such as grains, which are less perishable and can be transported over longer distances.
  4. Fourth Ring: Livestock ranching requires extensive land and can be located farther from the market.

Application to Modern Agriculture: While the von Thünen model was developed in a pre-industrial context, its principles can still be observed in modern agricultural practices:

  1. Urban Agriculture: High-value, perishable crops like vegetables and flowers are often grown near urban areas to meet local demand and minimize transportation costs.
    • Example: Urban farms and greenhouses in cities like New York and Tokyo provide fresh produce to local markets and restaurants.
  2. Dairy Farming: Dairy farms are commonly located near urban centers to ensure fresh milk and dairy products reach consumers quickly.
    • Example: Dairy farms around cities like Chicago and Los Angeles supply local markets with fresh milk, cheese, and yogurt.
  3. Commercial Agriculture: Large-scale grain production, such as wheat and corn, is often found in more remote areas where land is cheaper, and transportation infrastructure supports the movement of bulk commodities.
    • Example: The Midwest region of the United States, known as the “Corn Belt,” produces vast quantities of corn and soybeans for national and international markets.

(B) Analyze the impact of government policies on rural land use in a specific country. Discuss both intended and unintended consequences.


Impact of Government Policies on Rural Land Use in the United States:

Intended Consequences:

  1. Agricultural Subsidies: The U.S. government provides subsidies to farmers for specific crops, encouraging production and stabilizing food supply.
    • Example: Subsidies for corn and soybeans support large-scale production, ensuring a steady supply for domestic use and export.
  2. Conservation Programs: Programs like the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) pay farmers to remove environmentally sensitive land from production and plant species that improve environmental health.
    • Example: CRP helps reduce soil erosion, improve water quality, and create wildlife habitats.

Unintended Consequences:

  1. Monoculture and Overproduction: Subsidies can lead to overproduction of certain crops, reducing biodiversity and increasing vulnerability to pests and diseases.
    • Example: The focus on corn production has led to extensive monoculture, which can deplete soil nutrients and require increased use of chemical inputs.
  2. Land Value Inflation: Government payments and subsidies can inflate land values, making it difficult for new and smaller farmers to enter the market.
    • Example: High land prices in prime agricultural areas limit opportunities for young and beginning farmers to purchase land and start their operations.
  3. Environmental Degradation: Policies promoting certain types of agriculture can inadvertently contribute to environmental issues, such as water pollution from fertilizer runoff.
    • Example: Intensive livestock farming supported by government policies can lead to manure runoff, contaminating water sources and contributing to nutrient pollution.

By understanding these concepts and examples, students can gain a deeper insight into the complex processes and patterns that shape agricultural practices and rural land use in the modern world.

See also: