PERT Reading Practice Test 2024

Last Updated on May 22, 2024

PERT Reading Practice Test 2024 (Florida Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (PERT)). This practice test consists of one passage and five multiple-choice questions with answers. You can download it for free for your better PERT Test prep.

PERT Reading Practice Test 2024

Test Name PERT Practice Test
Purpose Test your basic knowledge
Test Type Sample PERT Reading Practice Test 2
Subject  Reading Practice Test
Total Question 5
Number of Passage 1
Answers Availability YES
Printable PDF YES

Ogden Nash has a way of making clever observations about life. P. B. (Percy Bysshe) Shelley was a famous nineteenth-century English poet. Read the poem and answer the questions that follow.

You and Me and P. B. Shelley

What is life? Life is stepping down a step or sitting in a
And it isn’t there.
Life is not having been told that the man has just waxed
(5)  the floor,
It is pulling doors marked Push and pushing doors marked
Pull and not noticing notices which say Please Use
Other Door.
Life is an Easter Parade
(10) In which you whisper, “No darling if it’s a boy we’ll name
him after your father!” into the ear of an astonished
stranger because the lady you thought was walking
beside you has stopped to gaze into a window full of
radishes and hot malted lemonade.
(15) It is when you diagnose a sore throat as an unprepared
geography lesson and send your child weeping to
school only to be returned an hour later covered with
spots that are indubitably genuine,
It is a concert with a trombone soloist filling in for Ye-
(20) hudi Menuhin.*
Were it not for frustration and humiliation
I suppose the human race would get ideas above its sta-
Somebody once described Shelley as a beautiful and inef-
(25) fective angel beating his luminous wings against the
void in vain,
Which is certainly describing with might and main,
But probably means that we are all brothers under our
(30) And Shelley went around pulling doors marked Push and
pushing doors marked Pull just like everybody else.
—Ogden Nash

* Yehudi Menuhin — a famous American violinist and conductor
Copyright © 1942 by Ogden Nash, renewed

Q1. In the poem, what does the poet use to define life?

  • A. a popular fable
  • B. a dictionary definition
  • C. a quotation from another poem
  • D. a series of humorous comparisons
View Correct Answer
 Answer:  D

Q2. Which of the following phrases best summarizes the events described in lines 1–8?

  • A. familiar nightmares
  • B. common practical jokes
  • C. life’s common frustrations
  • D. life’s dangerous experiences
View Correct Answer
 Answer: C

Q3. Which of the following sentences best summarizes what is happening in lines 9–14?

  • A. The speaker mistakenly speaks to a stranger.
  • B. The speaker asks a friend what to name his child.
  • C. The speaker ignores his wife and looks in a store window.
  • D. The speaker argues with his wife about naming their baby.
View Correct Answer
 Answer: A

Q4. What is the speaker saying about Shelley in lines 24–31?

  • A. Shelley was a better poet than most.
  • B. Shelley acted like an angel most of the time.
  • C. Shelley experienced many tragedies in his life.
  • D. Shelley experienced the same problems as everyone.
View Correct Answer
 Answer: D 

Q5. Which of the following definitions of station is used in lines 22–23?

  • A. a social position or rank
  • B. a stopping place along a route
  • C. a place where one is assigned to stand
  • D. a place from which a service is provided
View Correct Answer
 Answer: A

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