CNA Practice Exam 2023 (Test -4) Questions Answers

Last Updated on August 8, 2024

CNA Practice Exam 2023 (Test -4) Questions Answers. Download printable PDF for the National Association of Health Care Assistants Certified Nursing Assistant Exam (CNA) Test preparation.

Get ready for the CNA exam with our comprehensive Practice Exam 2023 (Test -4). This worksheet features 50 carefully curated questions and answers, focusing on critical areas such as Care for the Impaired, Aging Process, and Restorative Care.

Learn how to provide effective care for impaired patients, understand the aging process, and implement restorative care techniques. Download the free PDF and enhance your preparation for the 2023 CNA exam. Start your journey to CNA certification with GoTestPrep and ensure you’re fully prepared to excel.

CNA Practice Exam 2023 (Test -4)

Name of the Test CNA Practice Test 2024
CNA Stands for  Certified Nursing Assistant
Administered by Prometric, HDMaster, Pearson Vue
Test Type Sample Test 4
Total Questions 50 (fifty)
Answers and Explanation Available
Printable and Editable PDF Available
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Test Part: Oral portion / Written (Knowledge) Test.

51. Decubitus ulcers may develop in patients who are

  • a. incontinent
  • b. paralyzed
  • c. poorly nourished
  • d. all of the above
View Correct Answer
 Answer: D

Any patient who is bedbound may develop a decubitus ulcer. Those who also are incontinent, paralyzed, or poorly nourished will develop ulcers more rapidly.  

52. The proper procedure for washing the female resident’s perineal area is to

  • a. clean from front to back
  • b. clean the rectal area last
  • c. pat dry thoroughly
  • d. do all of the above
View Correct Answer
 Answer: D

Clean females from front to back to prevent contamination, and clean the rectal area last for the same reason. Patting the area
dry is important as moisture increases the risk of bacteria growth.  

53. Frequent mouth care should be given to residents who

  • a. receive oxygen therapy
  • b. are unconscious
  • c. receive tube feedings
  • d. all of the above
View Correct Answer
 Answer: D

All of the residents mentioned have high risk of mouth breathing; therefore, they all should be receiving frequent mouth care.  

54. Using the Bass method, a patient’s teeth are to be brushed

  • a. up and down
  • b. for at least ten minutes
  • c. with circular motions
  • d. all of the above
View Correct Answer
 Answer: C

A circular motion cleans tooth surfaces best.  

55. When a resident complains that his dentures are hurting, you should

  • a. encourage him to wear the dentures more often
  • b. report the complaint to the charge nurse
  • c. report the complaint to the physician
  • d. put the dentures on the bedside table
View Correct Answer
 Answer: B

Always bring such complaints to the charge nurse.  

56. The first thing you should do before giving a patient a tub bath is to

  • a. make sure the tub is clean
  • b. check the temperature of the water
  • c. make sure there is an order for it
  • d. gather necessary supplies
View Correct Answer
 Answer: C

Always check for an order on the care plan before performaing any activity.  

57. The resident’s religion forbids eating pork. Ham is being served for lunch. You should

  • a. tell the resident to eat it because she needs protein
  • b. tell the resident it’s all right since her doctor ordered the diet
  • c. ask the nurse to call the kitchen
  • d. tell the resident that restrictions don’t pertain in times of illness
View Correct Answer
 Answer: C

The other answers do not address the resident’s right to practice religion or her right to choice.  

58. It is important to remember that dying residents

  • a. have the same needs for care as other patients
  • b. need to be by themselves in a quiet room
  • c. do not need to be consulted regarding their care
  • d. are usually in pain
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 Answer: A

Not all dying patients have the same problems, but they have all the same care needs as anyone else.  

59. Dying residents and their families

  • a. always pass through five stages of dying in order
  • b. always accept death before it occurs
  • c. may go back and forth among the five stages
  • d. must go through all stages of dying before they die
View Correct Answer
 Answer: C

Because each dying resident has unique emotional needs, each person will go through the stages at different times and in different order.  

60. A sign of dementia in elderly patients is

  • a. a need to eat regular meals
  • b. not knowing who and where they are
  • c. an ability to figure out problems
  • d. a good memory for recent events
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 Answer: B

Only choice b is usually seen in dementia.  

