CNA State Exam Practice Test [90 New Questions]

Last Updated on August 10, 2024

CNA State Exam Practice Test [90 New Questions] 2024. This free test is designed for state-level nursing or Nursing Assistant exams. You can try our unlimited test on states Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) for free. You can also try this same CNA Practice Test in Spanish.

Our CNA State Exam Practice Test [90 New Questions] consists of the following topics

  • Duty A: Communicating Information
  • Duty B: Performing Basic Nursing Skills
  • Duty C: Performing Personal Care Skills
  • Duty D: Performing Basic Restorative Skills
  • Duty E: Providing Mental Health and Social Service Needs
  • Duty F: Providing Residents’ Rights

CNA State Exam Practice Test [90 New Questions]

Name of the Test CNA State Exam Practice Test
CNA Stands for Certified Nursing Assistant
Administered by Prometric, HDMaster, Pearson Vue
Test Type Sample Test 2
Total Questions 90 (ninety)
Answers and Explanation Available
Printable and Editable PDF Available
Topics Random
Test Part: Oral portion / Written (Knowledge) Test.

State CNA Nurse Aide Practice Tests #1

State CNA Nurse Aide Practice Tests #1
Total Items: 90
Test Language: English
Time Limit: N/A

1 / 90

Susan Wilson is a newly admitted resident. How should the nursing assistant determine what to call her?

2 / 90

When orienting a new resident to their room, which of the following is most important?

3 / 90

When caring for a resident with a feeding tube, the nurse assistant should:

4 / 90

The best position for a resident receiving an enema is:

5 / 90

To communicate effectively with a resident who has hearing loss, the nurse assistant should:

6 / 90

When documenting care, the nurse assistant should:

7 / 90

A resident complains of chest pain. The nurse assistant should:

8 / 90

When a resident is using a walker, the nurse assistant should ensure that:

9 / 90

The nurse assistant is asked to assist a resident with ambulation. The correct procedure is to:

10 / 90

When assisting a resident with dressing, the nurse assistant should:

11 / 90

A resident with dementia repeatedly asks the same question. The best response is to:

12 / 90

To help prevent pressure sores in residents, the nurse assistant should:

13 / 90

The best way to prevent the spread of infection is to:

14 / 90

When measuring a resident’s vital signs, the nurse assistant should:

15 / 90

When a nurse assistant finds a resident lying on the floor, the first action should be to:

16 / 90

When a nurse assistant collects urine from a resident for a 24-hour urine specimen, it is important that the collected specimen is chilled to:

17 / 90

Mr. Ross has an indwelling catheter and the tubing has accidentally become disconnected. After putting on gloves, the nurse assistant should:

18 / 90

Sarah, a nurse assistant working in a long-term care facility is asked to assist the charge nurse with post-mortem care for Mr. Bright. The first information she needs from the charge nurse is:

19 / 90

When collecting a stool specimen from a resident, the nurse assistant must take stool from:

20 / 90

Mr. Michaels has a respiratory disorder and his doctor has asked for a sputum specimen. Prior to collecting a sputum specimen from Mr. Michaels, the nurse assistant may ask the resident to:

21 / 90

A nurse assistant has been asked to collect a clean-catch urine specimen from Mr. Jones, a non-catheterized patient with slight dementia who normally does not need help going to the bathroom. The nurse assistant should:

22 / 90

Mrs. Stuart is a resident with an ileostomy bag. The nurse assistant has been instructed to change Mrs. Stuart's ostomy pouches. Why is it important that the nurse assistant wear gloves?

23 / 90

The doctor has ordered a timed urine specimen be collected from Mr. Lewis, a non-catheterized, independent patient in a long-term care facility. The equipment the nurse assistant should use to collect the sample is a:

24 / 90

While changing Mrs. Reed's colostomy bag, the nurse assistant notices signs of skin breakdown around the stoma. The nurse assistant must:

25 / 90

Mrs. Kann is an unconscious resident in a nursing home. Her doctor has ordered bed rails for Mrs. Kann's safety. The nurse assistant must keep the bedrails up:

26 / 90

A nurse assistant is preparing to empty Mr. Johnson's urinary drainage bag. After putting on gloves, the nurse assistant must:

27 / 90

A nurse assistant in a long-term care facility is preparing to provide indwelling catheter care to a male patient. Prior to beginning the procedure, the nurse assistant must:

28 / 90

After receiving instructions to measure the weight of Mrs. Johnson, a small, thin patient, the digital scale indicated she weighed 400 lbs. After checking the zeroing and re-weighing Mrs. Johnson, the scale reads her weight as 450 lbs. The NA should:

29 / 90

In a long-term care facility, a restraint can only be used on a resident in an emergency to:

30 / 90

A nurse assistant working in a long-term care facility has been instructed to position a resident on strict bed rest to eat lunch. What position should the nurse assistant place the resident's bed?

