AAPC CPC Exam 60000 Series CPT Practice Test 2025

Last Updated on March 20, 2025

AAPC CPC Exam 60000 Series CPT Practice Test 2025 the 60000 Series contains Nervous, Eye and Ocular Adnexa, and Auditory questions. Try our free American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) Certified Professional Coder (CPC) 60000 Series CPT review questions and answers for better CPC certification prep.

AAPC CPC Exam 60000 Series CPT Practice Test

Q1. A 15-year-old has been taken to surgery for crushing his index and middle fingers, injuring his digital nerves. The physician located the damaged nerves in both fingers and sutures them to restore sensory function. What CPT® codes are reported?

  1. 64831, 64872
  2. 64834, 64837-51
  3. 64831, 64837-51
  4. 64831, 64832
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 Answer Key: D

Rationale: Look in the CPT® Index for Suture/Nerve or Repair/Nerve/Suture. 64831 is the correct code to report the digital nerve was repaired. 64832 is the correct secondary code since there was an additional digital nerve that needed repair. 51 is not appended to the secondary code since this code is an add-on code and add-on codes are modifier 51 exempt.

Q2. A 47-year old female presents to the OR for a partial corpectomy to three thoracic vertebrae. One surgeon performs the transthoracic approach while another surgeon performs the three vertebral nerve root decompressions necessary. How do both providers involved code for their portions of the surgery?

  1. 63087-52, 63088-52 x 2
  2. 63085-62, 63086-62 x 2
  3. 63087-80, 63088-80 x 2
  4. 63085, 63086-82 x 2
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 Answer Key: B

Rationale: Two co-surgeons performed distinct parts of the same surgery. The surgery performed is a vertebral corpectomy, thoracic. Look in the CPT® Index for Vertebral/Corpectomy and you are directed to code range 63081-63103, 63300-63308. 63300-633008 are for excision of intraspinal lesions. The code selection for 63081-63103 is based on location, approach and number of vertebral segments. 63085 is for a transthoracic approach, thoracic, single segment. The additional two segments are reported with 63086. As indicated by the guidelines (top of page 336336 in CPT®) for this section, each provider will report the same CPT® code and append a modifier 62

Q3. 26-year-old female with a one-year history of a left tympanic membrane perforation has consented to have it repaired. A postauricular incision was made under general anesthesia. Dissection was carried down to the temporalis fascia and a 3 x 3 cm segment of fascia was harvested and satisfactorily desiccated. The tympanic membrane was excised. Using a high-speed drill a canaloplasty was performed until the entire annulus could be seen. The ossicular chain was examined, it was found to be freely mobile. The previously harvested skin was trimmed and placed in the anterior canal angle with a slight overlapping over the temporalis fascia. Packing is placed in the ear canal, external incisions are closed, and dressings are applied. What CPT® code is reported?

  1. 69436-LT
  2. 69631-LT
  3. 69632-LT
  4. 69641-LT
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 Answer Key: B

Rationale: In the CPT® Index, look for Tympanoplasty/without Mastoidectomy. You are referred to 69631. Review the code to verify accuracy. This is the correct code with LT modifier because the repair of the left ear is performed (tympanoplasty) with a canaloplasty, without an ossicular chain replacement or mastoidectomy (removal of a portion of the mastoid of the posterior temporal bone)

Q4. 70-year-old female has a drooping left eyelid obstructing her vision and has consented to having the blepharoptosis repaired. A skin marking pencil was used to outline the external proposed skin incision on the left upper eyelid. The lower edge of the incision was placed in the prominent eyelid crease. The skin was excised to the levator aponeurosis. An attenuated area of levator aponeurosis was dehisced from the lower strip. Three 6-0 silk sutures were then placed in mattress fashion, attaching this attenuated tissue superiorly to the intact tissue inferiorly. This provided moderate elevation of the eyelid. What CPT® code should be reported?

  1. 67904-E1
  2. 67903-E1
  3. 67901-E1
  4. 67911-E1
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 Answer Key: A

Rationale: In the CPT® Index, look for Blepharoptosis/Repair/Tarso Levator Resection/ Advancement/External Approach. You are referred to 67904. Review the code Eye and Ocular Adnexa Section to verify accuracy. This is the correct code because the external approach of cutting the skin of the eyelid was performed and dissection is carried to the levator tendon. The physician uses sutures to advance the levator tendon to create a new eyelid crease. Append modifier E1for Upper left, eyelid.

