Free STNA Practice Test Online 2022 (78 Question Answer)

Last Updated on June 13, 2024

Free STNA Practice Test Online 2022 (78 Question Answer): The State Tested Nurse Aide exam is administered by the Ohio Department of Health. This is the first of five practice exams on this page based on the. Using this first test to identify your areas of strength and weakness will help you better prepare for your Nursing Exam.

If you are required to take a written exam to be certified, the exam you take is likely to be very much like this one, based on the NNAAP. This exam has 78 multiple-choice questions covering the range of duties performed by a certified nursing assistant:

Physical Care Skills—activities of daily living, basic nursing skills, restorative skills
Psychosocial Care Skills—emotional- and mental health needs, spiritual and cultural needs
Role of the Nurse Aide—communication, client rights, legal and ethical behavior as a member of the healthcare team

Free STNA Practice Test 2022

Test Name Nursing Exam Prep
State Ohio
Test mode Offline
Total Questions Knowledge Test 78
Time Limit N/A
Answer Key Yes
Printable PDF Coming Soon

1. A resident often carries a doll with her, treating it like her baby. One day, she wanders around, crying, and she can’t find her baby. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Ask the resident where she last had her doll.
  • (B) Ask the activity department if they have any other doll.
  • (C) Offer comfort to the resident and help her look for her baby.
  • (D) Let the other staff know the resident is very confused and should be watched closely.
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Answer: (C)
Explanation: Offering comfort to the resident and helping her look for her “baby” is the most appropriate response. It shows empathy and helps alleviate her distress.

2. A nurse aide is asked to change a urinary bag attached to an indwelling urinary catheter. The nurse aide has never done this before. The best response by the nurse aide is to:

  • (A) Change the indwelling catheter at the same time.
  • (B) Ask another nurse aide to change the urinary drainage bag.
  • (C) Change the bag asking for help only if the nurse aide has problems.
  • (D) Ask a nurse to watch the nurse aide change the bag since it is the first time.
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Answer: (D)
Explanation: Asking a nurse to watch ensures the procedure is done correctly and safely for the first time.

3. Before feeding a resident, what is the best reason to wash the resident’s hands?

  • (A) The resident may still touch his/her mouth or food.
  • (B) It reduces the risk of spreading airborne diseases.
  • (C) It improves resident morale and appetite.
  • (D) The resident needs to keep meal routines.
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Answer: (A)
Explanation: Washing hands prevents the spread of germs and reduces the risk of contamination.

4. Which of the following is a job task performed by the nurse aide?

  • (A) Participating in resident care planning conferences.
  • (B) Taking a telephone order from a physician.
  • (C) Giving medications to assigned residents.
  • (D) Changing sterile wound dressings.
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Answer: (A)
Explanation: Nurse aides participate in care planning conferences to contribute to individualized care plans.

5. When a resident with dementia becomes agitated, the nurse aide’s best response is to:

  • (A) Ignore the resident.
  • (B) Speak in a calm and reassuring manner.
  • (C) Use physical restraints.
  • (D) Turn on the TV to distract the resident.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Speaking in a calm and reassuring manner can help to reduce agitation and reassure the resident.

6. A resident complains of chest pain. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Tell the resident to rest and see if it goes away.
  • (B) Call the resident’s family.
  • (C) Offer the resident some water.
  • (D) Report it immediately to the nurse.
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Answer: (D)
Explanation: Chest pain can be a sign of a serious condition, and it should be reported to the nurse immediately.

7. The nurse aide notices that a resident’s hearing aid is not working properly. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Turn the hearing aid off and on.
  • (B) Check the battery and replace it if necessary.
  • (C) Tell the resident that the hearing aid is broken.
  • (D) Remove the hearing aid and put it away.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Checking and replacing the battery is a simple troubleshooting step that can often resolve the issue.

8. A resident is on a strict fluid restriction. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Offer fluids frequently to keep the resident hydrated.
  • (B) Monitor the resident’s fluid intake carefully.
  • (C) Give the resident extra fluids when they ask.
  • (D) Ignore the fluid restriction if the resident is thirsty.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Monitoring the resident’s fluid intake is essential to ensure they do not exceed the allowed amount.

9. The nurse aide is providing mouth care to an unconscious resident. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Use a large amount of mouthwash.
  • (B) Place the resident in a supine position.
  • (C) Use a soft toothbrush and avoid too much water.
  • (D) Avoid mouth care to prevent choking.
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Answer: (C)
Explanation: Using a soft toothbrush and minimal water helps prevent choking and aspiration.

10. The nurse aide is assisting a resident to ambulate with a walker. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Stand behind the resident for support.
  • (B) Stand in front of the resident to lead the way.
  • (C) Walk slightly behind and to one side of the resident.
  • (D) Hold the resident’s arm tightly.
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Answer: (C)
Explanation: Walking slightly behind and to one side allows the nurse aide to provide support while giving the resident a sense of independence.

11. The nurse aide notices a change in a resident’s condition. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Document the change and continue with care.
  • (B) Inform the resident’s family immediately.
  • (C) Report the change to the nurse right away.
  • (D) Ignore the change if it seems minor.
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Answer: (C)
Explanation: Reporting any changes in a resident’s condition to the nurse ensures appropriate action can be taken.

12. When a resident expresses feelings of sadness and hopelessness, the nurse aide should:

  • (A) Tell the resident to cheer up.
  • (B) Listen and provide emotional support.
  • (C) Distract the resident with activities.
  • (D) Ignore the resident’s feelings.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Listening and providing emotional support can help the resident feel understood and cared for.

13. To prevent the spread of infection, the nurse aide should:

  • (A) Use the same gloves for multiple residents.
  • (B) Wash hands before and after each resident contact.
  • (C) Only wear gloves for certain tasks.
  • (D) Avoid washing hands unless visibly dirty.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Handwashing is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of infection.

14. When assisting a resident with a weak side to dress, the nurse aide should:

  • (A) Dress the weak side first.
  • (B) Dress the strong side first.
  • (C) Dress both sides at the same time.
  • (D) Allow the resident to dress themselves.
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Answer: (A)
Explanation: Dressing the weak side first makes it easier to put on clothing and reduces discomfort for the resident.

15. A resident who is NPO (nothing by mouth) is requesting a drink of water. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Give the resident a small sip of water.
  • (B) Explain the NPO order and provide oral care.
  • (C) Ignore the request and walk away.
  • (D) Offer the resident a piece of ice instead.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Explaining the NPO order and providing oral care helps keep the resident comfortable and informed.

16. The nurse aide is transferring a resident from the bed to a wheelchair. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Use a mechanical lift without assistance.
  • (B) Ask for assistance if needed.
  • (C) Perform the transfer quickly.
  • (D) Allow the resident to transfer themselves.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Asking for assistance ensures the transfer is performed safely for both the resident and the nurse aide.

17. The nurse aide is helping a resident with range of motion exercises. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Perform the exercises quickly to save time.
  • (B) Force the joints to move beyond their range.
  • (C) Stop the exercise if the resident feels pain.
  • (D) Only exercise the resident’s strong side.
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Answer: (C)
Explanation: Stopping the exercise if the resident feels pain helps prevent injury and discomfort.

18. A resident’s family member asks the nurse aide about the resident’s medical condition. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Provide detailed information.
  • (B) Refer the family member to the nurse.
  • (C) Share the information if the family member seems concerned.
  • (D) Avoid talking to the family member.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Referring the family member to the nurse ensures that accurate and appropriate information is provided.

19. The nurse aide is preparing to take a resident’s vital signs. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Take the vital signs without explaining the procedure.
  • (B) Explain the procedure to the resident before beginning.
  • (C) Skip taking vital signs if the resident is sleeping.
  • (D) Only take vital signs when the resident requests it.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Explaining the procedure helps the resident understand what is happening and feel more comfortable.

20. The nurse aide is assisting a resident with Alzheimer’s disease who is becoming frustrated during a task. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Take over the task to finish it quickly.
  • (B) Encourage the resident and provide step-by-step instructions.
  • (C) Ignore the resident’s frustration.
  • (D) Leave the resident to complete the task alone.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Encouraging the resident and providing step-by-step instructions can help reduce frustration and promote independence.

