Medical Assistant Professionalism Practice Test 2024

Last Updated on May 23, 2024

Medical Assistant Professionalism Practice Test 2024 with Legal and Ethical Issues Question Answers: The exam will have questions testing your knowledge of professional attitude, job readiness, and working as a team. All three areas are important to your success as a medical assistant. Try our free Medical Assistant exams (like CMA, RMA, CCMA, NCMA, CMAC) N Professionalism review question answer. You can also download it in PDF format for any Medical Assistant exams.

Legal and Ethical Issues: The exam will contain a variety of questions about the legal environment and the various legal requirements that medical assistants must follow. There are seven main areas that may be covered; this chapter breaks them down into separate sections. Reviewing your course materials on law and ethics is a good idea. The following information also will aid in your preparation.

Medical Assistant Professionalism Practice Test 2023

Q1. Which of the following actions, if performed by the medical assistant, does NOT promote effective therapeutic communication?

  • (A) Making direct eye contact with the patient
  • (B) Siting down and taking notes during a patient interview
  • (C) Looking at watch while the patient answers a question
  • (D) Rephrasing the patient’s statements and restating them
  • (E) Noding head in agreement with a patient’s statement
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Answer Key: C

Q2. A mother brings her three-year-old into the office for a checkup and immunization. To assist the child and improve communication, the medical assistant should

  • (A) ask the mother to wait in the waiting room while the child is given the immunization
  • (B) offer the child a lollipop when he arrives to keep the child distracted
  • (C) tell the child that the shot won’t hurt and to be brave
  • (D) give the child information on immunizations and risks of childhood diseases
  • (E) let the child hold your stethoscope and listen to his own heartbeat so he understands what you are going to do
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Answer Key: E

Q3. A new patient from the Middle East comes to the office for her first exam. Her husband fills out all of the health forms and comes into the exam room during the medical assistant’s interview. The patient sits calmly while her husband answers all of the medical assistant’s questions. This is likely an example of

  • (A) domestic violence
  • (B) cultural diversity
  • (C) a deaf patient
  • (D) male domination
  • (E) stereotyping
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Answer Key: B

Q4. On his way home, a medical assistant sees a blind woman walking with a guide dog. The guide dog is walking toward a puddle. Which of the following actions should the assistant take?

  • (A) Take the woman by the arm at the elbow and direct her.
  • (B) Reach down and gently move the dog away from the puddle.
  • (C) In a loud voice say, “Hey, you are about to step in a puddle!”
  • (D) No action is needed; the dog is trained to handle this situation.
  • (E) Tell the woman that he will help her cross the street to avoid the puddle.
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Answer Key: D

Q5. Which of the following is the best way to explain the concept of empathy?

  • (A) Feeling the same feelings as the patient
  • (B) Observing a patient’s gestures
  • (C) Acknowledging a patient’s emotional state and the meaning this has to her
  • (D) Being nice to your patients
  • (E) Paraphrasing the patient’s statements and reflecting them back during an interview
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Answer Key: C

Q6. Before scheduling an interview for hiring, the individual responsible for hiring will review each candidate’s

  • A. dress and demeanor.
  • B. accent and mannerisms.
  • C. weaknesses, as disclosed by the candidate.
  • D. application form.
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Q7. The first impression the patient has of the medical office is the waiting room and reception area. The medical assistant should check the following when opening the office

  • A. stock of medical supplies.
  • B. recent incident reports.
  • C. clinical procedures.
  • D. neatness, cleanliness, and temperature setting.
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Q8. When an individual is first interviewed for a position in a medical office, the office manager will discuss a number of issues with the candidate. One topic that is often not discussed until a second, follow-up interview is

  • A. the applicant’s education and experience.
  • B. any unexplained gaps in the applicant’s history.
  • C. details of salary and benefits.
  • D. the reasons for terminations from prior employment.
  • E. the applicant’s strengths and weaknesses.
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Answer Key: C

Q9. You are having problems with a co-worker. The first step in problem-solving for interpersonal relationships is to

  • A. review you past behavior.
  • B. implement a solution strategy.
  • C. identify the problem.
  • D. clarify your desired outcome.
  • E. outline a plan for improvements.
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Q10. Which of the following steps happens BEFORE the job interview?

  • A. Inquire about salary and benefits.
  • B. Complete federal tax withholding forms.
  • C. Research the position and network.
  • D. Tour the facility.
  • E. Send a follow-up letter.
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Q11. As a medical assistant working the front desk of the medical office, you notice that patients are consistently having to wait past their appointment times to see the physician. You ask the physician, and he tells you that he can never see the 9:00 AM scheduled patient on time because he stops by the hospital first thing each morning to see patients there and gets to the office at 9:30 AM. This discussion with the physician is about which step in the five steps of problem-solving?

  • A. Identify the specific problem.
  • B. Gather information.
  • C. Evaluate the evidence.
  • D. Identify solutions.
  • E. Implement the solution.
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Q12. A medical assistant assigned to the front desk of the medical office will need to have which of the following skills?

  • A. Computer skills
  • B. Proper handling of the daily mail
  • C. Records management
  • D. Operation of office equipment
  • E. All of the above
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Q13. Which of the following groups oversees the certification program for medical assistants?

