CNA Practice Test 2 (50 Questions Answers)

Try our free CNA Practice Test 2 (50 Questions Answers) Written (Knowledge) Test for the United States Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) exam. These sample questions and answers will help your CNA exam prep. You can also download a printable PDF as a worksheet for CNA test preparation.

Enhance your preparation for the CNA exam with our Practice Test 2. This test features 50 updated questions and answers that cover crucial topics such as Resident Rights, Data Collection, and Basic Nursing Skills.

Understand residents’ rights, learn effective data collection techniques, and master basic nursing skills to provide exceptional patient care. Access our free PDF download and practice these essential areas to boost your confidence for the 2024 CNA exam. Start your journey to becoming a certified nursing assistant with GoTestPrep today!

CNA Practice Test 2 (50 Questions Answers)

Name of the Test CNA Practice Test 2
CNA Stands for  Certified Nursing Assistant
Administered by Prometric, HDMaster, Pearson Vue
Test Type Sample Multiple Choice Test 2
Total Questions 50 (fifty)
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Test Part: Oral portion / Written (Knowledge) Test Answers on Resident Rights, Data Collection, and Basic Nursing Skills.

51. The best food choices for a geriatric patient with no teeth would include

  • a. hamburger, french fries, corn, and ice cream
  • b. baked chicken, dressing, green beans, and coconut macaroons
  • c. spare ribs, macaroni and cheese, coleslaw, and fruit cocktail
  • d. baked fish, whipped potatoes, spinach souffle, and tapioca.
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 Answer: d

Of the choices listed, only d is a soft diet. 

52. When checking a tray after a patient has eaten, you should note the total amount of

  • a. food provided
  • b. liquid and solids consumed
  • c. food lost to spills
  • d. caloric intake
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 Answer: B

Always note total food and liquid consumed for notation on food records. 

53. When assisting a patient to use the bedside commode, it is important to

  • a. leave the signal cord within reach
  • b. place toilet tissue close by
  • c. return to check on the patient periodically
  • d. all of the above
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 Answer: D

All of the answers listed are correct. 

54. When assisting Mr. Byrd, a blind patient, with his meal, you should

  • a. sit next to him to help
  • b. identify each item on his tray
  • c. feed him so he won’t spill his food
  • d. insist that he use only a spoon
View Correct Answer
 Answer: B

A blind patient should know what you are giving him before it enters his mouth.

55. In order to feed herself, a blind patient would need

  • a. a clear liquid diet
  • b. a large spoon as the only utensil
  • c. help to identify items on the tray
  • d. a mechanical soft diet
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 Answer: C

Many blind patients can feed themselves if aware of placement on the tray.

56. Which of the following lists only items that would be included in fluid intake?

  • a. milk, ham sandwich, ice cream bar
  • b. water, mashed potatoes, gelatin
  • c. milk, custard, soup
  • d. orange juice, soft-boiled egg, toast
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 Answer: C

Only choice c. lists liquids only. 

57. The purpose of cold applications is usually to

  • a. speed the flow of blood to the area
  • b. prevent heat exhaustion
  • c. prevent or reduce swelling
  • d. prevent the formation of scar tissue
View Correct Answer
 Answer: C

The purpose of cold applications is usually to prevent or reduce swelling.

58. The hot water bottle is an example of a

  • a. local dry heat application
  • b. generalized dry heat application
  • c. local moist heat application
  • d. generalized moist heat application
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 Answer: A

A hot water bottle applied by itself is dry heat. 

59. Which of the following is true regarding visually challenged residents?

  • a. Blind patients use a clock system to locate food.
  • b. Residents usually prefer to eat alone.
  • c. Patients prefer to be fed to prevent spills.
  • d. All of the above are true.
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 Answer: A

Most blind patients can feed themselves in a dining room setting if they can visualize their food on a plate. A clock system allows them to do this. 

60. Sputum is material that is coughed up from the

  • a. nose
  • b. lungs
  • c. throat
  • d. stomach
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 Answer: B

Sputum is coughed up from the lungs. 

61. Patients receiving an enema are usually placed

  • a. on the right side
  • b. on the left side
  • c. flat on the back
  • d. in a semi-sitting position
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 Answer: B

Placing the patient on the left side allows better entry into the colon.

62. You should clean a female patient’s perineal area before you collect a

  • a. 24-hour urine specimen
  • b. midstream clean-catch urine specimen
  • c. pediatric routine urine specimen
  • d. routine urine specimen
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 Answer: B

The clean-catch specimen requires cleaning the perineum. 

63. The phase when the heart is at rest is called

  • a. systole
  • b. diastole
  • c. asystole
  • d. cardiac arrest
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 Answer: B

The phase when the heart is at rest is called diastole. 

