Equations and Inequalities Test Question Answers 2024

Last Updated on May 22, 2024

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Equations and Inequalities Question Answers 2024

Test Name Equations and Inequalities Test Prep
Type of Question Multiple Choice Question Answers
Subject Math  => Algebra
Total Question 20
Test Type Sample / Mock Test
 Editable & Printable PDF / Doc YES (Download link is given below)
Available of Answers YES
Difficulty Level Standardized Tests

Equations and Inequalities Practice Test – 1

Q1. Find the value of 5 + 4 . 3 ÷ 6 – 1

  • A) 7/2
  • B) 5/9
  • C) 6
  • D) 0
  • E) -8
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Answer: C 

Q2. Simplify - \frac35 + \frac{13}{55}

  • A) -(13/25)
  • B) -(7/17)
  • C) -(13/3)
  • D) -(5/4)
  • E) -(13/25)
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Answer: E -(13/25) Solution Steps: (1) Multiply the numerators and denominators. (2) Simplify. (3) Divide the numerator and denominator by their GCF, 3. (4)Simplify.  

Q3. Evaluate 2b(4a- c2) if a = 5, b= \frac32  and c= 11.

  • A) -303
  • B) 509
  • C) 1
  • D) 870
  • E) -109
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Answer: A -303.  

Q4. Evaluate m + (n – 1 )2 if m = 3 and n = −4.

  • A) -2
  • B) 5
  • C) 20
  • D) 28
  • E) -35
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Answer: D -28:  Solution Steps: (1) Replace m with 3 and n with -4. (2) Add -4 and -1. (3) Find (-5 )2 . (4)Add 3 and 25.  

Q5. Evaluate m + (n – 1 )2 if m = 3 and n = −4.

  • A) -2
  • B) 5
  • C) 20
  • D) 28
  • E) -35
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Answer: D -28:  Solution Steps: (1) Replace m with 3 and n with -4. (2) Add -4 and -1. (3) Find (-5 )2 . (4)Add 3 and 25.  

Q6. The formula for the surface area of a sphere is A= 4πr2, where r is the length of the radius. Find the surface area of a sphere with a radius of 14 feet.

  • A) 249 ft2
  • B) 1024 ft2
  • C) 2464 ft2
  • D) 7645 ft2
  • E) 9856 ft2
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Answer: C. 2464 ft2 Use π=22/7 

Q7. Find the area of the trapezoid shown below.

  • A) 16 square inches
  • B) 130 square inches
  • C) 340 square inches
  • D) 940 square inches
  • E) 1120 square inches
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Answer: C.340 square inches  The formula for the area A of a trapezoid is A = Use formula A = ½ h (b1+b2) Replace h with 10, b1 with 16, and b2 with 52. => A = ½ (10) (16+52) =340

Q8. One side of a triangle is four centimeters longer than the shortest side. The third side of the triangle is twice as long as the shortest side. Find the length of the longest side of the triangle if its perimeter is 40 centimeters.

  • A) 3 cm
  • B) 6 cm
  • C) 9 cm
  • D) 18 cm
  • E) 30 cm
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Answer: D.18 cm  

Q9. Evaluate – (-10)3

  • A) -10
  • B) 0
  • C) 1
  • D) 100
  • E) 1000
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Answer: E. 1000

– (-10)3 = -[(-10)(-10)(-10)] (-10 ) (- (-10)3 means -10 is a factor 3 times)
= -[-1000] (Evaluate inside the brackets.)
= 1000 (Simplify)   

Q10. solve this equation 

  • A) -27
  • B) 23
  • C) -23
  • D) -12
  • E) 42
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Answer:A. -27 

Q11. solve this equation 18= 3 | 4x − 10 |

  • A) {1, -1}
  • B) {1, 4}
  • C) {4, -4}
  • D) {4}
  • E){4, 4}
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Answer: B. {1, 4} 

Q12. which expression below represents the amount of change someone would receive from a $50 bill if they purchased 2 children’s tickets at $4.25 each and 3 adult tickets at $7 each at a movie theater.

  • A) 50 – 2 × 4.25 + 3 × 7
  • B) 50 – (2 × 4.25 + 3 × 7)
  • C) (50 – 2 × 4.25) + 3 × 7
  • D) (50 – 2 × 4.25) – (3 × 7)
  • E) 50 – (2 × 4.25) + (3 × 7)
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Answer: B. 50 – (2 × 4.25 + 3 × 7) the sum of the cost of adult and children tickets
should be subtracted from 50.

Q13. Identify the graph of the solution set of -2.3< 4 + 0.9y

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Answer: A 

Q14. One number is four times a second number. If you take one-half of the second number and increase it by the first number, the result is at least 45. Find the least possible value for the second number.

  • A) 5
  • B) 10
  • C) 15
  • D) 20
  • E) 25
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Answer: B. 10 

Q15. Suppose a patient must take a blood pressure medication that is dispensed in 125-milligram tablets. The dosage is 15 milligrams per kilogram of body weight and is given every 8 hours. If the patient weighs 25 kilograms,
how many tablets would be needed for a 30-day supply?

  • A) 7
  • B) 10
  • C) 15
  • D) 20
  • E) 30
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Answer: E. 30

Use the formula n = 24d ÷ [8(b × 15 ÷ 125)], where n is the number of tablets, d is the number of days the supply should last, and b is the body weight of the patient in kilograms.  

Q16. In 1950, the average price of a car was about $2000. This may sound inexpensive, but the average income in 1950 was much less than it is now. Buying a car for $2000 in 1950 was like buying a car for how much money in 2000?

  • A) $5369.05
  • B) $8266.03
  • C) $9642.08
  • D) $4368.50
  • E) $10215.36
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Answer: B $8266.03

To compare dollar amounts over time, use the formula V = 5 - \fracAS C where A is the old dollar amount, S is the starting year’s Consumer Price Index (CPI), C is the converting year’s CPI, and V is the current value of the old dollar amount. 

Q17. You count 5 seconds between seeing the light and hearing the sound of the firework display. You estimate the viewing angle is about 4°. Using the information at the left, estimate the width of the firework display.

  • A) 100 ft
  • B) 150 ft
  • C) 200 ft
  • D) 250 ft
  • E) 400 ft
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Answer: E. 400 ft

Use the formula w = 20At. In this formula, A is theestimated viewing angle of the firework display and t is the time in seconds from the instant you see the light until you hear the sound. 

Q18. Find the value of 1 + 3(5 − 17) ÷ 2 × 6

  • A) -4
  • B) -104
  • C) 109
  • D) 7
  • E) -107
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Answer: E. -107

Q19. The following are the dimensions of four rectangles. Which rectangle has the same area as the triangle at the right?

  • A) 1.6 ft by 25 ft
  • B) 5 ft by 16 ft
  • C) 3.5 ft by 4 ft
  • D) 0.4 ft by 50 ft
  • E) -4 ft by20 ft
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Answer: D 0.4 ft by 50 ft  

Q20. Find the value of this expression 12 − [20 − 2(62 ÷ 3 × 22)]

  • A) 0
  • B) 1
  • C) -8
  • D) -44
  • E) 88
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Answer: E 88 

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