TABE Reading Practice Test 2024 (Level A Question Answers PDF)

Last Updated on June 19, 2024

TABE Reading Practice Test 2024 (Level A Question Answers PDF) . Our free printable reading practice test will help you to prepare for your Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE) exam better.

TABE Reading Practice Test 2024 (Level A)

Test Name TABE Practice Test
Subject Reading
Test mode multiple-choice format
Difficulty Level A
Total Question 18
Question Type Sample Multiple Choice Question
Time Limit 25 minutes
Printable PDF Available
Read this article on screen time and then answer questions 1–7.

Screen Time

How many times have you said this (or heard it): “Turn off the TV. It’s a school night. Do your homework.” Now you can feel good about giving that command since studies confirm that children do worse in school if they watch TV and play video games during the school week.

Recent studies gave us an additional fact: R-rated movies have a negative effect on learning. Interestingly, researchers think that R-rated movies make boys more aggressive. Aggression may lead to poor school performance.

What is your daily screen time, or time spent looking at TV or DVD’s, the computer, or playing video games? Experts agree that if you spend under two hours a day, you’re not doing badly. More than that indicates a need for change.

And what will you do with the time that you gain by reducing screen time? Obviously, you’ll have more time for family, for conversation, for relating to people around you. In addition, leaving the screen helps you to keep more physically active, a definite help in the fight against weight gain.

At the very least, we can all—parents or not—use some rules that will help us and our families to use our screens wisely. Perhaps the family can decide that no one will go over the two-hour mark. You can reduce the temptation by removing TVs, computers, and video games from bedrooms and the kitchen. Another interesting finding is that families that eat together are happier families.

Q1. The main idea of this passage is that

  • A. Only boys need to reduce screen time.
  • B. We may spend a lot of time watching TV, but no one thinks that is a bad thing.
  • C. We all need to reduce screen time to increase learning power and good health.
  • D. No matter how much a child watches TV and plays video games, he or she will be a good reader.
View Correct Answer
 Answer: C 

Q2. You can infer from this passage that the author wants

  • A. Us to drop the subject.
  • B. Parents to limit their screen time, too.
  • C. Children to increase their time at the computer.
  • D. Families to have a meal together once a month.
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 Answer: B 

Q3. One solution to spending too much screen time is to

  • A. Never buy a TV, computer, or video game.
  • B. Put a TV in every room.
  • C. Have children go outside to play no matter how bad the weather.
  • D. Remove TVs from the bedrooms and the kitchen.
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 Answer: D 

Q4. The passage states that R-rated movies make boys more aggressive. Aggressive means

  • A. Violent.
  • B. Intelligent.
  • C. Calm.
  • D. Unwilling to fight.
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 Answer: A 

5. Although parents often try to enforce the two-hour rule,

  • A. They rarely succeed.
  • B. They don’t necessarily follow it themselves.
  • C. Not many people think it helps children do better in school.
  • D. Dinner time always gets in the way.
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 Answer: B 

6. By screen time, the author means

  • A. Television only.
  • B. Television as well as telephones.
  • C. Television, computers, and video.
  • D. Computers only.
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 Answer: C 

7. An important concept in this passage is that too much screen time keeps us

  • A. Very happy.
  • B. Very physically active.
  • C. Caught up with all of our work.
  • D. From relating to family
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 Answer: D 

Read these two employment ads. Then answer questions 8–13.

Dental Receptionist-Secretary. Join our fast-paced pediatric dental team. Must enjoy people and like being busy. Top salary plus benefits. 5 days per week. Simple computer skills a must. Send resume to Dr. Francine Lyons, 723 King Street, Philadelphia, PA 19127.

Dental Receptionist-Scheduler. Busy general dentistry office seeks a self-starting, detail-oriented person. Top salary. Dental and computer experience a must. Send resume and cover letter to Dr. George Fuller, 909 Main St., Saunderstown, RI 02852. Or submit resume and cover letter to:

8. Both dental offices are seeking a receptionist, but one needs a _______, and the other needs a _______.

  • A. Computer specialist, nurse
  • B. Dentist, receptionist
  • C. Secretary, scheduler
  • D. Pediatric, scheduler
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 Answer: C 

9. An important difference about the first office is that

  • A. It is pediatric.
  • B. The dentist is a woman.
  • C. It is not as busy.
  • D. There is no computer.
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 Answer: A 

