DLAB Audio Grammar Practice Test 2024 (30 Question Answer)

DLAB Audio Grammar Practice Test 2024 (30 Question Answer) Sample DLAB Audio Grammar review question answers for DLAB test prep better. Sections 1-5 will all be audio. When you sit down to take the DLAB, the words will hear a recording that will say the options and you will not be able to read them.

Therefore, it is highly recommended that you find a speaking partner to read those questions to you as you take the exam. This will give you the full experience of what to expect on the DLAB Test.

DLAB Audio Grammar Practice Test 2024

Part 2 – Audio Grammar Rules 1

Translate the phrases using the following grammar rules.

The adjectives come after its respective noun.
Both the adjective and its respective noun will end with the same vowel sound.
Never include articles in a sentence.

Q11. The sleepy student

  • (A). The student sleepy
  • (B). Studenta sleepy
  • (C). Studenta sleepa
  • (D). Studenta a sleepa
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Answer Key: C
a. Violates rule 3
b. Violates rule 2
c. Violates rule 3

Q12. A fat man

  • (A). Fat man
  • (B). Man fat
  • (C). Fato a mano
  • (D). Mana fata
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Answer Key: D
a. Violates rules 1 and 2
b. Violates rule 2
c. Violates rule 3

Q13. Hot chocolate

  • (A). Chocolata hota
  • (B). Hota chocolate
  • (C). Hote chocolat
  • (D). Chocolatoa hotei
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Answer Key: A
b. Violates rules 1 and 2
c. Violates rules 1 and 2
d. Violates rule 1

Q14. Sweet tea

  • (A). Sweet tea
  • (B). Teas sweets
  • (C). Sweeto teao
  • (D). Teao sweeto
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Answer Key: D
a. Violates rules 1 and 2
b. Violates rule 2
c. Violates rule 1

Q15. A mighty warrior

  • (A). Mightyo warrior
  • (B). Warrioree mightee
  • (C). Warriora mightyo
  • (D). Warrioro o mightyo
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Answer Key: B
a. Violates rules 1 and 2
c. Violates rule 2
d. Violates rule 3

Q16. John ran to the old house

  • (A). John ranez to the housea olda
  • (B). John ranger houseo the oldo
  • (C). Houseo oldo John ranez
  • (D). John olda ranez house
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Answer Key: C
a. Violates rule 3
b. Violates rule 3
d. Violates rule 2

Q17. Beth ate a large cake

  • (A). Cake largo atez betho
  • (B). Beth atez a larga caka
  • (C). Beth ate cakea largea
  • (D). Betha atea large cake
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Answer Key: C
a. Violates rule 2
b. Violates rules 2 and 3
d. Violates rule 3

Q18. He was a tall kid

  • (A). He kido tallo
  • (B). Kido he talla
  • (C). He was a kido tallo
  • (D). Was a kido tallo
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Answer Key: A
b. Violates rules 2 and 3
c. Violates rule 3
d. Violates rule 3

Q19. Tom liked the pretty girl

  • (A). Tomo liko girla pretta
  • (B). Lika toma pretta girla
  • (C). The girla pretta tomo liko
  • (D). Toma liko the girlee prettee
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Answer Key: A
b. Violates rule 1
c. Violates rule 3
d. Violates rule 3

Q20. Sally went to the blue house to buy green apples

  • (A). Sallo wentez to housey blue buyez appleso greeno
  • (B). Sally went housea bluea buyo appleo greeno
  • (C). Sallyez wentez housea bluea buyo greeno appleo
  • (D). Housez blueaz Sally wento greeno appleo buyez
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Answer Key: B
a. Violates rule 2
c. Violates rule 1
d. Violates rule 1 and 2

Part 3 – Audio Grammar Rules 2

Translate the phrases using the following grammar rules.

The possessor always comes after the possession
That which is being possessed always ends with either a “u” sound (like mute) or an “a” sound (like hay).
The possessor always ends with a short “i” sound (like meet).

Q21. Tom’s game

  • (A). Game tom
  • (B). Game tomi
  • (C). Tomi gami
  • (D). Gama tomi
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Answer Key: D
a. Violates rules 2 and 3
b. Violates rule 2
c. Violates rules 1 and 2

Q22. Sarah’s book

  • (A). Booku Sarahi
  • (B). Booki Saraha
  • (C). Saraha booki
  • (D). Sarahi booku
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Answer Key: A
b. Violates rules 2 and 3
c. Violates rules 1, 2 and 3
d. Violates rule 1

Q23. A teacher’s issue

  • (A). Issui teachera
  • (B). Teacheri issuea
  • (C). Issua teacheri
  • (D). Teacheri issueu
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Answer Key: C
a. Violates rules 2 and 3
b. Violates rule 1
d. Violates rule 1

Q24. Dan’s gameplan

  • (A). Dani gameplanu
  • (B). Gameplanu Dani
  • (C). Danu gameplani
  • (D). Gameplani Danu
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Answer Key: B
a. Violates rule 1
c. Violates rules 1, 2 and 3
d. Violates rule 2 and 3

