CPC Medical Terminology Practice Test – Question Answers

Last Updated on June 24, 2024

CPC Medical Terminology Practice Test Question Answers with Explanation. Try our free American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) Certified Professional Coder (CPC) Medicine review questions and answers for better CPC certification prep.

CPC Medical Terminology Practice Test

These questions are designed to test knowledge of medical terminology, covering both basic definitions and specific clinical scenarios that a medical coder might encounter in a professional setting.

Basic Questions

Q1. What is the medical term for inflammation of the liver?

  • (A) Hepatomegaly
  • (B) Hepatitis
  • (C) Hepatopathy
  • (D) Hepatoma
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 Answer Key: B

Rationale: “Hepatitis” is the medical term for inflammation of the liver, derived from “hepat-” meaning liver and “-itis” meaning inflammation.

Q2. Which term refers to surgical removal of the gallbladder?

  • (A) Cholecystectomy
  • (B) Cholelithiasis
  • (C) Cholecystitis
  • (D) Cholecystostomy
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 Answer Key: A

Rationale: “Cholecystectomy” is the medical term for the surgical removal of the gallbladder, combining “cholecyst-” (gallbladder) and “-ectomy” (removal).

Q3. What does the prefix “brady-” mean in medical terminology?

  • (A) Fast
  • (B) Slow
  • (C) Painful
  • (D) Difficult
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 Answer Key: B

Rationale: The prefix “brady-” means slow. It is used in terms like “bradycardia,” which means a slow heart rate.

Q4. The term “nephrolithiasis” refers to which condition?

  • (A) Kidney failure
  • (B) Kidney infection
  • (C) Kidney stones
  • (D) Kidney inflammation
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 Answer Key: C

Rationale: “Nephrolithiasis” is the medical term for the presence of kidney stones, combining “nephro-” (kidney) and “-lithiasis” (stone formation).

Q5. What does the suffix “-ectomy” mean?

  • (A) Incision
  • (B) Surgical removal
  • (C) Inflammation
  • (D) Study of
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 Answer Key: B

Rationale: The suffix “-ectomy” means surgical removal, as seen in terms like “appendectomy” (removal of the appendix).

Q6. Which term means “pertaining to the stomach”?

  • (A) Gastric
  • (B) Enteric
  • (C) Colonic
  • (D) Hepatic
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 Answer Key: A

Rationale: “Gastric” means pertaining to the stomach, derived from “gastr-” meaning stomach.

Q7. What does the term “cardiomegaly” mean?

  • (A) Heart inflammation
  • (B) Heart enlargement
  • (C) Heart infection
  • (D) Heart weakness
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 Answer Key: B

Rationale: “Cardiomegaly” means enlargement of the heart, combining “cardio-” (heart) and “-megaly” (enlargement).

Scenario-Based Questions

Q8. A patient presents with polyuria and polydipsia and is diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. What do these terms indicate?

  • (A) Frequent urination and excessive thirst
  • (B) Painful urination and excessive hunger
  • (C) Blood in urine and frequent urination
  • (D) Excessive hunger and blood in urine
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 Answer Key: A

Rationale: “Polyuria” means frequent urination, and “polydipsia” means excessive thirst. Both are common symptoms of diabetes mellitus.

Q9. A patient is diagnosed with osteoarthritis. What does this condition involve?

  • (A) Inflammation of the joints and bones
  • (B) Inflammation of the muscles and tendons
  • (C) Degeneration of cartilage and joint tissue
  • (D) Infection of the bones and joints
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 Answer Key: C

Rationale: “Osteoarthritis” involves the degeneration of cartilage and joint tissue, often due to aging and wear and tear.

Q10. A patient is undergoing a laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Which organs and methods are involved in this procedure?

  • (A) Gallbladder removal using a minimally invasive technique
  • (B) Appendix removal through an open surgery
  • (C) Stomach surgery using a laparoscope
  • (D) Kidney removal through a laparoscopic method
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 Answer Key: A

Rationale: “Laparoscopic cholecystectomy” refers to the removal of the gallbladder using a minimally invasive technique involving a laparoscope.

Q11. A patient presents with dyspnea, cyanosis, and tachycardia. What do these terms indicate?

  • (A) Difficulty breathing, bluish skin, and rapid heartbeat
  • (B) Chest pain, bluish skin, and slow heartbeat
  • (C) Difficulty breathing, pale skin, and rapid heartbeat
  • (D) Chest pain, pale skin, and slow heartbeat
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 Answer Key: A

Rationale: “Dyspnea” means difficulty breathing, “cyanosis” means bluish skin due to lack of oxygen, and “tachycardia” means a rapid heartbeat.

Q12. A patient is diagnosed with nephrolithiasis and is scheduled for lithotripsy. What does this condition and procedure involve?

  • (A) Kidney stones and their surgical removal
  • (B) Kidney infection and antibiotic treatment
  • (C) Kidney stones and their fragmentation using shock waves
  • (D) Kidney inflammation and anti-inflammatory treatment
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 Answer Key: C

Rationale: “Nephrolithiasis” is the presence of kidney stones, and “lithotripsy” is the procedure to fragment kidney stones using shock waves.

Q13. A patient has been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. What does this condition mean?

  • (A) Underactive thyroid gland
  • (B) Overactive thyroid gland
  • (C) Inflammation of the thyroid gland
  • (D) Enlargement of the thyroid gland
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 Answer Key: B

Rationale: “Hyperthyroidism” refers to an overactive thyroid gland, which produces excess thyroid hormones.

Q14. A patient presents with epigastric pain, nausea, and hematemesis. What do these symptoms suggest?

  • (A) Upper abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting blood
  • (B) Lower abdominal pain, nausea, and blood in stool
  • (C) Chest pain, nausea, and coughing blood
  • (D) Upper abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea
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 Answer Key: A

Rationale: “Epigastric pain” is upper abdominal pain, “nausea” is the sensation of wanting to vomit, and “hematemesis” is vomiting blood.

Q15. A patient diagnosed with cardiomyopathy is experiencing symptoms of heart failure. What does cardiomyopathy involve?

  • (A) Inflammation of the heart muscle
  • (B) Enlargement of the heart muscle
  • (C) Disease of the heart muscle
  • (D) Blockage of the heart arteries
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 Answer Key: C

Rationale: “Cardiomyopathy” refers to a disease of the heart muscle, which can lead to heart failure and other complications.

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