10. Pediatric is another way of saying

  • A High quality work.
  • B Senior citizens only.
  • C Dentistry without pain.
  • D Care of children.
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 Answer: D 

11. From what you know about dentists’ offices, you can conclude that a scheduler is a person who

  • A Picks up lunch.
  • B Makes appointments.
  • C Collects fees.
  • D Opens the mail and pays bills.
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 Answer: B 

12. The first ad asks for a resume while the second ad asks

  • A. The job seeker to set up an appointment for an interview.
  • B. For both a resume and a cover letter.
  • C. For a dental health history.
  • D. The year of the reader’s graduation from dental school.
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 Answer: B 

13. The second ad gives the job seeker the option of sending

  • A. A resume and cover letter to an e-mail address.
  • B. A picture and cover letter via e-mail.
  • C. Just a resume via e-mail.
  • D. A request for an interview.
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 Answer: A 

Read this passage about keeping fit at work. Then answer questions 14–18.

Work Out at Work

If you’re working in an office seven to eight hours a day, you don’t have much chance to move around, but you do have a good chance of injuring yourself. The question is, how do you work in a small space for a long period of time and not end up in pain? Some of the solutions have to do with what you can do physically. Other solutions are related to improving your workstation.

Staying in the same position—for example, slouching at the computer—can lead to severe upper and lower back pain. Obviously, you need to get out of that position as often as possible. First, coach yourself to tighten your abdominal muscles and sit taller. Then, remind yourself to get out of the chair at least every 20 minutes or so. You can still be productive; take a call, make a call, or organize your desk. Getting away from the computer momentarily is also a good way to prevent repetitive stress injuries. In fact, doctors say you should not type continuously for more than 10 minutes before switching to another task.

You will find that simple exercises, done at your desk, will prevent pain and raise your energy level as well. Always ask your doctor before you start any exercise or stretching routine. The following are just a few of the many that you can try:

  • To relieve stress in your head and shoulders, simply roll your head clockwise and counterclockwise.
  • To stretch your lower back, stand up, bend over, and dangle your head and arms toward the floor. Be sure that you have no existing back injury that would be harmed by this particular move.
  • To stretch your legs and keep circulation in them, stand up and lift up on the balls of your feet. Repeat several times.

A well-planned workstation contributes to your physical comfort. Comfort starts at your desk. Is your workspace large enough for you to be able to move, stretch, and change your position or posture? Comfort also depends upon a well-fitted chair as well as a desk that is at the right height. Fortunately, most desk or workstation chairs are adjustable. If you can’t manage the adjustments yourself, ask for help!

Finally, don’t forget to put the proper light on your computer and desk. If you don’t, you may experience headaches, burning eyes, or blurry vision and other related problems. Optometrists suggest that desks be set up to avoid direct light on the computer screen or in your eyes. In addition, you should choose light that is neither too bright nor too dim. Current thinking is that incandescent bulbs are better than fluorescent ones for your comfort. You can easily adjust your computer monitor’s contrast to avoid glare, or invest in a glare filter to do it for you. Of course, you should see an eye doctor every year to check your vision and to discuss any problems.

14. You can conclude that a main idea of this article is that workplace injuries

  • A. Are inevitable.
  • B. Can be related to workspace.
  • C. Are only related to lighting.
  • D. Both B and C above.
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 Answer: B 

15. Even if you have the perfect workspace, you

  • A. Need to see your eye doctor every year.
  • B. Can never protect your back while sitting at the computer.
  • C. Never need to ask for help.
  • D. Should consider a job change yearly.
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 Answer: A

16. If you have had your eyes checked but still leave your workstation with a headache every day, you should

  • A. Tell your boss you’ll have to leave the company.
  • B. Put a glare filter on your computer monitor.
  • C. Remove fluorescent bulbs and replace them with incandescent bulbs.
  • D. Both B and C above
View Correct Answer
 Answer: D 

17. Comfort at your workstation depends on

  • A Your boss, fluorescent lighting, and your desk.
  • B Incandescent lighting, a well-fitted chair, and space to move.
  • C Your hours in the office.
  • D Your screen saver, your lunch space, and your lounge chair.
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 Answer: B 

18. In paragraph 2, another word for abdominal is

  • A. Tightening.
  • B. Taller.
  • C. Repetitive.
  • D. Stomach.
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 Answer: D 

TABE Reading Practice Test (Level A PDF)

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