21. When assisting a resident to use the toilet, the nurse aide should:

  • (A) Leave the resident alone to maintain privacy.
  • (B) Stay in the room for safety but provide as much privacy as possible.
  • (C) Stand directly in front of the resident.
  • (D) Avoid helping the resident to promote independence.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Staying in the room ensures safety while providing as much privacy as possible.

22. The nurse aide is feeding a resident who has difficulty swallowing. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Feed the resident quickly to finish the meal.
  • (B) Encourage the resident to eat large bites.
  • (C) Offer small, manageable bites and allow time for swallowing.
  • (D) Provide liquids with every bite of food.
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Answer: (C)
Explanation: Offering small, manageable bites and allowing time for swallowing helps prevent choking and aspiration.

23. When providing perineal care to a female resident, the nurse aide should:

  • (A) Wipe from back to front.
  • (B) Use a back-and-forth motion.
  • (C) Wipe from front to back.
  • (D) Avoid using soap.
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Answer: (C)
Explanation: Wiping from front to back helps prevent the spread of bacteria from the rectal area to the vaginal area.

24. The nurse aide is caring for a resident who is in isolation. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Avoid entering the resident’s room unless necessary.
  • (B) Follow standard precautions and wear appropriate PPE.
  • (C) Only wear gloves when touching the resident.
  • (D) Allow visitors without restrictions.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Following standard precautions and wearing appropriate PPE helps prevent the spread of infection.

25. The nurse aide notices that a resident has not eaten any of their meal. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Remove the meal tray immediately.
  • (B) Report the observation to the nurse.
  • (C) Offer a different meal option.
  • (D) Ignore the resident’s lack of appetite.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Reporting the observation to the nurse ensures that the resident’s nutritional needs are addressed.

26. When measuring a resident’s blood pressure, the nurse aide should:

  • (A) Inflate the cuff quickly and deflate it slowly.
  • (B) Use a cuff that is too small for the resident’s arm.
  • (C) Inflate the cuff to a random pressure.
  • (D) Ignore the resident’s discomfort during the procedure.
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Answer: (A)
Explanation: Inflating the cuff quickly and deflating it slowly ensures an accurate reading and minimizes discomfort.

27. The nurse aide is assisting a resident with bathing. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Use hot water to ensure cleanliness.
  • (B) Leave the resident alone in the bathroom.
  • (C) Provide privacy and ensure the resident’s safety.
  • (D) Skip the bath if the resident is resistant.
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Answer: (C)
Explanation: Providing privacy and ensuring safety helps the resident feel comfortable and secure during bathing.

28. A resident is choking and unable to speak. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Encourage the resident to drink water.
  • (B) Perform the Heimlich maneuver.
  • (C) Leave the resident to get help.
  • (D) Pat the resident on the back.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Performing the Heimlich maneuver can help dislodge the object and clear the resident’s airway.

29. When caring for a resident with diabetes, the nurse aide should be aware of signs of hypoglycemia, such as:

  • (A) Increased thirst and urination.
  • (B) Rapid pulse and shakiness.
  • (C) Weight gain and edema.
  • (D) High blood pressure and headache.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Rapid pulse and shakiness are common signs of hypoglycemia in a resident with diabetes.

30. The nurse aide is cleaning a resident’s dentures. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Use hot water to clean the dentures.
  • (B) Place a towel in the sink to prevent damage if dropped.
  • (C) Clean the dentures with regular toothpaste.
  • (D) Leave the dentures in the resident’s mouth while cleaning.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Placing a towel in the sink helps prevent damage to the dentures if they are dropped.

31. A resident is bedridden and at risk for pressure sores. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Turn and reposition the resident every two hours.
  • (B) Leave the resident in the same position all day.
  • (C) Avoid using pillows for support.
  • (D) Massage any red areas on the skin.
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Answer: (A)
Explanation: Turning and repositioning the resident every two hours helps prevent the development of pressure sores.

32. The nurse aide is helping a resident with passive range of motion exercises. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Move the joints quickly to finish the exercises.
  • (B) Move the joints slowly and gently.
  • (C) Perform the exercises only once a week.
  • (D) Force the joints to their maximum range.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Moving the joints slowly and gently helps prevent injury and discomfort.