  • A. American Medical Association (AMA)
  • B. American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA)
  • C. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
  • D. None of the above
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Q14. Experts generally concur that there are five steps in problem solving, presented here in scrambled order

  • A. Evaluate the evidence.
  • B. Implement the solution.
  • C. Identify solutions.
  • D. Gather information.
  • E. Identify the specific problem.
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Q15. The individual responsible for hiring new personnel in a large medical practice will be the

  • A. physician.
  • B. human resources director.
  • C. director of laboratory services.
  • D. office manager.
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Answer Key:  B

Q16. Law that is based on prior rulings from a court is

  • A. common law.
  • B. regulatory law.
  • C. constitutional law.
  • D. statutory law.
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Answer Key:  A

Q17. Which of the following actions requires that the physician file a report with the proper authorities?

  • A. The medical office conducts an abortion on an adult woman.
  • B. The physician conducts experiments in genetic research.
  • C. The physician dispenses a narcotic drug.
  • D. The physician treats a cancer patient.
  • E. The physician has suspicions that an individual is guilty of elder abuse.
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Answer Key:  E

Q18. HIPAA provides standards for the interchange of electronic data to protect the privacy and confidentiality of electronically stored and transmitted health information. One of the goals of HIPAA is NOT

  • A. to increase the reliability of shared data.
  • B. to reduce fraud.
  • C. to reduce the use of computer networks in health care.
  • D. to accelerate processes and reduce paperwork.
  • E. to improve tracking of health information.
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Answer Key:  C

Q19. Confidential medical record information is stored on the office computer. To maintain patient confidentiality, the medical assistant should NEVER

  • A. share their personal computer password with co-workers.
  • B. leave the computer unsecured during lunch break or at the end of the day.
  • C. print out confidential information without monitoring the print function.
  • D. All of the above.
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Answer Key: D  

Q20. An effective tool to ensure patient confidentiality would be to

  • A. release confidential information over the telephone.
  • B. allow an insurance adjustor access to the medical office file room.
  • C. provide independent verification of a fax number before faxing confidential data.
  • D. dump old medical records in the trash.
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Answer Key:  C

Q21. Which of the following actions may be performed using a patient’s implied consent?

  • A. An electrocardiogram
  • B. Donation of organs after death
  • C. A blood transfusion
  • D. Release of medical records
  • E. Gall bladder surgery
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Answer Key:  A

Q22. A patient has had open heart surgery and is in a coma. The patient’s spouse brings suit against the physician, alleging that the patient was not informed of the possible complications from use of general anesthesia. The suit will be filed on the following basis

  • A. malfeasance.
  • B. misfeasance.
  • C. nonfeasance.
  • D. negligence.
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Answer Key:  D

Q23. An order of the court that requires the individual named to appear in court on a set date and time is a(n)

  • A. summons.
  • B. tort.
  • C. subpoena.
  • D. appeal.
  • E. verdict.
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Answer Key: C  

Q24. Malfeasance is one form of

  • A. nonfeasance.
  • B. misfeasance.
  • C. misinformation.
  • D. malpractice.
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Answer Key:  D

Q25. Which of the following is NOT a felony under the law?

  • A. Assault
  • B. Rape
  • C. Murder
  • D. Embezzlement
  • E. Tort
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Answer Key:  E

Q26. An expressed contract is

  • A. implied.
  • B. in writing.
  • C. witnessed by an attorney.
  • D. filed with the court.
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Answer Key:  B

Q27. In which of the following instances is consent not required?

  • A. When the patient is not mentally competent
  • B. When the patient is not conscious
  • C. In an emergency situation
  • D. When the patient is a minor
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Answer Key:  C

Q28. Which of the following may be found in an advance directive?

  • A. Written distribution of assets
  • B. Arrangements for cremation
  • C. Medical power of attorney
  • D. Diagnosis and treatment plan
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Answer Key: C  

Q29. The testimony provided by an individual in a sworn, pretrial setting is

  • A. a statement of intention.
  • B. a deposition.
  • C. a verdict.
  • D. an inquisition.
  • E. None of the above.
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Answer Key:  B

Q30. The doctrine of respondeat superior applies to

  • A. the responsibility of the physician for his or her actions as well as actions by staff members.
  • B. the requirement of subordinates to respond to superiors.
  • C. a court-ordered subpoena.
  • D. a ruling received at arbitration.
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Answer Key: A  

Q31. The medical assistant sees an apparent conflict between ethics and patient confidentiality in a situation not covered under the law. The medical assistant should

  • A. make the best decision possible and relate the decision to the patient.
  • B. take the matter to court.
  • C. discuss the issue with co-workers and come to a majority decision.
  • D. refer the conflict to the physician for his or her decision.
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Answer Key: D  

Q32. The reasonable person rule compares an action with one that would be performed by a prudent and reasonable person under similar circumstances. Failure to act in this manner would constitute

  • A. fraud.
  • B. libel.
  • C. abuse.
  • D. negligence.
  • E. None of the above.
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Answer Key:  D

Q33. By law, the physician MUST report

  • A. births.
  • B. deaths.
  • C. communicable diseases.
  • D. suspected abuse.
  • E. All of the above.
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Answer Key:  E

Q34. Which of the following is NOT a part of the Patient Bill of Rights?

  • A. The right to privacy notices
  • B. A reasonable response from the physician when medical services are requested
  • C. The right to negotiate fees for medical services received
  • D. The right to refuse treatment under circumstances prescribed by law
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Answer Key: C  

Q35. A minor child comes into the medical office for immunizations required by the school. The medical assistant notices bruising on the patient and suspects child abuse. The appropriate first step for the medical assistant is to

  • A. immediately call the police.
  • B. tell the parents you suspect they are abusing the child.
  • C. notify the physician privately of your concern.
  • D. take no action.
  • E. file a notification of child abuse with the proper authorities.
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Answer Key: C  

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