APHG Unit 2 Practice Test (Free MCQ and FRQ)

Last Updated on June 30, 2024

APHG Unit 2 Practice Test (Free MCQ and FRQ) Questions and Answers. Are you preparing for AP Human Geography Unit 2: Population and Migration Patterns and Processes? We’ve got you covered with a comprehensive practice test featuring free multiple-choice questions (MCQ) and free-response questions (FRQ) answers.

Our APHG Unit 2 practice test is designed to help you master the essential concepts of population dynamics, migration trends, and the factors influencing these processes. Enhance your understanding and boost your confidence with our detailed questions and answers, tailored to meet your study needs. Start practicing now to excel in your AP Human Geography exam!

APHG Unit 2 Practice Test – MCQ


APGH Unit 2: Population and Migration Patterns and Processes Practice Test

Advanced Placement Human Geography (APHG)
Unit 2: Population and Migration Patterns and Processes
Total Items: 25
Free Test No Registration is Required


1 / 25

Within the United States, overall life expectancy

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The demographic accounting equation does NOT take into account ______________ when calculating a country’s population.

3 / 25

Total fertility rate is NOT closely correlated with which of the following?

4 / 25

Which of the following countries is most likely to be showing the lowest natural increase rate?

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The number of live births per thousand people per year is called the

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Life expectancy has increased

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______________ occurs when a population is adding a fixed percentage of people to a growing population each year.

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Throughout human history, world population has

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Most of the world’s people live in

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Which of the following regions is currently experiencing the fastest population growth?

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India and China are the world’s two most populous countries. While China has instituted a strict population policy, India

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Population policy usually involves limitations on

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Carrying capacity is a function of

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Which of the following countries would you expect to have the densest population?

15 / 25

When baby boomers have reached retirement age, what will the population pyramid for the United States look like?

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The baby boom

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A rectangle-shaped population pyramid indicates a country that is

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Which of the following countries is at stage two of the demographic transition model?

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Thomas Malthus predicted that

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The Sun Belt includes

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Suburbanization is most evident in

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Many recent college graduates and young professionals move to large, vibrant cities—such as New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles—with nightlife, cultural amenities, and job opportunities. These attractions are examples of

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Refugees are produced through

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Which of the following is the result of chain migration?

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In the 1930s, thousands of “Okies” fled the Dust Bowl of the southern Great Plains and moved to the fertile agricultural regions of California to start a new life. This is an example of

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APHG Unit 2 Practice Test – FRQ

1. According to the demographic transition model, population growth should slow down as a country becomes more developed.

(A) Where is the United States according to the demographic transition model?

Answer: The United States is in Stage 4 of the demographic transition model. Low birth and death rates characterize this stage, stabilizing population growth. In Stage 4, countries typically experience high levels of urbanization, advanced healthcare, higher levels of education, and improved economic conditions. The United States has reached this stage due to its developed economy, low fertility rates, and high life expectancy.

(B) In the 1990s, the United States experienced increased population growth; compare this recent growth to slow growth patterns in other highly developed countries.

Answer: The increased population growth in the United States during the 1990s can be attributed to several factors:

  1. Immigration: The United States saw significant immigration during this period, which contributed to population growth.
  2. Higher Fertility Rates: The United States maintained relatively higher fertility rates compared to other developed countries.
  3. Economic Opportunities: The robust economy attracted immigrants and encouraged higher birth rates among residents.

In contrast, other highly developed countries, particularly in Europe and Japan, experienced slow growth patterns due to:

  1. Lower Fertility Rates: These countries had very low birth rates, often below the replacement level.
  2. Aging Population: Many elderly citizens contributed to a higher death rate.
  3. Economic and Social Factors: Lower fertility rates were influenced by economic uncertainty, the high cost of living, and cultural shifts towards smaller families.

2. At the United Nations International Conference on Population and Development held in Cairo, Egypt, in 1994, the Indian delegation claimed that population policy involved much more than limiting growth.

(A) Describe India’s claim that consumption of natural resources must enter global conversations on population policy.

Answer: India’s claim emphasized that population policy should not solely focus on limiting population growth but also consider the consumption patterns of natural resources. The argument highlighted that:

  1. Resource Consumption Disparities: Despite having lower population growth rates, developed countries consume significantly more resources per capita than developing countries.
  2. Environmental Impact: High consumption levels in affluent countries lead to greater environmental degradation, including deforestation, pollution, and carbon emissions.
  3. Sustainable Development: Population policies should integrate sustainable resource management to ensure that both current and future generations can meet their needs without depleting resources.

(B) Discuss how population, technology, and affluence have affected the environments of Costa Rica, China, and Canada.


Costa Rica:

  1. Population: Costa Rica has a relatively stable population with moderate growth rates. Population pressures have led to deforestation and habitat loss in the past, but recent efforts have focused on conservation.
  2. Technology: The country has invested in eco-friendly technologies, renewable energy sources, and sustainable agricultural practices.
  3. Affluence: Rising affluence has increased the demand for resources and enabled investments in environmental protection and ecotourism, promoting conservation efforts.


  1. Population: China, with the world’s largest population, faces significant environmental challenges due to urbanization, industrialization, and agricultural expansion.
  2. Technology: Rapid technological advancements have boosted industrial output and contributed to severe air and water pollution.
  3. Affluence: Growing affluence has increased consumption and waste, exacerbating environmental issues. However, recent policies emphasize green technology and environmental regulations to mitigate these impacts.


  1. Population: Canada has a relatively low population density but experiences localized environmental pressures due to urban sprawl and resource extraction.
  2. Technology: Advanced technologies in mining, forestry, and oil extraction have significant environmental impacts, including habitat destruction and greenhouse gas emissions.
  3. Affluence: High levels of affluence result in high per capita consumption of energy and resources. Environmental policies and a strong conservation ethic aim to balance economic growth with sustainability.

By analyzing these factors, students can understand the complex interactions between population dynamics, technological advancements, and levels of affluence, and their combined effects on the environment.

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