33. The nurse aide is preparing to transfer a resident from the bed to a wheelchair using a gait belt. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Place the gait belt loosely around the resident’s waist.
  • (B) Position the wheelchair at the head of the bed.
  • (C) Ensure the wheelchair brakes are locked.
  • (D) Ask the resident to transfer without assistance.
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Answer: (C)
Explanation: Ensuring the wheelchair brakes are locked prevents the wheelchair from moving during the transfer, ensuring safety.

34. The nurse aide is assisting a resident with dementia who is having difficulty dressing. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Choose the clothes for the resident.
  • (B) Allow the resident to choose their own clothes and assist as needed.
  • (C) Dress the resident quickly without their input.
  • (D) Skip dressing if the resident is resistant.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Allowing the resident to choose their own clothes promotes independence and dignity.

35. The nurse aide is providing care for a resident who is incontinent. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Limit the resident’s fluid intake.
  • (B) Change the resident’s incontinence products regularly and provide perineal care.
  • (C) Avoid using incontinence products.
  • (D) Leave the resident in wet clothes to teach them a lesson.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Changing incontinence products regularly and providing perineal care helps maintain skin integrity and comfort.

36. A resident with limited mobility needs to be positioned in bed. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Use a draw sheet to help move the resident.
  • (B) Pull the resident up by their arms.
  • (C) Ask the resident to reposition themselves.
  • (D) Leave the resident in the same position for long periods.
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Answer: (A)
Explanation: Using a draw sheet helps move the resident safely and comfortably.

37. The nurse aide is assisting a resident who is visually impaired with meals. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Feed the resident without explanation.
  • (B) Describe the location of the food on the plate using a clock face.
  • (C) Ignore the resident’s preferences.
  • (D) Allow the resident to find the food on their own.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Describing the location of the food using a clock face helps the resident understand where each item is on the plate.

38. When taking a resident’s oral temperature, the nurse aide should:

  • (A) Use the same thermometer for multiple residents.
  • (B) Place the thermometer under the resident’s tongue.
  • (C) Take the temperature immediately after the resident drinks a hot beverage.
  • (D) Hold the thermometer in the resident’s mouth for at least 10 minutes.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Placing the thermometer under the resident’s tongue ensures an accurate reading.

39. A resident is experiencing shortness of breath. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Leave the resident alone to rest.
  • (B) Report the condition to the nurse immediately.
  • (C) Give the resident a glass of water.
  • (D) Encourage the resident to take deep breaths.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Reporting shortness of breath to the nurse immediately ensures that the resident receives appropriate medical attention.

40. The nurse aide is assisting a resident with Alzheimer’s disease who is exhibiting aggressive behavior. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Respond with firmness and authority.
  • (B) Use physical restraints to control the resident.
  • (C) Remain calm and try to identify the cause of the behavior.
  • (D) Leave the resident alone until they calm down.
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Answer: (C)
Explanation: Remaining calm and trying to identify the cause of the behavior can help address the resident’s needs and reduce aggression.

41. The nurse aide is assisting a resident who is on bed rest. To prevent complications, the nurse aide should:

  • (A) Encourage the resident to perform range of motion exercises.
  • (B) Limit the resident’s movement to prevent injury.
  • (C) Avoid repositioning the resident.
  • (D) Allow the resident to stay in the same position.
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Answer: (A)
Explanation: Encouraging range of motion exercises helps maintain joint flexibility and prevent complications from immobility.

42. A resident with Parkinson’s disease is having difficulty eating. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Feed the resident quickly.
  • (B) Provide assistive devices such as a spoon with a built-up handle.
  • (C) Ignore the resident’s difficulty.
  • (D) Allow the resident to eat without assistance.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Providing assistive devices can help the resident maintain independence while eating.

43. The nurse aide is changing a resident’s linen. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Shake the linen to remove wrinkles.
  • (B) Place clean linen on a chair before making the bed.
  • (C) Hold the linen away from their body and avoid shaking it.
  • (D) Place dirty linen on the floor.
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Answer: (C)
Explanation: Holding the linen away from the body and avoiding shaking it helps prevent the spread of contaminants.

