AP Psychology UNIT 3 Practice Test 2024 (Sensation and Perception)

Last Updated on May 23, 2024

AP Psychology UNIT 3 Practice Test 2024. The College Board’s Advanced Placement (AP) exam Psychology UNIT 3 (Sensation and Perception) Questions and Answers. Try our free AP Psychology review practice test for free.

UNIT 3 Sensation and Perception: TOPICS

  • 3.1 Principles of Sensation
  • 3.2 Principles of Perception
  • 3.3 Visual Anatomy
  • 3.4 Visual Perception
  • 3.5 Auditory Sensation and Perception
  • 3.6 Chemical Senses
  • 3.7 Body Senses

AP Psychology UNIT 3 Practice Test 2024

Test Name Advanced Placement Exam
Subject AP Psychology Practice Test 2024
Unit 3 Sensation and Perception
Section 1 Multiple Choice Question
Total Items 30 Sample MCQs
Time Limit 35 Minutes
Start Sample Tests

AP Psychology UNIT 3 Practice Test

AP Psychology Practice Test
UNIT 3: Sensation and Perception
Total MCQs: 30
Time Limit: 35 Minutes

1 / 30

Neural impulses go directly to the cortex without passing through the thalamus from receptors in the

2 / 30

On its way to the cones and rods of the eye (in order), light passes through the

3 / 30

When food supplies may be unsafe, which of the following would have an adaptive advantage over most other people?

I. Supertasters
II. Average Tasters
III. Nontasters

4 / 30

Of the following, which bend incoming light rays to focus an image on the retina?

I. cornea
II. iris
III. lens

5 / 30

Mechanical energy of vibrations is transduced to the electrochemical energy of neural impulses at the

6 / 30

Which of the following sentences best describes the relationship between culture and perception?

7 / 30

What behavior would be difficult without our vestibular sense?

8 / 30

You are shown a picture of your grandfather’s face, but the eyes and mouth are blocked out. You still recognize it as a picture of your grandfather. Which type of processing best explains this example of perception?

9 / 30

Color blindness and color afterimages are best explained by what theory of color vision?

10 / 30

What function does the retina serve?

11 / 30

Which of the following sentences best describes the relationship between sensation and perception?

12 / 30

If you had sight in only one eye, which of the following depth cues could you NOT use?

13 / 30

Gate-control theory refers to

14 / 30

Weber’s law determines

15 / 30

What is the principal difference between amplitude and frequency in the context of sound waves?

16 / 30

Smell and taste are called __________ because __________

17 / 30

The blind spot in our eye results from

18 / 30

In a perception research lab, you are asked to describe the shape of the top of a box as the box is slowly rotated. Which concept are the researchers most likely investigating?

19 / 30

The cochlea is responsible for

20 / 30

Our sense of smell may be a powerful trigger for memories because

21 / 30

When a fortune teller claims to have the ability to see the person you will meet and marry 10 years from now will look like, the person is professing to possess the ability of

22 / 30

A landscape painting shows boats on a lake in the foreground and mountains farther away. Of the following, which cue would not contribute to your perception that the mountains are farther away than the boats in the picture?

23 / 30

Your tendency to see the words “went” and “ties,” rather than the word “twenties” when you look at T WENT TIES is best explained by the organizing principle of

24 / 30

Although sound comes from speakers on the sides of the room, viewers watching a movie perceive the sound to be coming from the screen. This phenomenon is best accounted for by

25 / 30

Which sense is least involved in enabling you to maintain your balance when you stand on one foot?

26 / 30

The theory that best accounts for the experience of pain is

27 / 30

Conventional hearing aids may restore hearing by

28 / 30

Carlos was just able to perceive a difference in weight when Maria removed two of the 50 jelly beans from his plastic bag. It is most likely that if Carlos had the jumbo bag of 100 jelly beans, the smallest number of jelly beans he could notice removed would be

29 / 30

Receptors for kinesthesis are located in the

30 / 30

Of the following, which is NOT a basic taste?

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