61. Residents with Alzheimer’s disease may show which of the following signs/symptoms?

  • a. physical and mental wasting away
  • b. extremely clear memory
  • c. frequent pacing or wandering
  • d. a and c only
View Correct Answer
 Answer: D

Physical and mental wasting away are common symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, as is frequent pacing or wandering and loss of memory.  

62. When a patient turns on the call bell every few minutes, the appropriate response is to

  • a. ask the patient not to call so often
  • b. stop by the room more often
  • c. place the call bell out of reach
  • d. tell the patient how busy you are
View Correct Answer
 Answer: B 

Patients who use their call bell frequently are usually afraid they will be ignored if they don’t call often. Stopping in frequently reassures them.  

63. Many older adults suffer loss of

  • a. income
  • b. physical strength
  • c. loved ones
  • d. all of the above
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 Answer: D

As people age, many suffer loss of income (retirement usually means a fixed income), physical strength, and loved ones.  

64. How a patient reacts to illness and disability is most dependent on his or her

  • a. age and stage of life
  • b. spouse’s support
  • c. income and level of education
  • d. support system and life history
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 Answer: D

A person’s total environment always affects everything that person does and thinks.  

65. An 85-year-old resident tells you that his mother is coming to visit. Your best response would be,

  • a. That’s impossible. Your mother can’t come to see you.
  • b. That’s nice, when is she coming?
  • c. Tell me how old your mother is.
  • d. Are you wishing you could see your mother?
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 Answer: D

Are you wishing you could see your mother? is the only response that uses therapeutic communication skills.  

66. In the long-term care facility, the family members should be asked to

  • a. leave during treatments
  • b. attend care-planning meetings
  • c. avoid visiting during mealtimes
  • d. help perform patient care
View Correct Answer
 Answer: B

Federal law states that residents have the right to have family involvement in care planning.  

67. Sexuality in long-term care patients may include all of the following EXCEPT

  • a. needing private time with a partner
  • b. caring about one’s physical appearance
  • c. engaging in public fondling
  • d. desiring sexual interaction
View Correct Answer
 Answer: C

As long-term care providers, nursing assistants must respect the resident’s right to sexuality. However, engaging in public fondling is inappropriate and may infringe on other residents’ rights. 

68. A patient hits you during lunch. You should

  • a. call the charge nurse for help
  • b. continue to feed her
  • c. apply a restraint
  • d. yell at her to stop hitting you
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 Answer: A

Obtaining assistance is the only correct way to deal with abuse by a resident.  

69. The nursing assistant must report abuse of a resident by

  • a. the family
  • b. the staff
  • c. another patient
  • d. all of the above
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 Answer: D

Federal and state laws require reporting of any abuse, whether it comes from staff, family, or other residents.  

70. A cane should be used on

  • a. the affected (weak) side of the body
  • b. the unaffected (strong) side of the body
  • c. the side with the strongest arm
  • d. the weak side one day, strong side next day
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 Answer:  B

If the cane is not used on the strong side, the resident may fall.  

71. When using crutches, the resident’s weight must rest on the

  • a. armpits
  • b. spine
  • c. handrests
  • d. knees
View Correct Answer
 Answer: C

When using crutches, the resident’s weight must rest on the handrests. 

72. A walker may be used if the resident can

  • a. support some weight
  • b. use her hands well
  • c. balance without help
  • d. walk independently
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 Answer: A

A resident must be able to support some weight before using a walker. 

73. Correct ROM for the neck includes

  • a. pronation, supination, flexion
  • b. rotation, abduction, adduction
  • c. abduction, adduction, flexion, extension
  • d. flexion, extension, rotation
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 Answer: D

The neck is only capable of moving forward, backward, and side to side. Therefore, choice d is the only correct answer. 

74. Which of the following statements about ROM is FALSE?

  • a. Active ROM means the resident does the exercises.
  • b. Passive ROM means the nursing assistant does the exercises.
  • c. Active ROM means the nursing assistant does the exercises.
  • d. Active ROM is best, if possible.
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 Answer: C

Active ROM means the resident moves his or her own limbs.  