44. When providing care for a resident with a urinary catheter, the nurse aide should:

  • (A) Ensure the catheter tubing is kinked.
  • (B) Keep the drainage bag below the level of the bladder.
  • (C) Clamp the catheter tubing frequently.
  • (D) Position the drainage bag on the bed.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Keeping the drainage bag below the level of the bladder helps prevent backflow and reduces the risk of infection.

45. The nurse aide is providing care for a resident with a hearing impairment. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Shout to ensure the resident hears.
  • (B) Speak clearly and face the resident when talking.
  • (C) Avoid using gestures or facial expressions.
  • (D) Speak quickly to save time.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Speaking clearly and facing the resident helps improve communication with those who have hearing impairments.

46. A resident has a nasogastric (NG) tube for feeding. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Adjust the NG tube if it appears to be out of place.
  • (B) Report any signs of irritation or displacement to the nurse.
  • (C) Remove the NG tube if the resident is uncomfortable.
  • (D) Feed the resident through the tube without assistance.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Reporting any signs of irritation or displacement to the nurse ensures appropriate care and management of the NG tube.

47. The nurse aide is assisting a resident who is at risk for falls. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Leave the resident alone to promote independence.
  • (B) Ensure the resident uses assistive devices such as a cane or walker.
  • (C) Place the resident’s bed in the highest position.
  • (D) Avoid using night lights in the resident’s room.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Ensuring the resident uses assistive devices can help prevent falls and promote safety.

48. The nurse aide is caring for a resident with a pressure sore. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Leave the sore uncovered to promote air circulation.
  • (B) Report the sore to the nurse and follow the care plan for treatment.
  • (C) Massage the sore to increase blood flow.
  • (D) Apply any available cream to the sore.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Reporting the sore to the nurse and following the care plan ensures appropriate treatment and management.

49. When providing foot care to a resident with diabetes, the nurse aide should:

  • (A) Soak the resident’s feet for a long period.
  • (B) Trim the resident’s toenails.
  • (C) Inspect the feet for sores or injuries and report any findings to the nurse.
  • (D) Use hot water to clean the feet.
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Answer: (C)
Explanation: Inspecting the feet for sores or injuries and reporting any findings helps prevent complications from diabetes.

50. The nurse aide is assisting a resident with a cane. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Place the cane on the resident’s weak side.
  • (B) Place the cane on the resident’s strong side.
  • (C) Hold the cane for the resident.
  • (D) Allow the resident to use the cane without assistance.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Placing the cane on the resident’s strong side provides better support and balance.

51. The nurse aide is preparing a resident for a meal. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Feed the resident without any preparation.
  • (B) Assist the resident with handwashing.
  • (C) Leave the resident alone during the meal.
  • (D) Ignore the resident’s preferences.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Assisting the resident with handwashing helps prevent the spread of germs and promotes hygiene.

52. When measuring a resident’s height, the nurse aide should:

  • (A) Have the resident lie down.
  • (B) Use a tape measure and measure from head to toe.
  • (C) Ensure the resident stands straight and remove their shoes.
  • (D) Estimate the resident’s height based on their appearance.
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Answer: (C)
Explanation: Ensuring the resident stands straight and removing their shoes provides an accurate height measurement.

53. The nurse aide is assisting a resident who is on oxygen therapy. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Adjust the oxygen flow rate as needed.
  • (B) Ensure the resident’s oxygen tubing is not kinked.
  • (C) Turn off the oxygen when the resident is sleeping.
  • (D) Allow the resident to adjust their own oxygen.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Ensuring the oxygen tubing is not kinked helps maintain a proper flow of oxygen to the resident.

54. The nurse aide is assisting a resident who is experiencing constipation. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Encourage the resident to drink plenty of fluids.
  • (B) Offer the resident a laxative.
  • (C) Avoid discussing the resident’s bowel habits.
  • (D) Provide the resident with a high-fat diet.
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Answer: (A)
Explanation: Encouraging the resident to drink plenty of fluids can help alleviate constipation.

