AP Psychology UNIT 4 Practice Test 2024 (Learning)

Last Updated on May 23, 2024

AP Psychology UNIT 4 Practice Test 2024. The College Board’s Advanced Placement (AP) exam Psychology UNIT 4 (Learning) Questions and Answers. Try our free AP Psychology review practice test for free.

Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior as a result of experience. For a change to be considered learning, it cannot simply have resulted from maturation, inborn response tendencies, or altered states of consciousness.

Learning is commonly defined as a long-lasting change in behavior resulting from experience. Although learning is not the same as behavior, most psychologists accept that learning can best be measured through changes in behavior.

UNIT 4 Learning: TOPICS

  • 4.1 Introduction to Learning
  • 4.2 Classical Conditioning
  • 4.3 Operant Conditioning
  • 4.4 Social and Cognitive Factors in Learning

AP Psychology UNIT 4 Practice Test 2024

Test Name Advanced Placement Exam
Subject AP Psychology Practice Test 2024
Unit 4 Learning
Section 1 Multiple Choice Question
Total Items 35 Sample MCQs
Time Limit 35 Minutes
Start Sample Tests

AP Psychology UNIT 4 Practice Test

AP Psychology Practice Test
UNIT 3: Learning
Total MCQs: 35
Time Limit: 35 Minutes

1 / 35

The work of Ivan Pavlov and John Watson fits best into which of psychology’s perspectives?

2 / 35

Students are accustomed to a bell ringing to indicate the end of a class period. The principal decides to substitute popular music for the bell to indicate the end of each class period. Students quickly respond to the music in the same way they did to the bell. What principle does this illustrate?

3 / 35

In classical conditioning, the unconditioned stimulus

4 / 35

Classical conditioning is the type of learning in which a person links two or more stimuli and

5 / 35

Lynn is teaching learning. Every time she claps her hands, Charlie turns off the light. When Randy claps in approval of Lynn’s presentation, Charlie does not turn the light off. What concept has Charlie demonstrated?

6 / 35

Which of the following is best defined as a relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience?

7 / 35

Lily keeps poking Jared in Mr. Clayton’s third-grade class. Mr. Clayton tells Jared to ignore Lily. Mr. Clayton is hoping that ignoring Lily’s behavior will

8 / 35

Which of the following is an example of positive reinforcement?

9 / 35

Before his parents will read him a bedtime story, Charley has to brush his teeth, put on his pajamas, kiss his grandmother good night, and put away his toys. This example illustrates

10 / 35

With which statement would B. F. Skinner most likely agree?

11 / 35

A rat evidencing abstract learning might learn

12 / 35

When Tito was young, his parents decided to give him a quarter every day he made his bed. Tito started to make his siblings’ beds also and help with other chores. Behaviorists would say that Tito was experiencing

13 / 35

Many psychologists believe that children of parents who beat them are likely to beat their own children. One common explanation for this phenomenon is

14 / 35

Which of the following phenomena is illustrated by Tolman’s study in which rats suddenly evidenced that they had learned to get through a maze once a reward was presented?

15 / 35

Just before the doors of the elevator close, Lola, a coworker you despise, enters the elevator. You immediately leave, mumbling about having forgotten something. Your behavior results in

16 / 35

Tina likes to play with slugs, but she can find them by the shed only after it rains. On what kind of reinforcement schedule is Tina’s slug hunting?

17 / 35

The classical conditioning training procedure in which the US is presented before the CS is known as

18 / 35

In teaching your cat to jump through a hoop, which reinforcement schedule would facilitate the most rapid learning?

19 / 35

Which of the following is an example of a generalized reinforcer?

20 / 35

Try as you might, you are unable to teach your dog to do a somersault. He will roll around on the ground, but he refuses to execute the gymnastic move you desire because of

21 / 35

Just before something scary happens in a horror film, they often play scary-sounding music. When I hear the music, I tense up in anticipation of the scary event. In this situation, the music serves as a

22 / 35

Spontaneous recovery refers to the

23 / 35

Which of the following responses is NOT learned through operant conditioning?

24 / 35

Rats were more likely to learn an aversion to bright lights and noise with water if they were associated with electric shocks rather than with flavors or poisoned food. This illustrates

25 / 35

Latent learning is best described by which of the following?

26 / 35

If the trainer conditions the pigeon to peck at a red circle and then only gives him a reward if he pecks at the green circle when both a red and green circle appear, the pigeon is demonstrating

27 / 35

While readying to take a free-throw shot, you suddenly arrive at the answer to a chemistry problem you’d been working on several hours before. This is an example of

28 / 35

If a previous experience has given your pet the expectancy that nothing it does will prevent an aversive stimulus from occurring, it will likely

29 / 35

Jamel got very sick after eating some mushrooms on a pizza at his friend’s house. He didn’t know that he had a stomach virus at the time, blamed his illness on the mushrooms, and refused to eat them again. Which of the following is the unconditioned stimulus for his taste aversion to mushrooms?

30 / 35

Watson and Rayner’s classical conditioning of “Little Albert” was helpful in explaining that

31 / 35

Shaping is

32 / 35

John loves to fish. He puts his line in the water and leaves it there until he feels a tug. On what reinforcement schedule is he rewarded?

33 / 35

Chimpanzees given tokens for performing tricks were able to put the tokens in vending machines to get grapes. The tokens acted as

34 / 35

Which of the following best reflects negative reinforcement?

35 / 35

Once Pavlov’s dogs learned to salivate to the sound of a tuning fork, the tuning fork was a(n

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