Q5. 53-year-old woman with scarring of the right cornea has significant corneal thinning with a high risk of perforation and underwent reconstruction of the ocular surface. The eye is incised and an operating microscope is used with sponges and forceps to debride necrotic corneal epithelium. Preserved human amniotic membrane is first removed from the storage medium and transplanted by trimming the membrane to fit the thinning area of the cornea then sutured. This process was repeated three times until the area of thinning is flushed with surrounding normal-thickness cornea. All of the knots are buried and a bandage contact lens is placed with topical antibiotic-steroid ointment. What CPT® code is reported?

  1. 65780
  2. 65781
  3. 65710
  4. 65435
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 Answer Key: A

Rationale: In the CPT® Index, look up Transplantation/Eye/Amniotic Membrane. You are referred to 65778-65780. Verify in the Eye and Ocular Adnexa Section. Code 65780 is the correct code because the amniotic membrane transplantation is for an ocular surface reconstruction for corneal defects of scarring and perforation.

Q6. A 60-year-old female with uncontrolled intraocular pressure and early cataracts has been coming in for laser trabeculoplasty. This is her third and last session within the last week for her treatment series. She will be examined over the next three months to ensure the normal inflammations subside. What CPT® code are reported?

  1. 65850
  2. 65855
  3. 65855 x 3
  4. 67145 x 3
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 Answer Key: B

Rationale: In the CPT® Index, look for Trabeculoplasty/by Laser Surgery 65855. Verify this in the Eye and Ocular Adnexa Section. Code 65855 is the correct code since trabeculoplasty by laser surgery was performed on the patient. You would not code 65855 three times since the code includes multiple sessions to accomplish the trabeculoplasty.

Q7. Parents of a three-year-old male who has chronic serous otitis media in the right ear have consented to surgery. Patient is placed under general anesthesia and the physician makes an incision in the tympanic membrane. Fluid is suctioned out from the middle ear and a ventilating tube is placed in the ear to provide a drainage route to help reduce middle ear infections. What CPT® and ICD-9-CM codes are reported?

  1. 69421-RT, 381.10
  2. 69436-50, 381.4
  3. 69436-RT, 381.10
  4. 69433-RT, 381.01
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 Answer Key: C

Rationale: In the CPT® Index, look for Tympanostomy/General Anesthesia 69436, then verify the code in the numerical Index. Code 69436 is the correct code to report because a small incision is made in the tympanum, the fluid in the middle ear is suctioned, and an insertion of a small ventilating tube is placed into the opening of the tympanum under general anesthesia. Modifier RT is appended to indicate the side of the body the procedure was performed. In the ICD-9-CM Index to Diseases, look up, Otitis/chronic/serous. You are referred to 381.10. Review the code in the Tabular List to verify accuracy.

Q8. A physician uses cryotherapy for removal trichiasis. What CPT® and ICD-9-CM codes are reported?

  1. 67820, 127.3
  2. 67825, 374.05
  3. 67830, 086.5
  4. 67840, 124
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 Answer Key: B

Rationale: In the CPT® Index, look for Trichiasis/Repair/Epilation, by Other than Forceps. Verify this code in the numerical Index. Code 67825 describes the correction of trichiasis by other than forceps, eg cryotherapy. In the ICD-9-CM Index to Diseases, look for Trichiasis/eyelid that directs to code 374.05 and is verified in the Tabular List as Trichiasis without entropian.

Q9. A patient receives chemodenervation with Botulinum toxin injections to stop blepharospasms of the right eye. What are the procedure and diagnosis codes?

  1. 64650, 780.8
  2. 67345-RT, 378.10
  3. 64612-RT, 333.81
  4. 64613, 781.93
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 Answer Key: C

Rationale: In the CPT® Index, look for Chemodenervation/Facial Muscle 64612, 64615. Code 64612 is used for chemodenervation of muscles that are innervated by the facial nerve for conditions such as blepharospasm. Botulinum toxin is the substance most commonly used for chemodenervation of muscle tissue innervated by the facial nerve. Blepharospasm in the ICD-9-CM Index to Diseases directs you to 333.81 and is verified from the Tabular List.

Q10. The surgeon performed an insertion of an intraocular lens prosthesis discussed with the patient before the six-week earlier cataract removal (by the same surgeon). What CPT® code is reported?

  1. 66985-58
  2. 66983-58
  3. 66984
  4. 66985
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 Answer Key: A

Rationale: The CPT® Index lists Insertion/Intraocular Lens/Manual or Mechanical Technique/Not Associated with Concurrent Cataract Removal and directs you to code 66985. The procedure was planned, as it was decided upon with the patient before the cataract removal was performed six weeks earlier. This ―planned‖ procedure indicates the need for modifier 58 Staged or related procedure or service by the same physician during the postoperative period.

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