55. The nurse aide is providing mouth care to a resident with dentures. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Use hot water to clean the dentures.
  • (B) Store the dentures in a cup of water when not in use.
  • (C) Use toothpaste to clean the dentures.
  • (D) Leave the dentures on the resident’s bedside table.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Storing the dentures in a cup of water when not in use helps keep them moist and prevents warping.

56. The nurse aide is caring for a resident who is receiving tube feeding. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Position the resident flat on their back during feeding.
  • (B) Keep the head of the bed elevated during feeding.
  • (C) Feed the resident quickly to finish the task.
  • (D) Allow the resident to lie down immediately after feeding.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Keeping the head of the bed elevated during feeding helps prevent aspiration.

57. The nurse aide is assisting a resident with a weak side to walk. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Stand on the resident’s weak side for support.
  • (B) Stand on the resident’s strong side.
  • (C) Walk in front of the resident.
  • (D) Walk behind the resident.
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Answer: (A)
Explanation: Standing on the resident’s weak side provides support and reduces the risk of falls.

58. When a resident is experiencing pain, the nurse aide should:

  • (A) Ignore the pain and continue with care.
  • (B) Report the pain to the nurse and document it.
  • (C) Provide over-the-counter medication.
  • (D) Distract the resident from the pain.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Reporting the pain to the nurse and documenting it ensures that the resident’s pain is properly managed.

59. The nurse aide is providing care for a resident with a colostomy. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Change the colostomy bag without wearing gloves.
  • (B) Report any signs of irritation or leakage to the nurse.
  • (C) Avoid touching the colostomy area.
  • (D) Empty the colostomy bag only once a day.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Reporting any signs of irritation or leakage to the nurse ensures proper care and management of the colostomy.

60. When assisting a resident with a prosthetic limb, the nurse aide should:

  • (A) Force the prosthetic limb onto the resident.
  • (B) Ensure the limb is clean and fits properly.
  • (C) Leave the prosthetic limb off if the resident is in bed.
  • (D) Allow the resident to wear the limb only during physical therapy.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Ensuring the prosthetic limb is clean and fits properly helps prevent discomfort and injury.

61. The nurse aide is caring for a resident who has just passed away. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Leave the resident alone until the family arrives.
  • (B) Provide post-mortem care according to facility policy.
  • (C) Move the resident to a private room.
  • (D) Avoid touching the resident.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Providing post-mortem care according to facility policy ensures respect and dignity for the deceased resident.

62. The nurse aide is providing care for a resident with limited vision. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Avoid speaking to the resident to prevent confusion.
  • (B) Announce their presence and explain each step of the care being provided.
  • (C) Move the resident’s personal items without telling them.
  • (D) Perform all tasks without the resident’s involvement.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Announcing their presence and explaining each step helps the resident understand what is happening and feel more secure.

63. The nurse aide is assisting a resident with swallowing difficulties. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Encourage the resident to eat quickly.
  • (B) Provide thickened liquids and soft foods as ordered.
  • (C) Offer large bites of food.
  • (D) Ignore the resident’s difficulty and continue feeding.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Providing thickened liquids and soft foods as ordered helps reduce the risk of choking and aspiration.

64. A resident’s care plan includes the use of a mechanical lift. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Use the lift without assistance.
  • (B) Ensure they have been properly trained in using the lift.
  • (C) Avoid using the lift if it takes too long.
  • (D) Lift the resident manually instead.
View Correct Answer
Answer: (B)
Explanation: Ensuring they have been properly trained in using the lift ensures the resident’s safety and the nurse aide’s competence.

65. The nurse aide is assisting a resident with a shower. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Use cold water to avoid burns.
  • (B) Test the water temperature before beginning the shower.
  • (C) Leave the resident alone in the shower.
  • (D) Shower the resident as quickly as possible.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Testing the water temperature helps prevent burns and ensures a comfortable experience for the resident.

66. The nurse aide is assisting a resident who is experiencing difficulty breathing. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Place the resident in a high Fowler’s position.
  • (B) Encourage the resident to lie flat.
  • (C) Leave the resident alone to rest.
  • (D) Provide the resident with a high-fat snack.
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Answer: (A)
Explanation: Placing the resident in a high Fowler’s position helps ease breathing by allowing the lungs to expand more fully.