64. The most common site for counting the pulse is the

  • a. carotid artery
  • b. femoral artery
  • c. brachial artery
  • d. radial artery
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 Answer: D

The other sites are rarely used by the nursing assistant. 

65. The nursing assistant must use a stethoscope to determine the

  • a. apical pulse rate
  • b. carotid pulse rate
  • c. popliteal pulse rat
  • d. brachial pulse rate
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 Answer: A

Only a stethoscope can hear the apical pulse. 

66. When taking an axillary temperature, the nursing assistant should leave the thermometer in place for

  • a. 10 minutes
  • b. 8 minutes
  • c. 5 minutes
  • d. 3 minutes
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 Answer: A

A full ten minutes is required. 

67. When counting respirations, you should

  • a. wait until after the patient has exercised
  • b. not tell the patient what you are going to do
  • c. count 5 respirations and then check your watch
  • d. have the patient count respirations while you take her pulse
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 Answer: B

Telling the patient you are watching her breathing will cause her to slightly change her breathing pattern. 

68. The parts of the body involved in maintaining a sufficient intake of air include the

  • a. mouth and nasopharynx
  • b. trachea and larynx
  • c. bronchi and alveoli
  • d. all of the above
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 Answer: D

All of the organs listed are part of the airway. 

69. With catheterized patients, which of the following is NOT the nursing assistant’s responsibility?

  • a. insertion of catheter
  • b. prevention of infection
  • c. checking to make sure the catheter is draining properly
  • d. recording output
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 Answer: A

A nursing assistant is responsible for the other options but never inserts a catheter.

70. Which statement about a routine urine specimen is correct?

  • a. It must be taken first thing in the morning.
  • b. It can be collected any time of the day.
  • c. It does not have to be stored in the refrigerator.
  • d. It does not have to be noted on the I & O sheet.
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 Answer: B

A routine urine specimen can be collected at any time, unless you are told otherwise.

71. A specimen collected by having the patient cough from the lungs and bronchial tubes is called

  • a. saliva
  • b. mucus
  • c. sputum
  • d. spit
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 Answer: C

Only sputum can be coughed up from the lungs. 

72. A sphygmomanometer is an instrument used for measuring

  • a. temperature
  • b. pulse
  • c. respirations
  • d. blood pressure
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 Answer: D

The sphygmomanometer is the correct term for a blood pressure cuff. 

73. When you shake down a thermometer, the mercury should be below

  • a. 95 degrees F
  • b. 96.8 degrees F
  • c. 98.6 degrees F
  • d. the arrow
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 Answer: A

Most thermometers go down to at least 95 degrees; if not, shake the thermometer down to below the lowest number

74. When you complete an incident report, you should

  • a. write in the patient’s chart that an incident occurred
  • b. keep the report in your personal file
  • c. state the facts clearly
  • d. give your opinions as to the cause of the incident
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 Answer: C

An incident report becomes a permanent part of the legal record. Make sure the facts are clear.

75. When giving a backrub, what kind of strokes should you use?

  • a. short, crisp stokes
  • b. long, deep strokes
  • c. long, fluid strokes
  • d. none of the above
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 Answer: C

A back rub should be relaxing; therefore, use long and fluid strokes.

76. All long-term-care nursing assistants must be competency evaluated and must complete a distinct educational course. These requirements are set by

  • a. OBRA
  • b. OSHA
  • c. CDC
  • d. FDA
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 Answer: A

OBRA stands for the Ombudsman Budget and Reform Act.  

77. You can safely identify your patient by

  • a. asking his name
  • b. calling his name and waiting for his response
  • c. checking the bed plate
  • d. checking the name tag
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 Answer: D

A confused patient may answer to any name or lay down in any bed.  

78. OSHA rules specify that, when you wash out soiled linens, you must wear

  • a. gloves
  • b. goggles
  • c. gloves and goggles
  • d. gloves, goggles, and apron
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 Answer: C

To protect yourself, you must wear gloves and goggles.  

79. The vessels that carry oxygenated blood from the heart to the body are called

  • a. veins
  • b. arteries
  • c. venules
  • d. capillaries
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 Answer: B

The vessels that carry oxygenated blood from the heart to the body are called arteries. 

80. Sexuality changes in aging can result in

  • a. decreased sexual desire
  • b. unchanged sexual desire
  • c. increased sexual desire
  • d. all of the above
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 Answer: D

Sexual desire is related to emotions as well as physical ability, so all the answers listed may be correct for different individuals.  

81. H.S. care is care that is given

  • a. before meals
  • b. before bedtime
  • c. after meals
  • d. upon awakening
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 Answer: B

H.S. is the abbreviation for hour of sleep  

82. When family members visit a resident, the visitors should

  • a. stay in the day room
  • b. stay a short while so as not to tire the resident
  • c. be expected to help with care
  • d. be allowed privacy with the resident
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 Answer: D

The family should expect and be allowed private time with their loved one.   