75. If the patient is in traction, you should never

  • a. monitor affected skin temperature
  • b. give a total bed bath
  • c. change the position of weights
  • d. monitor distal pulses
View Correct Answer
 Answer: C

Position of weights in traction is ordered by a doctor. Therefore, the nursing assistant should never change the position of weights without an order.   

76. To transfer a resident correctly from a bed to a stretcher, you must

  • a. use good body mechanics
  • b. use a Hoyer lift
  • c. use at least six co-workers
  • d. raise the far side rail of the stretcher first
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 Answer: A

Choice b is incorrect because a Hoyer lift is only used for residents too heavy to lift. Choice c is incorrect because, if six coworkers were required, a Hoyer lift would be indicated. Choice d doesn’t make sense. Therefore, a is the only correct response.   

77. If the chains on a mechanical Hoyer lift with a chair-type seat are uneven, then the

  • a. shorter end goes toward the patient’s feet
  • b. shorter end goes toward the patient’s head
  • c. lift cannot be used
  • d. it does not matter
View Correct Answer
 Answer: B

By placing the shorter end of uneven chains toward the head, you ensure that the patient’s head will remain higher than the body.    

78. When a resident with a cast complains of itching, the nursing assistant should

  • a. wash the exposed skin and pat dry
  • b. discourage the resident from scratching
  • c. report it to the charge nurse
  • d. do all of the above
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 Answer: D

Due to a build-up of old, dry skin cells, a resident with a cast may complain of itching.   

79. Which statement about mentally handicapped patients is correct?

  • a. They usually have no ADL skills.
  • b. They are usually bedbound.
  • c. They can learn, but at a slow pace.
  • d. They are dangerous because they are always strong.
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 Answer: C

Mentally retarded patients are all different. The important thing to remember is that they can learn; they just do so more slowly than other people.    

80. When helping a resident use a walker, you should tell him to

  • a. move the walker and his feet at the same time
  • b. move the walker, place the walker firmly, and step
  • c. move the walker and then slide his feet
  • d. take several steps, slide the walker, and then place the walker firmly
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 Answer: B

Choice a is incorrect because it is impossible to move the walker and the feet at the same time. Choices c and d are incorrect because you should encourage clients not to slide their feet or the walker.   

81. The purpose of correctly positioning the patient is to

  • a. prevent skin breakdown
  • b. maintain function of joints and muscles
  • c. increase comfort
  • d. do all of the above
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 Answer: D

Correctly positioning a patient should prevent skin breakdown, increase comfort, and maintain the function of joints and muscles.    

82. To move a resident with a fractured hip, you would

  • a. roll her toward the affected side
  • b. roll her toward the unaffected side
  • c. use an abduction pillow
  • d. check the physician’s order
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 Answer: D

If your resident has a fractured hip, there must a physician’s order for a moving technique.   

83. The most important goal of bladder training is to

  • a. decrease the cost of care
  • b. stop urinary incontinence
  • c. prevent embarrassment to staff members
  • d. reduce bed changes
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 Answer: B

The ultimate goal of bladder training should always be to avoid continued urinary incontinence.   

84. Which statement about bowel and bladder training is correct?

  • a. It should always be completed within two weeks.
  • b. It should include every person on the health care team.
  • c. It should include the use of diapers to prevent embarrassment.
  • d. It is necessary for all residents.
View Correct Answer
 Answer: B

The training will only work if the team provides consistent training. Therefore, all members of the team must understand the plan.    

85. Security for a resident’s dentures includes

  • a. keeping them in a tissue in a dresser drawer
  • b. placing them in a labeled denture cup
  • c. insisting the resident wear the dentures
  • d. placing an identifying mark on the dentures
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 Answer: B

Every resident with dentures must have a labeled denture cup to ensure security of the costly dentures   

86. If family members bring new clothes in for a resident, you should make sure the

  • a. clothes are put in the resident’s dresser drawers
  • b. clothes are labeled with the resident’s name
  • c. family removes an equal number of old clothes
  • d. charge nurse sees the clothes
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 Answer: B

All residents have the right to their own personal possessions. Labels allow you to better provide protection.   