67. The nurse aide is providing care for a resident who has difficulty sleeping. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Encourage the resident to drink coffee before bed.
  • (B) Provide a calm and quiet environment.
  • (C) Engage the resident in stimulating activities before bed.
  • (D) Ignore the resident’s complaints of difficulty sleeping.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Providing a calm and quiet environment can help the resident relax and improve sleep quality.

68. The nurse aide is assisting a resident with dementia who is disoriented. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Argue with the resident to correct their disorientation.
  • (B) Reorient the resident to time, place, and person as needed.
  • (C) Leave the resident alone to figure things out.
  • (D) Avoid interacting with the resident to prevent confusion.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Reorienting the resident to time, place, and person as needed helps reduce disorientation and anxiety.

69. The nurse aide is assisting a resident with personal hygiene. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Perform all tasks for the resident.
  • (B) Encourage the resident to do as much as possible for themselves.
  • (C) Rush through the tasks to save time.
  • (D) Ignore the resident’s preferences.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Encouraging the resident to do as much as possible for themselves promotes independence and self-esteem.

70. The nurse aide is caring for a resident with chronic pain. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Tell the resident that the pain is not serious.
  • (B) Report the resident’s pain to the nurse and document it.
  • (C) Avoid providing pain relief measures.
  • (D) Encourage the resident to ignore the pain.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Reporting the resident’s pain to the nurse and documenting it ensures proper pain management and care.

71. The nurse aide is assisting a resident who has a history of falls. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Leave the resident alone in their room.
  • (B) Ensure the resident’s environment is free of hazards.
  • (C) Allow the resident to walk without assistance.
  • (D) Ignore the resident’s fall history.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Ensuring the resident’s environment is free of hazards helps prevent falls and promotes safety.

72. When providing peri-care for a male resident, the nurse aide should:

  • (A) Clean the perineal area first.
  • (B) Clean from the base of the penis to the tip.
  • (C) Clean from the tip of the penis to the base.
  • (D) Avoid cleaning the penis.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Cleaning from the base to the tip helps prevent the spread of bacteria.

73. The nurse aide is providing care for a resident with limited mobility. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Avoid repositioning the resident.
  • (B) Reposition the resident every two hours.
  • (C) Allow the resident to remain in the same position all day.
  • (D) Ignore the resident’s need for repositioning.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Repositioning the resident every two hours helps prevent pressure sores and promote comfort.

74. The nurse aide is assisting a resident with ambulation. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Walk in front of the resident to lead the way.
  • (B) Walk slightly behind and to one side of the resident.
  • (C) Hold the resident’s arm tightly.
  • (D) Walk directly behind the resident.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Walking slightly behind and to one side provides support while allowing the resident some independence.

75. The nurse aide is providing care for a resident who is experiencing grief. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Tell the resident to stop crying.
  • (B) Offer emotional support and listen to the resident.
  • (C) Avoid talking about the resident’s feelings.
  • (D) Encourage the resident to forget about their loss.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Offering emotional support and listening helps the resident feel understood and supported during their time of grief.

76. The nurse aide is caring for a resident with a feeding tube. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Insert the feeding tube if it becomes dislodged.
  • (B) Ensure the resident’s head is elevated during feeding.
  • (C) Feed the resident through the tube without checking placement.
  • (D) Allow the resident to lie flat during feeding.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Ensuring the resident’s head is elevated helps prevent aspiration and promotes proper digestion.

77. When providing care for a resident with arthritis, the nurse aide should:

  • (A) Encourage the resident to perform exercises to maintain joint flexibility.
  • (B) Avoid helping the resident with daily activities.
  • (C) Allow the resident to remain immobile.
  • (D) Ignore the resident’s complaints of pain.
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Answer: (A)
Explanation: Encouraging exercises helps maintain joint flexibility and reduce pain associated with arthritis.

78. The nurse aide is assisting a resident with dementia who is having difficulty communicating. The nurse aide should:

  • (A) Speak quickly to save time.
  • (B) Use simple words and short sentences.
  • (C) Ignore the resident’s attempts to communicate.
  • (D) Avoid using gestures or facial expressions.
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Answer: (B)
Explanation: Using simple words and short sentences helps the resident understand and communicate more effectively.

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