31 / 90

Mr. Dupres is a resident in a long-term care facility with a decubitus ulcer. The nurse assistant taking care of Mr. Dupres for the first time notices that the skin on the wound is open and drainage is present. What should the nurse assistant do?

32 / 90

Mrs. Ventera is a patient at a long-term care facility who is on oxygen therapy. When entering Mrs. Ventera's room to check vitals, the nurse assistant notices that the humidifier connected to the oxygen administration system is not bubbling. The NA must:

33 / 90

While making evening rounds, a nurse assistant sees smoke coming from under a closed door at a long-term care facility. The first thing that the nurse assistant should do is:

34 / 90

Mr. Winters is a resident who is always pleasant and likes to talk. After a morning doctor visit, the nurse assistant enters Mr. Winters' room to give him a bath. Mr. Winters angrily tells the nurse assistant he wants to be left alone. The NA should:

35 / 90

Mr. Phillips, a hospitalized deaf resident, is having trouble communicating what he wants to eat for lunch. The nurse assistant should:

36 / 90

A nurse assistant who is coming on duty at a long-term care facility feels he is too busy to attend the end-of-shift report. It is important that the nurse assistant attend the meeting because:

37 / 90

Mr. Ford is a resident in a long-term care facility who has dementia. The nurse assistant has been instructed to find out what Mr. Ford wants to eat for lunch. When talking to him, the nurse assistant should:

38 / 90

John is a nurse aide working the night shift at a long-term care facility. John notices that the light over Mr. Pasho's door does not work when the call button is pushed. John should:

39 / 90

Tracy, a nurse aide, is trying to collect information from a resident who is receiving oxygen therapy. What can Tracy do to aid the communication process?

40 / 90

While taking a resident's blood pressure, the nurse assistant notices an insect in the room. The nurse assistant must:

41 / 90

Amy is taking care of a patient hospitalized with major burns. What should the nurse assistant do?

42 / 90

A resident tells a nurse assistant that the treatment they are about to receive is not correct. The best way for the nurse assistant to verify this treatment is for the nurse assistant to:

43 / 90

Mrs. Jones, a newly admitted resident in a long-term care facility, is explaining her course of treatment to the Nurse Aide. In order to promote effective listening, the nurse assistant should:

44 / 90

Maggie, a nurse assistant working in a long-term care facility, has a vacation scheduling conflict with a co-worker. The best way to solve the issue is to:

45 / 90

When a nurse assistant is ordered to transport a resident by stretcher, the nurse assistant must:

46 / 90

When assisting a resident with flossing his/her teeth and the nurse assistant is holding the floss between his/her index fingers, the nurse assistant is preparing to floss the resident's:

47 / 90

Where in a resident's home would be the best place to put emergency numbers?

48 / 90

When a nurse assistant is providing care to a terminally ill resident who is in the acceptance stage of the 5 stages of dying, the resident is most likely to:

49 / 90

Mrs. Brant's sister has come to tell her that her favorite aunt has passed away. What should the nurse assistant do prior to the sister giving Mrs. Brant the bad news?

50 / 90

Mr. Smith informs the nurse assistant that he has burned his finger on his cigarette and the burn hurts. The nurse assistant finds a minor burn (slight reddening of the skin). To lessen the resident's discomfort the nurse assistant would be directed to:

51 / 90

When a nurse assistant is assigned to care for a resident returning from cataract surgery, the nurse assistant should follow the same basic procedures that would be used for a:

52 / 90

When a nurse assistant is cleaning a resident's glasses that have plastic lenses, the nurse assistant must dry the plastic lens using a:

53 / 90

When a nurse assistant is working with a resident to maintain his/her thinking abilities, the nurse assistant will typically begin a reality orientation program every morning by:

54 / 90

Which of the following emergency treatments could be utilized by a nurse assistant to help bring down a high fever in a resident?