87. The charge nurse instructs you to clean a resident’s closet. You should

  • a. throw away all torn clothes
  • b. ask the family to come do it
  • c. enlist the help of the resident
  • d. tell the nurse you are too busy
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 Answer: C

The resident has the legal right to decide on keeping or throwing away personal belongings.   

88. Before dressing a resident, you should

  • a. close the door and pull the curtain
  • b. choose the proper clothes
  • c. check for a doctor’s order
  • d. do all of the above
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 Answer: A

Choice b is incorrect because some residents are capable of choosing their own clothing. Choice c is incorrect because there will not be a doctor’s order for dressing. Choice d is therefore also incorrect.   

89. Confidentiality refers to

  • a. never sharing information with anyone
  • b. the right of the patient to privacy
  • c. only sharing information with those involved in the resident’s care
  • d. both b and c
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 Answer: D

Choice a is incorrect because important patient information would be missed if you never shared information with anyone. Choice d is the correct answer because both b and c are true.    

90. A patient’s dentures are lost. You should

  • a. notify the administrator
  • b. look for them
  • c. notify the doctor
  • d. notify the charge nurse
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 Answer: D

The first step for any lost belongings is always to notify the charge nurse.   

91. As a nursing assistant, it is your responsibility to

  • a. plan the resident’s care
  • b. do the tasks the supervisor assigns to you
  • c. do the best you can without asking for help
  • d. compare assignments with your co-workers
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 Answer: B

Choice a is incorrect because you are a member of the planning team, not the major planner. Choice c is incorrect because in health care the correct action is often to ask for help. Choice d is incorrect because there is no legitimate reason to compare notes with co-workers.    

92. Maintaining good interpersonal relationships depends on

  • a. going along with the crowd
  • b. communicating clearly with others
  • c. following orders without questioning
  • d. doing all of the above
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 Answer: B

Choices a and c are both incorrect as they may lead to poor patient care. Choice d is wrong if both a and c are wrong.   

93. If you do not know how to do an assigned task, you should

  • a. call another nursing assistant for help
  • b. ask the patient how she prefers to have it done
  • c. call the charge nurse and ask for help
  • d. follow the instructions in the procedural manual
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 Answer: C

Asking for help when you are unsure of yourself is a critical element of employability skills.   

94. Reporting exactly what you see is an example of a (an)_____ observation.

  • a. clinical
  • b. objective
  • c. personal
  • d. subjective
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 Answer: B

Objective means something you can see, feel, smell, or touch.   

95. When caring for a resident who has just been placed on NPO, you should

  • a. encourage the patient not to think about food and water
  • b. encourage the resident to eat and drink
  • c. remove the water pitcher and all items of food and drink
  • d. give the patient meticulous mouth care
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 Answer: C

NPO means nothing by mouth, so removing all food and water will reduce temptations.   

96. The purpose of using restraints is to

  • a. position an atrophied extremity
  • b. protect the resident and others from injury
  • c. prevent wandering in the halls
  • d. do all of the above
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 Answer: B

According to federal law, protection from injury to self or others is the only acceptable reason for using restraints.   

97. Failure to raise the side rails on the bed of a confused patient is an act of

  • a. malpractice
  • b. negligence
  • c. overt commission
  • d. breaking a criminal law
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 Answer: B

Negligence is an unintentional act of injury.    

98. During a job interview you should tell the interviewer about your

  • a. scheduling needs
  • b. child care needs
  • c. qualifications
  • d. all of the above
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 Answer: C

A job interview is the time to sell yourself, so tell the interviewer your qualifications. You should not discuss child care or scheduling needs until after you are offered the job.    

99. When you are unable to work due to illness, you should

  • a. arrange for someone to cover for you
  • b. call the facility as early as possible
  • c. call your charge nurse an hour before your scheduled time
  • d. notify the facility at least 30 minutes before your scheduled time
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 Answer: B

Each shift you work may have a different time requirement.    

100. The primary reason for laundering a nursing uniform after each day’s wearing is to

  • a. look professional
  • b. look neat
  • c. remove body odor
  • d. prevent the spread of germs
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 Answer: D 

Preventing the spread of germs is the principal reason for all infection control measures.   

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See also:

 Nurse Aide Exam 

 National Nurse Aide Oficial Test 

 State Nurse Aide Oficial Test