Q25. The webcam of David

  • (A). Davidi webcama
  • (B). Davidu webcami
  • (C). Webcama Davidi
  • (D). Webcami Davidu
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Answer Key: C
a. Violates rule 1
b. Violates rules 1, 2 and 3
d. Violates rules 2 and 3

Q26. Jennifer’s boyfriend

  • (A). Boyfrienda Jenniferi
  • (B). Boyfriendi Jenniferu
  • (C). Jenniferi boyfriend
  • (D). Jennifera boyfriend
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Answer Key: A
b. Violates rules 2 and 3
c. Violates rules 1 and 2
d. Violates rules 1, 2 and 3

Q27. The pen of Jim

  • (A). Jimi penu
  • (B). Jimu pen
  • (C). Peni Jimu
  • (D). Pena Jimi
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Answer Key: D
a. Violates rule 1
b. Violates rules 1, 2 and 3
c. Violates rules 2 and 3

Q28. John’s debt

  • (A). Debti Johnu
  • (B). Debtu Johni
  • (C). Jonhu Debti
  • (D). Jonhi Debta
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Answer Key: B
a. Violates rules 2 and 3
c. Violates rules 1, 2 and 3
d. Violates rule 1

Q29. Karen’s pug

  • (A). Karena pugi
  • (B). Pugi Karena
  • (C). Kareni pugu
  • (D). Puga Kareni
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Answer Key: D
a. Violates rules 1, 2 and 3
b. Violates rules 2 and 3
c. Violates rule 1

Q30. Tom’s hammer

  • (A). Hammer Tom
  • (B). Hammered Tomi
  • (C). Hammera Tomi
  • (D). Hammeru Tomu
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Answer Key: C
a. Violates rules 2 and 3
b. Violates rule 2
d. Violates rule 3

Part 4 – Audio Grammar Rules 3

Translate the phrases using the following grammar rules.

The subject has an “aa” sound (like “mall”) in the middle of the word.
The object always ends with a long “a” sound (like “day”).
Never include articles in a sentence.
Verbs always begin with a “ya” sound and never end with an “s.”

Q31. Larry cried

  • (A). YaLarry crieda
  • (B). Larry yacrieds
  • (C). Laaarry yacried
  • (D). YaLarry cried
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Answer Key: C
a. Violates rules 1 and 4
b. Violates rules 1 and 4
d. Violates rules 1 and 4

Q32. Mike purchased a cake.

  • (A). Miaake yapurchased cakea
  • (B). Mikea yapurchaseds caaake
  • (C). Miaake yapurchased caaake
  • (D). Miaake yapurchaseds cakea
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Answer Key: A
b. Violates rules 1, 2 and 4
c. Violates rule 2
d. Violates rule 4

Q33. David drank a sod(A).

  • (A). Daaavid yadrank a sodaa
  • (B). Daaavid yadranks sodaa
  • (C). Daaavid yadrank soda
  • (D). Daaavid yadrank sodaa
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Answer Key: D
a. Violates rule 2
b. Violates rule 4
c. Violates rule 2

Q34. Tim ate an apple.

  • (A). Tiaam yaate applea
  • (B). Tiaam yaates applea
  • (C). Tim yaate applea
  • (D). Tim yaates applea
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Answer Key: A
b. Violates rule 4
c. Violates rule 1
d. Violates rules 1 and 4

Q35. Cole found a book.

  • (A). Colea yafound booaak
  • (B). Coaale yafound a booka
  • (C). Coaale yafound booaak
  • (D). Coaale yafound booaak
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Answer Key: C
a. Violates rules 1 and 2
b. Violates rule 3
d. Violates rule 2

Q36. Don bought Jennifer a ring.

  • (A). Dona yabought Jennaaifer ringa
  • (B). Doaana yaboughts Jennifera ringa
  • (C). Doaan yabought Jennifera ringa
  • (D). Doaan boughta yaJennifera ringa
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Answer Key: C
a. Violates rules 1 and 2
b. Violates rule 4
d. Violates rule 4

Q37. Jim yawrote Tina a text.

  • (A). Jiaam yawrote Tinaa texta
  • (B). Jiaam yawrotes Tinaa texta
  • (C). Jiaam yawrote Tiaana texta
  • (D). Jima yawrote Tiaanaa texta
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Answer Key: A
b. Violates rule 4
c. Violates rule 2
d. Violates rule 1

Q38. Clark made Kathy a pie.