83. Your resident has a right hemiplegia. When up in a chair, the resident’s right arm should be

  • a. placed in her lap
  • b. allowed to dangle freely
  • c. be elevated on a pillow in her lap
  • d. none of the above
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 Answer: C

Elevating a paralyzed limb will help prevent edema and injury. 

84. Urinary retention refers to

  • a. normal output of urine
  • b. inability to urinate
  • c. incontinence
  • d. large output of urine
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 Answer: B

Retention of urine is a symptom that should be reported to the charge nurse as soon as it is noted.  

85. A prosthesis is

  • a. an artificial substitute for a missing body part
  • b. a device for moving patients
  • c. an expected condition of the aging process
  • d. a disease of the circulatory system
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 Answer: A

Examples of prostheses include artificial limbs, hearing aids, and dentures.  

86. You may attend resident council meetings if

  • a. you are invited to attend
  • b. your superior assigns you to attend
  • c. you are interested in what the residents are discussing
  • d. none of the above
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 Answer: A

The resident council is a meeting of the residents, and no staff may attend unless invited.  

87. The proper medical abbreviation for before meals is

  • a. p.c.
  • b. b.i.d.
  • c. a.c.
  • d. t.i.d.
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 Answer: C

The proper medical abbreviation for before meals is a.c.  

88. The proper medical term for high blood pressure is

  • a. diabetes
  • b. hypertension
  • c. hypotension
  • d. CVA
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 Answer: B

The proper medical term for high blood pressure is hypertension.  

89. Which of the following is considered a resident’s right?

  • a. having curtains pulled during personal care
  • b. having personal information kept confidential
  • c. receiving and sending private mail
  • d. all of the above
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 Answer: D

All of the answers given are rights of the resident.  

90. A resident wishes to wash her own underwear. You should

  • a. ignore the request
  • b. tell her that clothing must go to the laundry
  • c. tell her you will do it
  • d. help her obtain supplies
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 Answer: D

The patient has the right to wash her own clothes if she so wishes. You must help her to do so.   

91. When performing catheter care, the nursing assistant should wash the catheter

  • a. toward the meatus
  • b. with Betadine soap
  • c. away from the meatus
  • d. with alcohol
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 Answer: C

You should follow the clean-to-dirty principle, with the meatus considered cleaner than the catheter tubing.  

92. The enzyme secreted by the liver to help digest fats is

  • a. bile
  • b. insulin
  • c. estrogen
  • d. lactose
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 Answer: A

The enzyme secreted by the liver to help digest fats is bile.  

93. The abbreviation TPN stands for

  • a. total protein nutrients
  • b. total parenteral nutrition
  • c. total parietal nutrients
  • d. none of the above
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 Answer: B

While rare in the past, this kind of nutrition is much more common in long-term care today. It is also called hyperalimentation.  

94. The material in the digestive tract that helps provide lubrication for passage of food is

  • a. stomach acid
  • b. sputum
  • c. mucus
  • d. phlegm
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 Answer: C

The material in the digestive tract that helps provide lubrication for food passage is mucus. 

95. Ventricles is a term that refers to

  • a. vessels and chambers in the heart
  • b. chambers of the heart and lungs
  • c. chambers of the heart and kidneys
  • d. chambers of the heart and brain
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 Answer: D

Ventricles is a term that refers to chambers of the heart and brain. 

96. OSHA rules require all health care workers to be offered immunization against

  • a. hepatitis B
  • b. hepatitis A
  • c. hepatitisC
  • d. AIDS
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 Answer: A

OSHA rules require all health care workers be offered immunization for hepatitis B.  

97. Which abbreviation means no food and no water should be given?

  • a. NFW
  • b. PON
  • c. NPO
  • d. ABR
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 Answer: C

NPO means nothing by mouth.  

98. The proper medical term for brittle bones is

  • a. osteomalacia
  • b. osteoarthritis
  • c. osteosarcoma
  • d. osteoporosis
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 Answer: D

The proper medical term for brittle bones is osteoporosis.  

99. Lack of movement can cause wasting of muscle tissue. This is called

  • a. contracture
  • b. atrophy
  • c. dystrophy
  • d. anomaly
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 Answer: B

Atrophy over a long period of time due to immobilization can also lead to contractures.  

100. Normal hearing loss in aging is usually related to the ability to hear

  • a. high-pitched sounds
  • b. loud sounds
  • c. all sounds
  • d. rapid speech
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 Answer: A

Because of this aspect of hearing loss, the aged hear better if you lower your voice. Shouting in a high-pitched voice does not help.  

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