55 / 90

When applying a cold compress to a resident's body part for 20 minutes, how often must the nurse assistant check the area of the resident's skin that is in direct contact with the cold compress?

56 / 90

When a nurse assistant is trying to communicate with a limited English proficient resident, it may be necessary to:

57 / 90

When the nurse assistant applies an ankle foot orthosis (AFO) on a resident, the nurse assistant first positions the AFO:

58 / 90

An acceptable diversional activity for a nurse assistant to suggest for a resident in a long-term care facility would be:

59 / 90

Which of the following would be a way for a nurse assistant to help a resident to exercise his/her right to be informed and involved?

60 / 90

What type of data is being reported by the nurse assistant when reporting a resident's complaint about abdominal pain and nausea?

61 / 90

What type of resident data would typically be obtained through a resident family interview?

62 / 90

When a nurse assistant applies a warm compress to a resident's body part, the compress is covered with plastic and wrapped in a towel to keep the:

63 / 90

When a nurse assistant provides a backrub to a resident, kneading refers to:

64 / 90

The nurse assistant has been instructed to provide active range of motion exercises to a resident. The range of motion exercises call for repeated pronation and supination 5 to 6 times for each arm. The nurse assistant should instruct the resident to:

65 / 90

When a nurse assistant is administering a sitz bath to a resident, it is extremely important that the nurse assistant closely monitors the resident for signs of:

66 / 90

When a nurse assistant is administering a hot soak to a resident's body part, the body part should remain in the soak for:

67 / 90

A therapeutic bath that a nurse assistant might provide to a resident would be a:

68 / 90

When the nurse assistant applies petroleum jelly to an irritated area on a resident's skin, the petroleum jelly is considered to be a (an):

69 / 90

When preparing an ice bag to be applied to a resident's body part, the nurse assistant should use crushed ice in the bag because the ice bag will be:

70 / 90

When a nurse assistant is working with a resident on maintaining his/her thinking abilities, typically the orientation program begins each morning by:

71 / 90

When a resident experiences a seizure, the nurse assistant's primary concern should be to:

72 / 90

When a nurse assistant needs to change the bed sheet on a bed of a resident who is in traction, the resident will typically:

73 / 90

What will occur in long-term care facilities when the resident presses the signal button beside his/her bed?

74 / 90

When a resident has trouble hearing, the nurse assistant may communicate best by:

75 / 90

In the resident's room, privacy for the resident may be provided by:

76 / 90

A nurse assistant wears gloves when collecting a specimen to:

77 / 90

Spending time talking with residents is a good way:

78 / 90

A nurse assistant counts 7 respirations for 30 seconds and records the respirations as:

79 / 90

When a nurse assistant obtains a blood pressure reading of 160/110; what is the best action?

80 / 90

When transporting and moving residents, a nurse assistant can protect himself or herself from injury by using:

81 / 90

Active range of motion exercises are prescribed to prevent:

82 / 90

When checking a resident's diet, the nursing assistant sees the abbreviation NPO. The resident would be allowed:

83 / 90

The nursing assistant has been instructed to provide active range of motion exercises to a resident. Which of the following represent pronation and supination of the arm?

84 / 90

The nursing assistant notes that the resident consumed 6 oz of ice cream, 4 oz of coffee, 3 oz of chicken, 120 ml orange juice, 7 1/2 oz of water, and 4 oz of tea. What was the resident's total fluid intake?

85 / 90

John, who is a nursing assistant working the night shift at a long-term care facility, notices that the light over Mr. Pasho's door does not work when the call button is pushed. John should:

86 / 90

When a resident is displaying signs of disorientation, the nursing assistant should:

87 / 90

Mr. Jones has an irregular heartbeat. When checking his pulse, the nursing assistant should count for:

88 / 90

The nursing assistant finds a terminally ill resident crying in bed. What is the nursing assistant's best response to this situation?

89 / 90

When helping Mrs. Jones to ambulate with the aid of a walker, the nursing assistant should encourage her to:

90 / 90

When transferring a resident from bed to a wheelchair using a transfer belt, the nurse assistant should:

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See also:

 Nurse Aide Exam 

 National Nurse Aide Oficial Test 

 State Nurse Aide Oficial Test