  • (A). Claaark yamade Kathya a piea
  • (B). Claaark yamades Kathya piea
  • (C). Clark yamade Kathya piea
  • (D). Claaark yamade Kathya piea
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Answer Key: D
a. Violates rule 3
b. Violates rule 4
c. Violates rule 1

Q39. The cat chased the mouse

  • (A). The caaat yachased mousea
  • (B). Caaat yachaseds mousea
  • (C). Caaat yachased mousea
  • (D). Cata yachased mouaase
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Answer Key: C
a. Violates rule 3
b. Violates rule 4
d. Violates rules 1 and 2

Q40. Greg threw Sam the ball

  • (A). Greaag yathrew Sama balla
  • (B). Greaag yathrews Sama balla
  • (C). Greaag yathrew Sama the baaall
  • (D). Grega yathrew Saaam baaall
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Answer Key: A
b. Violates rule 4
c. Violates rule 3
d. Violates rule 1 and 2

Part 4 – Audio Grammar Rules 3

Translate the phrases using the following grammar rules.


The adjectives come after its respective noun.
Both the adjective and its respective noun will end with the same vowel sound.
Never include articles in a sentence.
The possessor always comes after the possession
That which is being possessed always ends with either a “u” sound (like mute) or an “a” sound (like hay).
The possessor always ends with a short “i” sound (like meet).
The subject has an “aa” sound (like “mall”) in the middle of the word.
The object always ends with a long “a” sound (like “day”).
Verbs always begin with a “ya” sound and never end with an “s.”

Q41. The ugly witch cackle(D).

  • (A). Uglyu witchu yacackled
  • (B). Uglya wiaatchu yacackled
  • (C). Wiaatcha uglya yacackleds
  • (D). Wiaatchu uglyu yacackled
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Answer Key: D
a. Violates rules 1 and 7
b. Violates rule 1
c. Violates rule 9

Q42. Matt broke the vase.

  • (A). Maaatt yabroke vasea
  • (B). Matta yabroke vasea
  • (C). Maaatt yabroke the vasea
  • (D). Maaatt yabroke vasei
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Answer Key: A
b. Violates rule 7
c. Violates rule 3
d. Violates rule 8

Q43. Sarah sent Mike a birthday car(D).

  • (A). Saaarah yasent Mikea caaardu birthdayu
  • (B). Saaarah yasent Mikea carda birthdaya
  • (C). Saaarah yasents Mikea a caaardu birthaadayu
  • (D). Saaarah yasent Mikea birthdaya carda
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Answer Key: B
a. Violates rule 8
c. Violates rules 3, 8 and 9
d. Violates rule 1

Q44. The crazy lady’s little dog.

  • (A). Crazyi ladyi doaagu littleu
  • (B). Littleu doaagu crazyi ladyi
  • (C). Doaagu littleu ladyi crazyi
  • (D). Laaadyu Crazyu Doga littlea
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Answer Key: C
a. Violates rule 4
b. Violates rule 1
d. Violates rules 6, 7 and 8

Q45. Tim gave Aaron an old baseball card

  • (A). Tiaam yagave Aarona oldu baseballu cardu
  • (B). Tiaam yagave Aarona an carda olda baseballa
  • (C). Tiaam yagave Aarona olda baseballa carda
  • (D). Tiaam yagave Aarona carda olda baseballa
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Answer Key: D
a. Violates rules 1 and 8
b. Violates rule 3
c. Violates rule 1

Q46. Chris bought Alicia a pumpkin.

  • (A). Chriaas yaboughts Aliaacia pumpaakin
  • (B). Chriaas yabought Aliciaa pumpkina
  • (C). Chriaas yabought Aliciaa a pumpkina
  • (D). Chriaas yaboughts Aliaacia pumpkina
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Answer Key: B
a. Violates rules 8 and 9
c. Violates rule 3
d. Violates rule 9

Q47. The green frog died.

  • (A). Greenu froaagu yadied
  • (B). Frogu greenu yadied
  • (C). Froaagu greenu yadieds
  • (D). Froaagu greenu yadied
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Answer Key: D
a. Violates rule 1
b. Violates rule 7
c. Violates rule 9

Q48. The mean boy yelled

  • (A). Boaaya meana yayelled
  • (B). Boaayu meana yayelled
  • (C). Meana boaaya yayelled
  • (D). Meanu boya yayelled
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Answer Key: A
b. Violates rule 2
c. Violates rule 1
d. Violates rules 2

Q49. Dana threw Tony a bone

  • (A). Dana yathrew Tonyi Bonei
  • (B). Daaana yathrew Tonya a bonea
  • (C). Daaana yathrews bonea Tonya
  • (D). Daaana yathrew Tonya bonea
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Answer Key: D
a. Violates rules 7 and 8
b. Violates rule 3
c. Violates rule 9

Q50. The teacher gave Mike a bad report.

  • (A). Teaaacher yagave Mikea bada reporta
  • (B). Teaaacher yagave Mikea a reporta bada
  • (C). Teaaacher yagave Mikea reporta bada
  • (D). Teacher yagave Mikea reporta bada
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Answer Key: C
a. Violates rule 1
b. Violates rule 3
d. Violates rule 7

See also:

DLAB Practice Test 2024 Study Guide

DLAB Audio Practice Test (10 MCQs)

DLAB Audio Grammar Practice Test (30 MCQs)

DLAB Visual Practice Test (10 MCQs)